A Mother's Testimony Of Grace
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Introduction: Funny Illustration - Smack talk about someone’s mama would always start a fight or escalate one that had already started.
I have always admired the record of people listed in Hebrews chapter eleven. These are often called “Heroes of THE FAITH.” That leads your mind to think that they were always a people of great faith and never did anything contrary to God’s law. That could not be further from the truth!!!
In the midst of those mentioned, there is a mother who you first learn about in the book of Joshua. The Hebrew writer speaks of her in 11:31. WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! A Harlot? Yes!
Why contribute Mother’s Day to such a person as Rahab the harlot. To give you a brief answer; her faith in God changed her and her motherhood played an impact on the lineage of Jesus Christ.
What I want to share with the mothers today is the story of a woman who made a lot of mistakes, should have by all accounts ended her life in shame. However, she met the God of Heaven and she was never the same since! God came after her, changed her, grafted her into His family and set her aside for a greater purpose; HIS GLORY.
You may have a past of mistakes and regrets as a mother, but understand this today: God’s grace is much bigger than your mistakes and He is ready to forgive you and strengthen you for the purpose of continuing to move forward as a mother set aside for His purposes.
1) Her Former Sins
A. Her identity
You might think, “Oh, she probably had some Hobby Lobby decorations up and some gospel praise music playing all the time. She probably donated her spare time serving battered women and feeding the poor.” NO!
She had a home, but it was located on the outer wall of the city due to her class of people and occupation.
She was known as a prostitute and probably functioned her home as an Inn or Brothel.
I wonder how many times she dwelled upon the past and present mistakes and asked herself, “Is this all there is to life?”
She rested her identity in humanistic identity structures.
She probably had moments when she just accepted what the culture labeled her as (the culture around you will provide a mold for you!).
Every mother/woman has a past that I am sure contains things you are not proud of today.
You might be a mother here today who is in the same spiritual situation Rahab was in; a NON-BELIEVER in Jesus.
Maybe you are like her in the fact she looked in every corner the culture provided to obtain a false sense of joy, peace and purpose by continues to come up disappointed.
LISTEN - her story did not stop there and yours does not either!!!
2) Her Future Salvation
A. Her faith in the Lord
Notice her new found faith in the text (vv9-11)
Remember, God does nothing by accident.
The life and home of Rahab did not take God by surprise.
It was not by chance the spies showed up at her house.
God’s grace was undoubtedly sent forth to pursue this woman of such a wicked life.
The depth of her sin did not stand a chance against the power of God’s drawing, awakening and saving grace!
She was definitely unaware of God’s pursuit of her at that time.
Let me show you how true it is when I say, God saves on purpose with purpose.
Notice the lineage of Jesus in Matthew 1:5
B. God remembers His own
Remember the spies instruction to Rahab: (vv18-19)
Tie a scarlet ribbon in the window.
Those in her home at the time of the city’s destruction will be delivered.
Judgement was coming quickly to her city.
She was now on the right side of the one who judges the world; God’s side!
Notice how God never left her home (6:21-25)
Moms, the best resident you will ever have in your home is the Lord.
He is not interested in temporary lodging.
If you have received Him into your heart, you should have a desire to receive Him happily into your home.
Rahab understood that the only one that can provide a joyful future and leave behind a profitable legacy through her was the Lord.
Have you thought about the legacy your creating for your children today with your own life?
Do they see you faithful to worship to this church?
Do they witness you leading them in scripture reading?
Do they get to enjoy prayer time with mommy?
Could God use your current legacy and reach the soul of your children?
You will have a legacy that will out live you! What will it be?
3) Her Future Legacy
A. An unforgettable legacy
James 2:25
Her son Boaz had the great pleasure of not having to look beyond his own mother to find encouragement for his own walk of faith.
He was able to be reminded of what God’s grace does for a lost soul.
Boaz’s heart of compassion and grace toward’s Ruth was undoubtedly influenced by witnessing God’s working grace in his mother’s life.
Rom 12:1-2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. [2] And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Hebrews 11:31