Small Group Bible Study April 29, 2021
Identity • Sermon • Submitted
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· 8 viewsThis is the first of several small groups where we will examine questions and scriptures related to the sermon series we are going through.
If you had to summarize the story of the whole Bible in a few sentences, what would you say?
If you were to remove parts of your “Jenga Tower of Life” what elements could you remove and still be you?
What elements couldn’t be removed without changing you?
What does being created in the image of God say about the identity of all humanity?
Genesis 1:27
How is understanding ourselves from (Genesis 1:27) change how we see our identity? (As opposed to being descendents of apes.)
How does knowing God’s foreknowledge (He knew you before your parents knew you) give you reassurance and hope in living today? (Psalm 139:15-16)
John described us as “Children of God.” Let’s read that passage together: 1 John 3:1-3. In this passage he calls us to purify ourselves as our Father is pure.
Paul talks about our new identity in Galatians 3:27-29. Let’s read the passage together.
What does Paul mean to “put on Christ”?
How do we balance the reality that we have huge identities tied up in our vocation, nationality, gender, and more with the reality we are “one in Christ?”
What things practically and specifically should we do more of us a church to live this out?
What does it mean to be “heirs according to promise.”?
How much do you disagree or agree with the statement, “Life is full of unfulfilled desires.”?
What did Jesus teach us about following him in Luke 9:23-26?
What does this mean today for each of us?
How does your identity as a Christian shape the main roles you play in life?
Ex: Work, Family, Friendships....