Joining Joseph’s Journey – 004
Joining Joseph’s Journey – 004
Facing Famine and Fleeing – Part 2
Abraham's response to the initial trial of his faith upon entering the Promise Land initiates an impulse which will plague the history of Israel: Fleeing to Egypt in Time of Trail. Facing famine in the desert region of a strange land is no small test; but nor was the command to sacrifice Isaac.
By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac (Heb 11:6). In fear Abraham, when he faced famine, fled to Egypt. His remarkable journey of faith from Ur to Haran and into the Promise Land was commended by God through a more intimate theophany experienced at Shechem. Even so, Abraham had yet to develop the roots of a deeper spirituality (Matt 13:20-21) which would keep him planted in the Promise Land through all the perplexities of his pilgrimage.