1 Peter: Proclaiming Priests
Exegetical Point: You’re the chosen people of God like Israel, set apart to holy worshipful service.
Yesterday we
Short Recap:
Peter’s writing to suffering Christians who may be loosing hope in the coming of Jesus.
Peter has been laying our a multitude of pictures of what is means to belong to Jesus, all that we have and are through Christ. Our new identities.
Last week it was especially focused on our identity as Holy and Obedient Children of God.
This letter of Peters, even though we’re going on 2000 year removed from this context, is directly applicable. We too are the NT church, scatted throughout the world, waiting for Jesus return and while not outright persecuted, we’re increasingly being marginalized for our Christian faith.
These were people, like us, who had no claim to a literal Israelite linage, and thus would have every reason to feel like second class members of God’s family
But Peter encourages them by showing how they are full members, with all the benefits.
This week he takes the identity issue to a whole new level - saying you’re not only full members of God’s spiritual family - your in the think of it - an integral part.
Today, this passage gives us three pictures of Christian identity. 3 pictures of our identity in Christ.
1. You’re Chosen for Worship (v4-5)
1. You’re Chosen for Worship (v4-5)
As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Come to Jesus
Following on from before - through the Word. Come by faith.
Although the world ridicules Christ - then and now - Jesus was chosen and valued by God, not least because he is God hismelf. But as we have already discussed, the father, before the foundation of the world planed Salvation is his beloved Son Jesus Christ.
Spiritual house come priesthood
Living stones - Temple - collectively (like Peter himself whose name means rock)
You’re “just another brick in the wall” chosen and precious!
Indwelt by the Spirit
Both the place where God lives, and the people who minister for him as priests.
Priests who reveal God to the world (more on that later) and who facilitate worship to God.
While God alone is worthy of full-blown worship, we give worth and people to things all the time.
Sacrifice tied to worship - honor in action
Give up something valuable to show honor, love and respect. To enter promises - like a deposit.
We make sacrifices all the time
Atonement - replacement life.
Jesus the ultimate atoning sacrifice
What are these spiritual sacrifices?
Praise & honour Heb 13:15
A life given to God Ephesians 5:1–2, Rom 12:1
Monetary gifts for the building up of God’s church Philippians 4:18
Peoples won for Christ Romans 15:16
It’s hard for Australians to talk about our sacrifices, we just assume that we’re bragging. Perhaps we can do it without boasting?
2. You’re Honored if you Believe (v6-8)
2. You’re Honored if you Believe (v6-8)
Before Peter explores the priest idea any further, he wants to back-track for a second and zoom in on the language of calling Jesus a “stone” and his place in this spiritual house
For in Scripture it says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.”
So Peter makes the case that Jesus was a fulfillment of prophecy from Isaiah - a stone laid in Zion, the mountain of Jerusalem a name synonymous with God’s dwelling place.
What’s a cornerstone?
The critical stone for an ancient building, the starting point and reference point for the whole thing.
Jesus is the Cornerstone of the “spiritual house”
So there’s a something about this stone trusting in it makes you immune to shame!
But, not everyone is a fan. Some trust and believe, others reject and disobey:
Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,” and, “A stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.” They stumble because they disobey the message—which is also what they were destined for.
Builders rejected...
Another prophecy, this time from Psalm 118
The stupidity of a trained builder rejecting a good foundation. Such shame!
The religious leaders, who were meant to recognize Jesus rejected him - to their own shame.
A third prophecy from Isaiah again
A stumbling block - causing people to fall.
Tripped up by truth.
Destined for?
Hard truths - those who reject Jesus, will be rejected by Him.
These people are appointed, destined, to disobey. Isiah prophesied, and Jesus reiterated that there are a great many who will be unable to hear and believe the Gospel.
They don’t heed the call.
Will you heed the call?
Will you be and honored believer in Jesus, or a shamed stumbler?
3. You’re Proclaiming Priests (v9-12)
3. You’re Proclaiming Priests (v9-12)
Those who heed the message, are called chosen nation of priests.
Jew & Gentile - those who had historically been recipients of God's grace, and those who had been outside it.
Now all are part of God’s family!
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
The church is God’s “chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession”
The language of “Chosen” and “elect” are hard to hear for some, but as we have mentioned: this is a comfort!
There were not chosen, now they are!
There are people around the world who want to emigrate to this country because of the privileged postilion that citizens enjoy here. What a joyful day it is for them when they get their citizenship! Finally they have received it! They may take great pride in the work that they did to get here, but ultimately they rely on something outside them-self to bring them in.
God, who is much more loving and merciful than an governmental bureaucracy, has chosen Christians collectively and individually to belong to Him - precious and treasured.
Why, What for?
To glorify him in - Praise as a rescued people - out of darkness
Show the world (including the spiritual) God’s mercy - undeserved mercy. Like Israel (ref Hosea).
Proclaim Christ!
What else?
Priests are pure - fitted for the sacred space they inhabit. Live as pure priests in a way that also brings God glory!
Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.
If we are priests, we should live like it, so that our lives match our profession and our God.
This sinful world is not our home
We’re just passing though to a fairer land
We’re temporary residents.
The passions of the flesh - the stuff that our sinful nature is drawn to in excess of God’s design, for instance
food is good - gluttony is sinful
defending the oppressed is good - using our strength to abuse people is sinful
sex is good in marriage, sexual immorality is sinful.
Rest is good - laziness is sinful.
And so on... the passions of the flesh are the good longings of our hearts which are twisted to sinful ends.
These things are warring against our souls! There’s a battle to be won!
Live in such a way that even those who oppose us may be won over by out conduct - and thus Glorify God at the day of Judgment.
People need to hear the Gospel to repent and believe - of course!
But our actions should speak for themselves, so much so that people will second guess their preconceived notions.
What now?
What now?
You’re Chosen for worship
Chosen in Jesus
Made into a house - where God lives
Made into a priesthood who worships God.
You’re honored if you Believe in God’s prophesied cornerstone.
He was promised to be either a stumbling block or a foundation.
There’s two responses - belief which leads to honor, or rejection which leads to shame.
You’re proclaiming Priests who live like it in exile.
Every believer is fully part of God’s people
for what purpose? Declare praises.
Live in exile in a way that brings Glory to God.