Redeemed Living
God’s declaration: I am He who Comforts
Awake from Spiritual Sleep
Sin is any deviation from a divinely revealed will. It is the source of evil, corruption, and death, and is what humanity and all of creation must be saved from, according to the Scriptures.
What is the wrath of God?
The concept of divine wrath emphasizes the danger of opposing the divine will and expresses, in human terms, the emotional reaction provoked in God by sin and rebellion.
1. God’s wrath is not the same as human wrath.
2. God’s wrath must be seen in light of His other attributes.
God is patient. The Hebrew word for patient is related to the word for wrath, and means “length of wrath,” that is, God does not quickly become angry
God is full of compassion and fidelity (Ex 34:6). Even when his children sin against him, he is like a father who is full of compassion and love.
he is ready to forgive those who sin against him when they atone for and are cleansed from their sins (Ex 34:6). The pleasure of his love is so much greater than his wrath (Ps 30:5)
3. The purpose of God’s wrath is for our good.
Awake to the Promises of God
A Warning with Hope
The Gospel in Isaiah
A lot of the news we see and read is geared toward making us fearful. While some things are legitimate causes for concern, let us not be paralyzed by fear. Always remember that Jesus is Lord, and “in him all things are held together.”
—Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell