They Will Hate You

Love One Another
Love One Another
These things I command you: that you love one another.
Jesus knows what the future holds for these men
Jesus knows what the future holds for the church
love one for another is what is foundational for out well being
Jesus has promised us His Shalom and Joy
Jesus has promised us that He has gone to prepare away for us in Heaven
Because He knows what is in store for His people on this earth
The World is going to hate you
Non Conformist
Non Conformist
The world hates some one who is different
a non conformist makes people uncomfortable
Some one with AIDS in the 90s
An Englishman named Jonas Hanaway had the audacity to use an umbrella. he was pelted with rocks and rotten fruit as he walked down the London streets in the mid 1700s
The first man to parade an umbrella when it was strictly taboo
People who do not conform to the rest are looked at with suspicion
part of the reason the Jews are hated is because
they have their own eating habits
they live in communities inside of their cities around the world
have their own holidays
have their own Identity
A non conformist is not trusted, looked at with suspicion
in this covid time the non maskers and non vaxers are looked at with suspicion, and even hated
The Early Church
The Early Church
The time of the writing of John is about AD 90
the church was seen as very different than the surrounding world
The Roman government saw the Christians as disloyal citizens
Caesar worship was the unifying force throughout the empire
something that Christians could not do
every year every citizen would offer and burn a pinch of incense to Caesar, and then receive a certificate
The Church on the other hand put Jesus first
Even though they were the best citizens they were seen as revolutionaries
Cannibals Eating the Body and drinking the blood of Jesus
Immoral partaking in a love feast, a weekly meal that when thy met they gave each other the kiss of peace turned into an orgy
Fire raisers the day of the Lord, will bring fire to the earth
Family splitters one would be saved and another not
All these non conformist, awful people deserve to be persecuted, so they were
because there is always a need to persecute someone
In the colonies the Baptist were persecuted
Ill News from New-England. In 1652 John Clarke published a book in England about religious persecution in New England. The book deserves a place beside Williams’s Bloody Tenent as a courageous statement for religious liberty, and it had a similar profound impact in both countries. Ill News was triggered by an incident of harsh persecution in Boston. On July 16, 1651, Clarke, along with assistant pastor Obadiah Holmes and layman John Randall, made a pastoral visit to the home of William Witter in Lynn, Massachusetts. Witter, who was elderly and nearly blind, was probably a member of the Newport church. Clarke apparently preached at this private residence to several neighbors who assembled. They were arrested, transferred to the Boston court, tried and duly condemned, and sentenced to be fined or publicly whipped.
Clarke’s fine of £20 was paid by some unknown donor, Randall posted bail and was released, but the more outspoken Holmes was assessed a fine of £30. An anonymous donor offered to pay, but Holmes refused and insisted upon taking the beating. After several weeks in jail, he finally felt the lash on September 5, 1651. Holmes’s hands were tied to a stake in Boston Commons, he was stripped to the waist, and the “Whipper” spat upon his hands and laid the three-corded whip “with all his strength” thirty times across the back of Holmes. Before the whipping, friends had offered Holmes wine, but he said “my resolution was not to drink wine nor strong drink until my punishment were over” lest the world say he was sustained by wine and not the Spirit. Throughout the whipping Holmes continued to preach to the crowd. When the ordeal was over, he said to the magistrates, “You have struck me as with roses.” He later testified that he had long believed that in the time of trial Christ stood by His own; now he had confirmed it in his own life. However, Holmes was so brutally injured that he was unable to leave Boston for several weeks, much of that time able to rest only crouched on elbows and knees. His back remained a mass of scars the rest of his life.
Clarke described that incident with telling impact in Ill Newes. The example demonstrated more vividly than abstract arguments could the reality of religious persecution in America.
They Hated Jesus
They Hated Jesus
If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. But because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, for this reason the world hates you.
Why does the world hate Jesus?
Jesus exposes their sin
Ironside tells a story to illustrate this point. Years ago, at the time of the opening up of inland Africa by missionaries, the wife of an African chief happened to visit a mission station. The missionary had a little mirror hung up on a tree outside his home, and the woman happened to glance into it. She had come straight out of her pagan environment and had never seen the hideous paintings on her face, or her hardened features. Now, gazing at her own face, she was startled. She asked the missionary, “Who is that horrible-looking person inside the tree?”
“It is not the tree,” said the missionary. “The glass is reflecting your own face.”
She could not believe it until she was holding the mirror in her hand. When she had understood she said to the missionary, “I must have the glass. How much will you sell it for?”
The missionary did not want to sell his mirror. But she insisted so strongly that in the end he thought it would be better to sell it to her and thus avoid trouble. A price was set, and she took the glass. Fiercely she said, “I will never have it making faces at me again.” She threw it down and broke it to pieces.
Boice, J. M. (2005). The Gospel of John: an expositional commentary (pp. 1192–1193). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.
they hate Jesus because, They are of their father the devil
Satan hates Jesus, and hates the Father,
does every thing to destroy
Satan hates people, because they are made in Gods image
They hate Jesus because of His works
If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin. But now they do not have a valid excuse for their sin. The one who hates me hates my Father also. If I had not done among them the works that no one else did, they would not have sin. But now they have both seen and hated both me and my Father.
Jesus works, His miracles -signs
all show His Deity they all wanted His miracles but not Him
they wanted to hold on to their lifestyle, and sin
so He was hated because He was the mirror that showed them their sin
But this happened so that the word that is written in their law would be fulfilled, ‘They hated me without a reason.’
Hated without reason
They will be judged
Jesus trusted in the Father and submitted Himself to the cross
to their ridicule, and shame
He did not become hard, or strike back in retaliation
They Will Hate You
They Will Hate You
Christians are hated today because we are different
we follow Jesus
we are not in the world system
we have been chosen out of this world
we have a Biblical world view
we have been changed by God we are no longer like the world
the world is in darkness and the darkness hates the light
we see the world through the lens of the Bible
we see what is going on in this world in the light of prophecy
the virus, the presidency, the Israel hatred
the beginnings of the antichrist kingdom
and we are not conforming
we trust in Jesus and not in the world
the Marxist way of life which this world is becoming cannot have Christians because it is a anti biblical system
soo we are hated
Satan will do his best to destroy
I don’t want to leave you with this dread
But Be Encouraged
But Be Encouraged
But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked for letters from him to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, both men and women, he could bring them tied up to Jerusalem. Now as he proceeded, it happened that when he approached Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. And falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”
Jesus is being persecuted, when His bride is being persecuted
He knows our pain and sorrow
He is with us every step
Jesus died for His bride who He loves with a love that surpasses all understanding
has left us His shalom, his promises
take comfort in that
Paul said the trials of this world will not- be more than the glory that awaits us
take comfort that at The Day of the Lord, the world will be judged
1 Thessalonians 5 1,