Failure to Act Like God's Word is True

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Back then. Alright, praise God. We are talkin about enemies of Faith with tackling tackling some of the major enemies to our faith and we're going to begin in 1st Timothy Chapter 6, verse 12 it says fight, advise a fight. Fight the good fight of faith in the fight, the fight that we have as Christians is a faith fight or not to fight the devil. He is our enemy but he's been defeated. That's why it's a good fight, because a good fight means you win.

Thank you, Lord. And it's a good fight because Jesus already won the victory for us on the cross. When he said it is finished. He defeated the devil on our behalf and now we are more than conquerors through him. Who loved us not, we who love him but he who loved us to see. It's not about your love for God but about his love for us. God demonstrated his love for us in that. While we were sinners Christ died for us and he died that you could have the Abundant Life. We are more than conquerors through him, who loved us. So, what we're doing is we're demonstrating Satan's, the fleet we don't fight the devil. We're in the only fight that the Christian is called a fight, is a face fight. We don't fight the devil because why, he's defeated. What do we do? We cast them out. The Bible says, in my name you will cast out demons. We walk on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you. So we don't walk on the devil where they give the devil no place. The Bible tells us to submit ourselves to God resisteth. And he will flee from us, so cash them out. Resist him, give him no place, not to give place to the devil, walk on him. Amen. The devil is not a problem but we should not be ignorant of his devices, okay. The only thing that he tries to do is to get us off of our faith. Because that's the fight that were in, he wants to take away your testimony. He wants you. He wants to stop you from looking at Jesus. He wants you to take your eyes off of Jesus and get your eyes on the circumstances. So, we're looking at enemies of Faith first enemy that we dealt with, and I want to finish that up today is Enemy Number One, what is that?

No, you go ahead of me now. That's what I'm going to be home today. But Enemy Number One, alright? A lack of knowledge. Of the word of Christ, it's the word of God but but really is is the word of Christ. The the word that we're under the day, in this new, covenant is the word of Christ. The scriptures to Jesus. We looked at that story of the man who were the two men on the Emmaus Road and Jesus rode up on them. After he rose from the dead and open up. The scriptures to them beginning at Moses and the prophets, he showed them in all. All the scriptures, the things concerning him self-praise, got heat, open the book up to them, he just didn't tell him. Okay, I'm on. I want y'all know about me, something about me. I'm just going to just going to talk to you. He didn't just talk to them without opening the book he showed them in the scriptures that they had at that time, the things concerning himself. Now, I'm going to share with you a revelation. I've said this before, but I want to talk about it today. Then I got while I was riding my bike a couple of years ago. And we're going to look at Galatians chapter 1. And verse 11 now. Paul is riding and he says for I would I would have you to know brothers that the gospel that was preached by me. Say the gospel.

Is not man's gospel. Thank you, Jesus Paul. Look at Paul's history before Jesus had appear to him. Jesus revealed himself to his name was Saul at the time on the Damascus Road. Now, Paul was a persecutor of Christians. He was sent with letters to arrest them, take them to jail, he stood by while they were murdered. Okay. All the cost of the testimony of Jesus. So he was against Christianity. He was against the gospel, he was against the cross, but Jesus revealed himself to Saul on at Damascus Road prior he called himself. Now he knew the word listen to the words, but he didn't know the gospel.

No, he didn't have. This is he didn't have Galatians, he wrote it. He didn't have his face as he wrote it, he didn't have to live in. Is he wrote it? Okay, if you didn't have 1st, John Colossians those books. Okay, he didn't have 1st Peter, right? So what do you have what Jesus had when he showed? What would this the scriptures that Jesus had when he showed himself to those two guys on the road to Emmaus? Fear the law and the prophets. Okay? That that's what that's what Paul had. And so, Paul was referred to as he called himself. He said I was a Hebrew the Hebrews which means I was at, I was a Jew of the Jews. All right. He said concerning, he said concerning the law blameless and you can see this in in the book of Philippians and he said, as after righteousness under the law,

Philippians 3. As to righteousness under the law blameless. But we're at whatever gain. I have, I counted as lost for the sake of Christ, in D, I count everything is lost because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ. Jesus, my Lord, he said concerning the righteousness under the wall, I was blameless. So he knew the word but he didn't have the gospel Jesus revealed himself to him and Caesar showed it to him personally.

The gospel he end up reaching the very thing that he used to persecute.

Okay, the gospel that was preached by me. Is not man's gospel.

Next verse for, I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it. Mount. I want you to understand this, those of you that don't know, but Paul was not one of the disciples that walked with Jesus.

Okay, so the gospel. Did he preach? He didn't get it directly from Jesus. Neither did Peter teach it to it. Neither did the John teacher to it. He got it directly from Jesus. He said, I didn't receive it from an this gospel that I'm preaching. Nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ. So Jesus taught him. The gospel. Personally, not a lord revealed to me how he did it. He did it. So, I never connected with this with Jesus. On the road to Emmaus talking to those guys and open up, opening up in all the scriptures, the things concerning himself, and explaining and expounding and interpreting, those scriptures to those guys. But all my bike one day, the Lord has shared with me. That Jesus taught Paul the same way he taught those two guys on the road to Emmaus.

He showed them himself in the world.

You just didn't tell it to him, he showed it to him in the word. Why would think about it? Why would he do anything different than he did? When he walked with those guys play office in his and his buddy on the road to Emmaus? Why would he do anything different when he revealed himself to Paul? He showed him. Himself in the word, the scriptures point. The Jesus and see, we can see him in the world. Again, they didn't have the Epistles. So don't think that we can see Jesus in the Old Testament. We just throw the Old Testament away because we're under grace. No, we can see Jesus, we can see pictures of in the Old Testament. Amen. In the Old Testament, the whole Bible will open up to you when you see it through the eyes of the finished work of Jesus. All right? So, We need to know God's word. The Bible tells us to study or be diligent to show ourselves approved to God a worker that needs not to be ashamed. Rightly dividing, the word of Truth. We need to know how to rightly divide the word. One of the biggest problems that people have is they don't distinguish between the covenants, they mix. Was it one of the biggest problems in the church? Today is mixture, mixing the law and Grace? We're not under the law. We are under grace, amen. So we need to read the Bible through the lens of the finished work of Jesus on the cross.

The Old Testament was a system of do. Good. Get good. Do bad, get better.

As I said over and over it was a relationship with God. That was based on what they had to do. To qualify for God's blessings. They had to keep the law in order to be blessed by God, under the New Covenant. We're not blessed by keeping the law. We're not under the law but under grace, we're blessed, not by our obedience. But by Jesus obedience. Will May write this as a gift.

We're not righteous by works. We're righteous by faith. Old Covenant was a righteousness by works. New Covenant, is righteousness by faith in God's grace. Amen. So righteousness is not a goal to be achieved, it's a gift to be received. Jesus on the cross became sin that we might become that, we might be made the righteousness of God in Christ. and when you receive this abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, you will reign in life.

Romans tells us we died to the law that we might be married to Jesus.

All right, so you can get your dad to the law. The Bible tells us that what I'm talking about. I'm talking I'm rightly dividing the word of Truth.

The New Covenant tells us. That the, the law is condemnation. It's a, it's a Ministry of condemnation, and a Ministry of death,

And so many porpoise today, I'm ministering death, and that killing people slowly. By teaching the law.

What do I what do I mean by that? Because 2nd Corinthians 3 tells us, it's a Ministry of death. The strength of sin, 1st Corinthians 15:50 6th as the strength of sin is the law.

Breaking the law. Doesn't stop saying it increases it.

It gives them life in power that work for strength. The strength of sin is the lot of word strength is dunamis.

What do we get? Our English word Dynamite. Okay. So it's, it's the The law that gives power to sin. So, what's the solution preaching? Righteousness, telling people that you are the righteousness of God in Christ. And actually, what that does is that stops in

when you print the grace and righteousness,

sin will not have dominion over you when you are under grace, Romans 6:14, Hey man. So so it's it's a problem. When we are mixing the law and Grace one minute we're saying, well, God doesn't love you. Because of what you did, you're not righteous because of what you did, you you lost your righteousness, you lost your fellowship with God because you sent no. Jesus, on the cross. Bore our sin. He took our sins, past, present, and future sin is no longer an issue.

You're saying does not disconnect you from God. It does not stop your fellowship with God.

I'm not encouraging people to send out. If you don't, don't take it like that. But you never heard me say that God doesn't condone sin. I don't condone sin. What I'm saying to you is the answer to send is preaching righteousness.

And understanding that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

What what's with the Bible? Says, the Bible says awake to righteousness and sin, not

It's about Awakening to who we are in Christ.

Did the church that send the most was the Corinthian man. There that there was folks that was sleeping with their father deals with sleeping with their father's wife. O'Connor just sexual sin and they were sending all over the place. How did how did Paul addressing. He said, don't you know that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit?

Where we need to free, we do need to preach against sin. That was a sending his church that we find in the Epistles. And how did Paul deal with it? Father's Day. Are y'all just keep on sinning? No, he didn't even condone it, but he pointed he pointed them to their identity.

Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

What was, what was Paula solution for people that stealing? I mean, you know, stealing is wrong. He didn't say it was right. You know what he said? I mean, this amazing Revelation, he told me to stop.

Dim the stove still no more. Next. See what we make. We make this, you know. 15a messages to to stop sending. It's not in your nature to send.

The grace needs to be preached. So strong that people will have a question. Are you saying we can send all we want to see if people accuse me of that. I know I'm preaching it, right. And I'm in good company and I'm fighting this microphone today.

Does not want to cooperate. Okay. Jesus not help me. Okay, so what was I talking about?

Yeah, I'm preaching the right. I'm freezing it right. I'm in good company. Because you know what? Paul told the Romans he said, don't It in Romans, chapter 6, verse 1, Holy Spirit. Help. Help me with this. He said, are you saying that we should send the cops were under grace? He says, certainly not.

Yeah, thank you Lord, shall I continue in sin that Grace May abound? He said, certainly not, how can we

You know why you don't want to send?

It's not your nature.

Somebody needs this today. Somebody needs this today, I had not planned on going in this direction, see if it's not your nature to say, is not in my nature to send.

I know you're under grace and the more that that that you stay under grace, you'll stay away from sending it. This is not your nature to do. So Glory to God. So we shouldn't even be focusing on sin. Alright, let's move on to Enemy Number Two. Now I'm ready for interview number to a failure to act like God's word is true. That is an enemy. Too often, it is a problem with many people. Because they don't they don't act like the word is true.

You say you believe the Bible? Hallelujah. I believe in the Bible, I believe the Bible from Genesis to revelation, 39 books and Old 27. 66th. And yes, I believe in the Bible. I didn't ask you. Did you believe in the Bible? I'm asking you. Do you believe the Bible? Do you believe the word? Because in his new covenant believing is what makes everything work.

All you got to do is believe it's not like under the old Covenant where you had to qualify for God's blessings under the New Covenant, you're qualified because of Jesus. The Bible says giving thanks to the father who has qualified US to protect of the inheritance. So we're already qualified for all the blessings, all we got to do is believe believe what Jesus is done for, believe it with the righteousness of God in Christ, believe they're with New Creations in Christ. Jesus believe the we're filled with the Holy Spirit and power power. God

It's about identity.

Other people don't let other people. Don't let circumstances Define. You are not defined by your job and I've been fined by your possession. You're not defined by what other people try to label you as Allow your father to Define who you are. You are who God says you are. Same people. You you say, you believe the Bible, all your eyes? Hallelujah. If you believe it, then act like it's true.

Let me show you. I'm a I want, I wanted to be very clear what I mean by that. Let me give you that, we're going to just look at some examples. Philippians chapter 4 and verse 13 says, I can do all things through him, who strengthens me. Who is in Christ. I can do all things but

See, if the difference between doing all things in your strength but doing all things through Christ, who strengthens you? So if you can believe you can do all things when they give you the things to do on the job, don't complain or I can do this. Some people complain about stuff on the job. Where is actually a setup for the promotion. God is actually giving you that extra stuff that they don't give anybody else. So you can get promoted because you going to do it in excellence and you're going to excel, you going to knock it out the park. But you got to have the right attitude. You say you believe the Bible, how they expect me to do all this stuff? This the work of three people, how they expect me to do. You believe the Bible? Then believe that you can do all things through. You got to do, see Gaga's? Super is on your natural.

when you're faced with challenges and situations that seem insurmountable, Face it knowing that you have Christ Living in you and you can do all things through him, who strengthens me?

if the Lord puts a vision of of starting a business in your heart,

Don't say, I don't know what to do. He's going to show you what to do, because he gave you the the vision. And the provision is in the vision.

You just need to wait for it. Look for it. Look for opportunities. Face it with confidence. Knowing that God gave me this vision is going to show me how to do it and I can do it. I can do this.

I can purchase pursue this career. Something that I don't know anything about, but the Lord is leading me in this career Direction. I don't know anything about it, but the Lord put it on my heart. He's going to give me everything I need to do it.

I'm freezing here.

Do we need a Faith Life with a positive attitude? The Bible tells us to do all things without murmuring and complaining.

I want to challenge you this week to go all week. Without complaining.

Why you laughing?

You can I don't know if I can do. You can do all things.

What are we complaining about when we can do all things through Christ?

And don't pop out with this day. Well, that's just meet us is where I am. I'm just not you because your father is not a complainer. So, now, there are you

Can you sing Jesus walk around complaint on man? Look at all these people every day. They always come to me when he walked the urge to hear and complaining, they never stopped coming to him, but he had this attitude, you can do all things. You got power on the inside of you.

For how would we Face alive? If we really believe? This is what I'm talking about. You say, you believe the Bible, then believe you can do all things?

Philippians 4:19.

Am I God? Will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

What about your needs? My God shall or will supply some of your need all your name. So we need to go throughout our lives. Believing is believing that God supplies all on me. Oh man. I got all these bills. I don't know how I'm going to pay all these bills. Are you say you believe the Bible? Act like this is true. So, since the Bible says, what we need to do is, we need to meditate God's word. the Bible tells us that the word of God will not depart for my eyes. Keep them in the midst of our heart. Alright, blessed is the man song starts out. Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nurse and stands in the way of Sinners, and assist in the seat of the scornful. But his Delight is in the law or in the word of God. And in his law, doth, he meditate day and night That's just not. A nice passage for a plaque to put on your wall.

All right. Meditate cause of success.

and we need to meditate on on things like, Righteousness, I am the righteousness of God in Christ.

I have unmerited favor.

I don't have to work for my blessings. I'm already blessed. I'm redeemed from the curse glory to God. Blessings are on my head, because I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. And guess what? When you start meditating on that and focusing on your identity and seeing yourself, the way God sees you, you're going to see the manifestations of what you believe in for it's going to happen, effortlessly. Don't worry about the bills that I ain't worried about my bills.

I'm not worried about my finances. I'm not worried about the economy.

Tomorrow you going to job and people complain. All, you know, they talk about, they might be laying some people off. They're saying that they might discontinue this department. They might shut this whole department. What are we going to do? Picture of what? Oh man, I just bought it. I just bought a house.

Believe that God will supply every need of yours. Truly believe that, you know, that that job is not your source. God is your source. El Shaddai is The God Who is more than enough, and he's got you even if they shut the department down. Even if they lay you off, he got something better for you. One door closes another door opens and you don't have to beat it down. It's going to be right there for you. Because you a Shepherd goes before you and pays away. He got resources for you. That busy that he put in your heart. He's got resources available that you don't know about.

Hallelujah. He won't justify some, some need of your every need of yours.

According how you doing according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus? Thank you, Jesus. His riches in glory never run out.

It's not what they called a zero-sum game. But it would that mean this is like you got a piece of pie and if there's one slice for somebody in another slice of somebody buddies grabbing for a slice because pretty soon, it'll be empty. The pie will be gone if not like that. God's riches in glory is not like somebody gets his license to my office to slide up so that that's left for you know if enough for everybody if not just enough for everybody is more than enough. You know who you have living on the inside of you, the guy who's more than enough.

Hit Supply, never runs out.

My God Will Supply every need of yours. According to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 1st Peter chapter 5 verse 7 says, casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you how many of you know you can worry about a whole bunch of stuff these days? But they're people worried about the kids are worried about, the finances are worried about the job that we're about.

The marriage and worried about all kinds of things. The Bible tells us what to do Jesus said, don't worry about your life.

Philippians says, don't be anxious about anything.

But in everything by prayer and supplication, you say, believe the Bible. Be anxious for nothing. Don't worry about your life. What Jesus is easy for you to say. You ain't down here. You haven't had to deal with covid.

Listen Jesus. The Bible says that Jesus was tempted in all points like we are yet without sin.

Jesus was cool. He was never worried, never trouble about anyting.

What else? Jesus? What about me? I'm glad you asked that. Jesus said my peace. I leave with you.

He left you his peace, you have his peace on the inside of you. He said, not like the world gives I give to you, don't let your heart, be troubled, neither, Let It Be Afraid. You say you believe? The Bible then don't be afraid, be Fearless. Casting all your anxieties on him for. He cares for you, he just doesn't tell you not to worry, he tells you what to do about it, he said cast them all, not some of them. Largest. Take 50% of a mi I can handle. I can handle some and you take 50 and I'll take 50% no All or Nothing.

Casting all your cares. Upon Him for, he cares for you. They have a 5S. Look at this and amplify casting the whole of your kid, all your anxieties, come on, the off, all your worries. Are you concerned once? And for all on him for, he cares for you effectively and cares about you. Watch for that. You believe that? Yes, hallelujah. Amen. I believe that glory to God, then sold them in tomorrow. Don't be talking about man, I don't know what I'm doing my kids, man. I'm just so worried about who they hang around with and these these hoodlums and they hang around with it. And it Jake they just hanging with the wrong crowd and I'm just worried about him. I'm worried that they're going to get up, get involved and drug and fit. You say you believe the Bible?

They may be hanging around with the wrong people. They may be gone. Along a path is not good a bad path, okay? They may be experiencing some destructive habits even if they're they have some addictions or whatever. Johnny, and his name is Johnny when you give Johnny to the Lord, Just scroll all the Care worry anxiety about, Johnny on the Lord.

I didn't choose a, it was a nice graphic for a countdown. Today was nice, silhouette has some different attributes of a mother and I saw one word in there that they cause me not to use it. It said worry.

I think no, I'm not going to use that. Aw shucks. It was really nice too but I'm very particular about what I put in front of you. I mean I look at stuff I like to know, I can use that one cuz we don't want to identify myself with being a worrier. But this is a way that a lot of people viewed it as like that's just a part of the nature of the mother uses mother. Just don't worry. No, you don't.

Jesus is a casting, the whole of your care unless you a mother.

The song to Oliver, we can live a worry-free. Life is possible. You don't have to worry. Where is the choice?

What is one thing? All of us, anybody? Anybody ever worry in her life? I think all of us have What is one thing is accomplished?

Somebody that don't tell me they were, don't do nothing, nothing everything I worry about them happen.

Jesus said not to work. Jesus would never ask you to do something. Never command you to do anything that you couldn't do. He said don't worry. So you can It's possible, not to worry. And he tells us what to do about it, give it to him, give Johnny to him. Free when you give Johnny and all his problems to the Lord Johnny is his problem.

I have no relationship problems.

Don't look at me in that tone of voice. I don't have any relationship problems because it looked look. I I don't what you feel like, what you, what you think about me is none of my business, really? None of my business. My business is, what do I think about you? I have to see. I purpose to see people the way they that, the way that my heavenly father sees them. I'm not saying it's easy all the time.

Any kind of relationship issues. I do this year. I live by this. I believe it.

So I give them to the Lord.

I'm not going to bother myself about what somebody else thinks about me. A man. Give give that individual to the Lord. And don't let it affect you.

I'm turning people deal with this kind of stuff.

We was, we were on a car out on tissue with my man on a mission. The name, you know, I love her with all my heart and I was on one of our picture just came up as I was dealing with this week. I was teaching on one of our confessions. That we do. I was actually I turned it on. I went live and I said, oh, I didn't pick my topic. So happy that focus on a particular topic that we confess and I said, okay will do healing but then all the sudden the Lord directed me to to make confessions concerning overcoming unforgiveness and negative emotions.

If somebody on a call, I was talking about forgetting people. And ask the question. What if they're did?

I said that's even more. So I'll be there, dad, but I don't forgive me still living in you

And they been, they said that they been gone. The bed hating a person since 1973.

But before we got through that, she released that individual

How you going to La somebody's dead be on your mind? 27039 thinking about you.

So, it is only hurting you.

They can cause sickness disease.

Let people go.

Amen. Don't let people just dropped bombs on your Niger, but they go on about their business day and thinking about you no more. It just spread and hating someone someone hates season and they you letting them stay on your mind. Rent free everyday.

And they're not even thinking about you, it's just hurting yourself.

I could go on Psalm 91, I mean, has he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide Under The Shadow?

You are refusing our Fortress, my father, and you, I will trust. Surely you shall deliver thee From The Snare of the Fowler, and from the Perla specialist, you should cover us with your feathers and she'll take refuge of faithfulness shall be our shield. And buckler, we should not be afraid of the terror by night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that walketh in darkness or the destruction wasted Noonday. A thousand may fall at thy right hand but it shall not come near her man. I'm so scared man. About covid-19 the weather going to do about these bills. I don't know what the time is going down. I mean, you know, people are I shall not be afraid of how I'm just scared to go in the store anymore. I'm scared to go in the Target cuz it could be an open shooter in there with a semi-automatic rifle. Coming to kill us off. I shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow. We'll see. No arrows too much over here, but we see the bullet, so I just don't believe that.

Psalm 91 is relevant today. I would highly recommend that you that did you get this internalization if you cut me, open this Tuesday in Sioux City,

I'm not afraid of covid. I should not be afraid. Now that you've you be my friend?

What am I talking about? I'm trying to close with failure to act like God's word is true.

We would take man in this world all the time. You get on the plane is a robot How do you know they can take you anywhere? They can they can they can take that, I know you but I'm just talking about in the natural. You are taking you getting on that plane. Believing that whatever your ticket says, that's where it's going to take you.

You got the shotgun. Got your shot.

So I'm not going to show her, but those are those. You you got your got your, your your, Kobe shot.

Here's what you did. You say, wait, before you give me that shot, give me that Laval. And I'll be right back. I'm going to get it examined by a chemist. Because I want to know what's in here. What you do is you took that person at there were that is going to be something that's going to help you. Right.

All you're doing is taking a person at their work.

You took that? Yeah you okay, yeah. Alright, they said it's okay. Who is that?

They might be an atheist. They might not believe in God. When you did a lot of all of your sleeve, right? But when it comes to God, You want to sign?

Lord of this is true. Have a rooster crow. 3 in the morning, will have to have the mailman come 2 hours earlier and then I believe that you're going to protect me.

Can we put more trust in a man's word? Then we do God and we act like that, that that

Don't act like the word is a side issue or secondary.

Make the word primary.

Put the word first place in your life.

Lot of people fauci says it that settles it. I believe it. I don't know, dr. Fauci any man?

What about What God Says?

God word have to be if it's going to work, you're going to have to act like his true.

I choose to believe it. Nobody wants to listen hundred percent.

but my job is it is it's the point you the God's best always And God blesses that you walking help, God blesses you you live covid free. Not one, damned dark having to hit you. Praise God! We're going to believe that get you out of it. We're not going to ask her. Why did you get it? Ain't you believe in God. No, that's not our attitude.

Like I said, none of us walking in this 100%

Will. My job is appoint you to God's best. There's a place where we won't touch you. There's a place in God with no evil will befall. You neither shall any plague come near your house?

Because I woke up with the news reports and the people are new, they don't know nothing about their not putting God's word. First. Victory church and it bothers me to know and they treat Church in the stuff that I'm saying is all you know it church folk. Yeah yeah you can keep on doing that but this is what you really need me. Do you need me to tell you to do and your stuff? You know, can help a little I guess. Or not, even put incretins in it, but no crisis, our life.

We depend on Jesus.

He-Man. Knock his medicine and whatever. When you take a pill you take a shot you take it in Jesus name. You don't trust in that you trust in Jesus. Follow me. Trust Jesus. You're all, he's always your source.

Man, who fell. But God can't.

Hallelujah. Ever had it by the vehicle's. Thank you, Lord, for your work.

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