• -It is seen here that God is willing to bless the rightoeus and also
protect him with the weapon of favour. When the favour of God is
upon a man, he will be secured and protected against all oppositions
and anti-favour moves of men.
• -We can see this kind of favor operating in the life of Daniel. He and
all the Israelites were prisoners in Babylon. For reasons that can't be
explained naturally, though, he had favor with the leaders of the land
• "Now God had brought Daniel into favor and tender love
with the prince of the eunuchs" (Dan. 1:9).
• -In other accounts we learn that Daniel had so much favor
with the leaders of the land, he was elevated to prestigious
positions in the Babylonian kingdom. Even though the
circumstances were stacked against him, Daniel eventually
became the prime minister of Babylon.
3 Ds of Divine Favour
•1.The Description of Divine Favour
•2.The Direction of Divine Favour
•3.The Destruction of Divine Favour
1.The Description of Divine Favour
• a.)When a man is selected for something good among many qualified counterperts.
• For instance, Esther was selected among several other beautiful ladies that are qualified
to be the queen. Esther 2: 15-17
• b.)When a man is chosen for the position he is not naturally qualified for, especially
among others that are far better than him. David was the most unqualified person
naturally in his family, but God rejected others to look for him. 1 Samuel 16: 11-13
• c.)When a man seeks the face of God in Prayer, and have all his request granted. A
very good example is the account of Jabez. 1 Chron 4: 9-10.
d.)When help is made available unto a man at a time and from a place
he least expected. Like the case of the man waiting at the pool of
Bethesda. John 17: 1-15
e.)When a man is called by God to do great work for God when he was
not thinking about God. We saw the case of Paul, God called him when
he was walking on the path to destruction. Acts 9: 1-6
f.)When a man is guided to take a little effort, that lead to great
achievement. Peter toiled throughout the night with great failure, but at
the word of the Lord, he had a great success.
g.)When a man is always receiving kindness from others as a result of
God’s hand on his life. At every turbulent time in the life of Joseph, he
was always finding help from somebody.
-Now basically, amongst several other things Divine
Favour will do certain things for you.
-The favour of God found Moses at the backside of the
desert. It found David where he was looking after the
sheep. It found Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus.
-Another thing that favour does, like we have been told is
that it singles you out of a crowd. It doesn’t matter how
many people are there, the favour of God will just zero in
on you and say ‘You are the one I want!" You yourself
will not understand how.
-The favour of God will single you out for a miracle because if
you read Mark 10:46-52, the Bible says Jesus came to Jericho
and as he was coming out of Jericho a great multitude followed
him! A multitude followed Him! But how many of the people in
the multitude got a miracle? Only blind Bartemeus who was by
the highway side begging!
-When David found favour with God, the boy who was despised
by his relatives, the one who they would never have been
presented for election to be king, became a celebrated person. Up
till today we still talk about David.
2.The Direction of Divine Favour
-If you are sick and you are considered incurable and you find favour with
God, you will suddenly discover that the incurable will begin to have a
-In John 5:2-9 There was a multitude by the pool of Bethesda. Jesus came
there, saw a man who had been there for 38 years. His face shone on that
man. He went to that man, healed that man and left the place. There were
several others. Divine Favour singled out that man for a miracle.
When you read the story of 2 Kings 5:1-14. It tells us the
story of Namaan – how he was healed. Jesus said something
in Luke 24:27, He said there were many lepers in Samaria in
the time of Elisha, only one was cleansed! How many? One!
Out of the many, one found favour.
A muslim young man entered our Bible sudy service one day
and God healed him of a chronic kidney disease. He had
never entered into a church before and according to him, he
was used to make mockery of Christianity.
2.Material Direction
-When you find favour with God, suddenly, whatever you touch begins to
prosper and people will begin to wonder how?
-Divine Favour can give you just one contract and all of a sudden for the
rest of your life you can enjoy.
- Luke 5:1-7 Jesus was preaching by the seaside. He saw two boats. One
belonged to Peter. One belonged to somebody else and by favour of God it
was Peter’s boat that was chosen.
-When God decided to favour you, you cannot escape prosperity whether
you like it or not. If He says, ‘I’m going to prosper you!" Prosperity will
3.Marrital Direction
-If you have been considered barren and God decides to favour you,
suddenly those who have been laughing against you will begin to laugh with
you. 1 Samuel 1:9-20.
-Now when you read Proverbs 18:22, the Bible says whoso findeth a wife,
findeth a good thing and obtains favour of God. if you have no husband
you’ll get a husband. (Amen!) If you have no wife you’ll get a wife. If you
are barren, you’ll have children. (Amen!)
4.Mental Direction
• -When God decides to favour you mentally suddenly you begin to have
wisdom that you never can explain.
• - You know Daniel 2:20-22 tells us that wisdom belongs to God and He
gives wisdom to the wise. If anybody lacks wisdom God said you should
just ask God. That’s in James 1:3.
• -You will find that when God decides to favour somebody mentally, he
has a wisdom he himself cannot explain.
5.Ministerial Direction
• -Everyone who is born again, baptized in the Holy Spirit, is a
minister of God – all you are waiting for is favour from God.
• -When a minister finds favour with God, it becomes easy for him
to do the work of God. He will preach a simple sermon and souls
will be saved.
• -When you find favour with God – any door you knock will open.
6.Many-fold Direction.
-Many-fold direction favour is all round favour – when we study about
the man called Joseph. He had All round favour.
-He was never sick till he died, he had medical favour.
- What about materially? If you read Genesis 45:4-13 Joseph said,
"God has made me Lord of all Egypt." and he sent to his father and he
said, "Come with all your family. I will feed you for the rest of your
- What about materially? If you read Genesis 45:4-13 Joseph said,
"God has made me Lord of all Egypt." and he sent to his father and he
said, "Come with all your family. I will feed you for the rest of your
-What about mental favour? If we read Genesis 41:39 Joseph was
referred to here by Pharaoh and Pharaoh said, "there is none as wise as
thou art..... there is none as wise as thou art.." because Joseph found
favour with God he has a mental capacity that is frightening…
-What about marital? If you read Genesis 48:8-20 you will discover
that in the home of Joseph there was peace, there was harmony.
- He had 2 sons – everything anybody could want in a home was there
– he didn’t even have to look for a wife – one was given him! He had
3.Destruction of Divine Favour
-If we go through the Bible very well, we shall what
some people did that attracted the favour of God upon
therir lives, and what others did that separated them
from the favour of God.
-The following factors will destroy the favour of God
in a man’s life.
1. Disobedience to God
-Saul enjoyed the favour of God and was selected as the first king of
Isareal, but through disobedeience, he lost the divine favour.
1Sam 15: 19-24
2.Sexual Sin
-We saw Samson losing the favour of God due to his immoral life style.
All kinds of sexual sins and immoral lifestyle will make a man to loose
the favour of God. Judges 16: 18-21.
-Satan was the anoited Cherub at the throne of God. He lost the highly placed
position due to pride.
-God will give grace (favour inclusive) to the humble, but will resist a proud
-Naaman was almost losing the favour of his selective miracle due to pride, but
was able to retain it when he humble himself.
4.Stinginess and Lack of Giving.
-Those that knows how to give are always abounding in the
favour of God. Both the widow of Zarephath, and the
Shunamite woman received divine favour because they gave
-God said he will open the windows of heaven upon those
that are faithful in their tithes and offerings. Mal 3:8-12.
5.Lack of Faithfulness in the Service of God
-If a man is faithful in the service of God, he will
enjoy devine favour. Noah was faithful and his family
were favourably preserved.
-The wife of the late prophet enjoyed divine favour
due to the faithfulness of her husband in God’s
6.Sowing the seed of Weekedness
• -The door of favour shall be shot against anyone sowing the
seed of weekedness agaisnst others. A man will reap what he
• -Adonibezek has been cutting the fingers and toes of other
kings without mercy, untill it happened to him one day.
Jugdes 1: 5-7.
-Prayer remains one the most effective keys that
unlocks the door of favour.
-When Esther prayed, she found favour before the
king, likewise Nehemiah prayed and received favour.
-In prayer, we can lay hold of God’s promises in His
words and the door of favour shall be opened unto us.
• In conclusion, God’s favour can bring a lot of blessings upon a man. Divine favour
1.Produce supernatural promotion and increase (Gen 39:21)
2. Bring restoration of every thing the enemy has stolen (Exo. 3:21).
3. Bring honor in the midst of adversaries (Exo. 11:3).
4. Produce increased assets (Deut. 33:23).
5. Give great and unusual victories even against impossible odds (Josh 6:20; 10: 9
, 20).
• 6. Give recognition and promotion even when you seem to the least likely one to
receive it (1 Sam. 16:22).
7. Produce prominence and preferential treatment, favor and
kindness (Esther 5:8).
8. Get petitions granted, even by ungodly civil authority (Esther
9. Change rules, regulations, even laws if necessary to your
advantage (Esther 8:5).
10. Win battles you did not even have to fight because God will
fight them for you (Psalm 44:3).
-But there is a price to be paid, and that is righteousness. It
comes through the new birth and through continuing in total
obedience to the word of God.
using all means, seek God alone. In
“ "In
and through every outward thing, look
only to the power of His Spirit, and the
merits of His Son." John