The Right Perspective
Paul’s Situation
1. List out the difficulties you are facing right now in life. How might they be used by Christ to further his kingdom work?
2. Who do you know who, like Paul, is willing to suffer for the gospel and rejoice in adversity? How will you let them be an example and challenge to you?
3. “One believer on fire for God can embolden thousands … to bear witness for Christ.” Would you pray for such Spirit-given fire for yourself?
“Selfish ambition” literally means “one working for hire.” It was used of someone who could be bought with money in order to carry out a devious deed. These Christians are evidently in it for what they can personally get out of it, and not for what they can sacrificially give to others. Though they exalt Christ in their words, they use their ministry to promote themselves. They lift Christ up only in order to lift themselves up.