5.2.21 Let's Go: Sowing Seeds to Grow
I. Sowing seeds that are audible. (vs 1-9)
II. Sowing seeds that must be heard. (vs 10-12)
III. Sowing audible seeds that are heard expecting growth and fruit. (vs 13-20)
1. The soil of some hearts is hard (vs 14-15)
2. The soil of some hearts is shallow. (vs 16-17)
3. The soil of some hearts is distracted. (vs 18-19)
4. The soil of some hearts is fruitful. (vs 20)
Faith Sheet:
1. Read Mark 4:1-25. Pray before you discuss.
2. When have you found telling stories (parables) to be an effective way to communicate? What made them effective?
3. Why do some people call this the parable of the sower and some call it the parable of the soils? Which do you prefer, and why?
4. Was it unfair of Jesus to obscure His teaching from those who rejected Him by using parables? Whose fault was it ultimately that they did not understand?
5. Is one kind of soil prevalent in our culture? Is there a particular way we should present the Word of God that might make people more receptive? How can we change the presentation without changing the message?
6. How is Satan also partially responsible for the failure of the three kinds of unfruitful soil?
7. What part do we play in being good soil for God’s Word? What can we do to grow in producing fruit by making disciples?