Sermon 032197
Ecc. 12:6-7; 2Th. 2:16-17; Death & God’s Comfort 3/21/97
2Co. 7:6 St. Peter’s Cemetery
1. God is the rightful owner of the soul (Gen. 2:7) 564
2. (Ecc. 12:6-7) After natural life, God justly & rightfully handles the soul of each person - the soul
must give an account to its Maker & the Righteous Judge.
Each part of a person returns to the original source - the body to the earth & the soul to God. Because God had purposed to take little John’s soul, the best of medicine couldn’t keep him here; fasting & praying couldn’t keep him here. Mom nor dad, nor grandparents, nor intercessors, nor pastors, nor angels, nor any other created thing could keep him here. Though the body of little John lies dead, his soul is alive & has returned to his Maker. And though we do not know his destiny, we know that his soul has been entrusted to the Holiest & best of care. And we know that through the blood of Christ, the infant as well as the adult can be cleansed from sin. God has chosen not to leave us any evidence of how He has dealt with John’s soul. So we’ll simply have to wait until that Great Day in glory when this & all mystery will be revealed & we must then trust in Him who is righteous in all His ways. Even though we have this mystery, God has not left us without comfort!
3. (2Th. 2:16-17)
· The Lord Himself has loved the saint & given eternal comfort
· The Lord Himself will comfort & strengthen the saint for faithfulness to Christ
4. (2Co. 7:6)
· God comforts the depressed
· He uses other saints to bring comfort