What are Jesus & You His Servant Doing Amid all This World's Woe?

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Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ?
Our world is talking about COVID fatigue? Anyone feeling it? Zoom overload? We see the frustration mount with restrictions. Aggh want to scream,
But do any of you have sin brokenness, and wrath of God fatigue as you look out and live in an this world? Does anyone in this broken world of ours, where sin runs its course, and the sad consequence as unstoppable as a freight train, where God visits his wrath - physical death remains to be defeated, 1/3 of mankind here dies prematurely, where its starts with four horse men of Apocalypse and remember all the famine, war, the civil environmental capacity - were air pollution kills as many as… economic unrest, Satan at work sin taking it course, but God visiting judgments and Rome will collapse, every culture sets itself up against God - but whole creation groaning under the wrath of God - and Satan given permission - land, sky, the sea, the springs of water . And then worst of all, kind of a second telling of 7 scrolls, issue into 7 trumpets and remember the last 3 are announced by an Eagle as the GREAT WOE WOE WOE.
By the time the Seventh One Comes, Pictured in Seven Bowls of Wrath that this time is it - not delay and not 1.4 like the seal, or a third of the earth like the trumpets, but the whole earth. So You’ve got to feel this, but also know that there is more than just woe! And the way Jesus gives us this vision he wants you not only to feel this, but to participate in it like John did - taste the sweetness and the bitterness!

Key Truth: Though judgments & gloom fall on this world, Jesus is in control and protects us for a great mission!

A. The Central Part of Revelation is God’s Judgment, but also What God’s Church Does in It

These are revealing a different aspects of God’s punishments and Satan’s deadly deceptions in this world. Remember in the 5th, big distinction made in this broken world - those sealed by God - but Satan given power to unleash smoke and demonic attack in this world - the army of locust who can’t kill, but leave people in season of utter spiritual gloom. And now the second woe, sixth angel blows the sixth trumpet, these are all building and again it is not a physical attack, but a spiritual one. The last one commanded by Apollyon, and this one pictured as the Parthian army always on the outskirts of Roman Empire threatening from the East, by the Euphrates river.
And these are bound angels, means fell with Satan, and kept in the Abyss, but in later times completely under control of God, according to His sovereign plan, released to wreak havock. And just liikke when God wanted to show Him his saints on earth and then His saints in heaven, he doesn’t see first, but he hears the number first. 144000. Great symbolic number in this book. So too here, he doesn’t see this Satanic army first, he hears their number. And that’s why its translated so woodenly, not 200,000 - no Look at it Rev 9:16
Revelation 9:16 ESV
The number of mounted troops was twice ten thousand times ten thousand; I heard their number.
Literally as some translations put it twice myriad x myriad. Do you understand what Jesus wants to reveal through all these 7 seals, then 7 trumpets, then 7 bowls - all this judgment on sin in the world, that God’s in control, but live in a world with a real Satan, and real demons - understand uncountable released at this point in human history. Do you have eyes to see it? Well John get s the message and the description of what this spiritual army at the climax of six building judgment in our world - we already know they will take 1/3 of mankind out of this world into the next, premature death, but listen how! Do you remember what came out of the abyss when Satan allowed to open in it 5th trumpet judgment - smoke, sulphur. And look at this army, cavalry , like 5th trumpet judgment not human, but like spiritual vision ST , and like Greek and Roman mythology - description of hybrid spiritual beings that combine human and animal in grotesque ways. Such a contrast to the beauty and order and strength of 4 living creatures who surround our living God. But where is the smoke and sulphur which chokes with spiritual death coming from. This is key: end of v.18 out of their mouths. Look at Rev 9: 19
Revelation 9:19 ESV
For the power of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails, for their tails are like serpents with heads, and by means of them they wound.
And you may think, big deal just another out of this world freaky scary Revelation picture. But no, this is the point at the climax of these cycles, spiritual woe, judgment, deception comes into this world how? John is painting one of the biggest contrasts of the Book. Who is Jesus in the Book of Revelation - Lion and Lamb, but also one a the beginning of the Book Rev 1:16 in brilliant white. But strangest thing doesn’t have an army a cavalry like this: No his power is in his moth to but look:
Revelation 1:16 ESV
In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength.
And look at the middle of Revelation, ch 14 there is the Lamb with His 144,000 just about to have another round of battle with the beast, but look at how they are described, not only follow the Lamb wherever he goes, but: Rev 14:5
Revelation 14:5 ESV
and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are blameless.
And just at that moment in the next verse, in the middle of this chaos and battle, look what Jesus is telling the churches through this angel. - get this eternal gospel - to 4 corners of the earth now… to every nation,and tribe and language and people.
And look at the end of the battle, Lamb show up , but there is no fighting of God’s people against Satan’s host. The demonic hosts have been waging war against God’s people, but like rumble show up in the valley and only blood shed was the Lamb’s - and look Revelation 19 Son of God’s Second Coming on white horse, and He is called the Word of God. And look when he judges the lady Babylon. and the dragon Satan, the beasts, through them in the lake of fire, along with all evil doers - look at the way he does it: Rev 19:21
Revelation 19:21 ESV
And the rest were slain by the sword that came from the mouth of him who was sitting on the horse, and all the birds were gorged with their flesh.
Do you see it, John is painting the extreme contrast between how Christ brings justice and salvation, and judgment by His very word, and how Satan and his demons do their work of deception and bring the judgment of suffering in this world - it is through the false teaching, what the NT elsewhere calls doctrines of demons, but the picture is older than that, Do you see the forked tongue of the serpent tails - like Satan in the garden -did God really say, here’s an alternate truth, its all relative you can be like God, define your own life, right wrong - And look at that demonic horse bite .
So whether you think these tribulations and judgments are past during John's day and the destruction of Jerusalem, or whether they are through out the whole time between Christ’s first Coming and binding Second, and His Second Coming, or whether you think all will happen in short 7 year period with multiple comings of Christ - John's point is that you understand these judgments, and Satan’s activity in them. Jesus is telling them in advance because in those 7 churches many in their compromise with the culture all falling prey to Satan’s lies! And who are we to think that the Babylon of our day - consumerism greed, sexual immorality, worship of expressive self-individualism, that we are any different!
So before we get to conclude with the great and inspiring part at the middle of this book, why would Jesus reveal his judgments in this world before the Second coming, that what Judgment number 7 with final earthquake and - why would he scare and overwhelm with all this. All most too much. Its like Romans 8 whole world groaning under this. COVID fatigue. After the last betrayal and murder, and rape, and girl leave s home to walk the boulevard, after the last bullet tears through flesh and blood…

B. Jesus Pictures all these Judgments to Stir Repentance & Loving Witness! (Not for us to tune them out with Judgment Fatigue)

And here we need to see these vision for the church in John’s day and our day, and until Christ comes again. And remember the prophesy is also a letter to the complete churches, and all but two of those churches are really struggling with compromise, and the other two struggling with suffering for not compromising. And listen to John describes the vision: Rev 9:20
Revelation 9:20 ESV
The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk,
Do what Jesus aim is in pulling the spiritual mask off of all the woe and judgment tin this world. Wants yes the world to repent, but also his people , and the language says strong connection, if they repent - guess what - they won’t worship demon and idols. Really worship the Living God and the Lamb. And they he gives a list of sins which issue from having anything but the LORD as the real God and centre point of your life. What do you think is the worst? The sexual sin, the hate and murder. the dabbling in demonic, or the greed and theft, the idol of commercialism, All just symptoms of trying to live life without God! Do not miss this because God is using this book not just to tell us what’s going to happen before the Second Coming, but to call churches like ours Christians who are compromising to repent and return to true worship! We are out of the section on judgment after judgment for a while , and the call of God’s people to repent and call our neighbours to have a turn around to the Lord and the Lamb is coming. New way but what for John and his fellow suffering Christians be the old way to read this book.
And that brings us the really really good part of our the book of Revelation. yes church, yes judgment in the world. But now don’t just focus on the last days events. Remember what happened after John described the first 6 seals of judgments. Huge delay before the 7th was opened. And that delay was good news - God’s people were to be sealed, so that though they still will suffer as witnesses just like Christ, they cannot be ultimately harmed, Satan can’t destroy them or their faith! Well now there is a huge pause between the 6th trumpet and the 7th final completing one. And guess what happens more good news!

C. The Revelation is about the Church Witnessing to Jesus’ Good Announcement of God’s Deliverance & Judgments!

Some so focused on the doom and gloom, like they are looking to the hills of distant judgments trying to figure it all out., so much so they miss that we must lift our eyes, higher than the hills, Do you recognize this mighty angel/messenger? Look at Rev 10:1
Revelation 10:1 ESV
Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a rainbow over his head, and his face was like the sun, and his legs like pillars of fire.
Who comes in c loud, like Ezekiel vision of an angel who is actually God coming on glory cloud. Where else did we see this rainbow - remember around the throne - picture of grace and favour - surrounds God, now around this mighty ones head, who is described in Revelation 1 as we saw with a face as bright as the sun, as the OT prophet Malachi puts it rising like sun with healing in his wings, who in Ch 1 was described with legs like flaming burnished bronze, reined in the fire. I will tell you this is one other than the Son f God incarnate And how was he pictured for the churches, he comes to them , he walks among them - his presence with them amid the suffering, more than that by His Spirit His light feeding into their lampstands, and He is shining with them the witness to this world!
What encouragement for you and I, look at his stance: this is no ordinary angel. Here is one who sets his right foot on the sea and his left foot across the ocean on the land. This is Jesus, in the lingo of Rome, he came he saw he conquered, one victory over sin and death and hell, He is the living one and he plants himself square in our created realm. Can you picture Him stretching his stance over your whole life? over your whole world?, And this Jesus who cares for His people cares for you - says, Every square inch is Mine, I’m redeeming it all. He says All authority on heaven and on earth has been given to me! These judgment are in answer to the suffering church, wickedness not left unchecked, but there is more I have mercy and salvation to all who come to me! And then if you feel that in your groaning in this world, look what happens next, listen. Rev 10:3
Revelation 10:3 ESV
and called out with a loud voice, like a lion roaring. When he called out, the seven thunders sounded.
I can’t wait to preach Ascension Day, where Jesus is now and what he’s doing. But do you hear him today. His judgment roar, like beginning of our text, from the golden altar in heaven, he hears the prayers of his suffering people and he comes to stop the oppressor - seven thunders in this world, But rushes by them for John, don’t write them down. Something more important for you and me, then the cries of our prayers, something more important than the roar of his judgments. The angelic woe woe woe. Oh he says the ultimate judgment is coming - the seventh trumpet - the great day of the Lord - and the mystery of God will be fulfilled - just as God announced by the prophets and that word announcing is the heart of the good news. What the 144,000 tasked with from Mount Zion - proclaim, gospel the news. Revelation 14:5-6
Revelation 14:5–6 ESV
and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are blameless. Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people.
Oh the mystery of God will be fulfilled in 7th trumpet, but now in this interlude before 7th and final judgment falls, we get a picture of the church in its prophetic task, like Jesus announcing the gospel to the world! In the first cycle of judgments in the fifth seal we have the church busy at prayer, but now at witness!
And now we come to the most surreal experience of John's vision from Jesus. Now not just seeing and hearing, now John is called to step into the vision and participate in it. And if he does, he knows that his life on the island of Patmos in exile, isn’t over. That the suffering and persecution isn’t the final word. He can’t stay in Covid Fatigue judgment fatigue. This is why I know this book isn't just about the last days, nor just about judgment. John could have just become a scared doomsayers, the sky is going to fall on our heads, world going to hell in hand-basket, so just spend time setting the date when it happen. John could have become an Eeyore about the church! but No, look what God the Father from heaven tells him to do. You see this book is about what happened to John that has to happen to us!
Look at it Rev 10:8
Revelation 10:8 ESV
Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me again, saying, “Go, take the scroll that is open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.”
This is the voice of God that said to John come up here, but now God the Father says, shows Him Jesus active now on earth, and He says to John, you go to Him and enter this vision on earth, and take that scroll that is open in Jesus hand. Its not the sealed one with all mysteries of judgment. Its open, plain to read. Like other Jewish Apocalyptic, angel from God, sometimes God, gives the world, like Ezekiel a scroll, but always just for a rebellious Israel. But here though there are judgments in it for the unrepentant. , this scroll contains also a message for the 4 people in your world, Lary Bob Susan and Mary. Your neighbour, your coworker, your brother-in-law, your business partner. The four points of the compass. People in your family, those whove just migrated north to Ardagh developments.
But look what John has to do, not just read it. But like the prophet Ezekiel prophetic act: Eat the scroll of Jesus. Rev 10:10
Revelation 10:10 ESV
And I took the little scroll from the hand of the angel and ate it. It was sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it my stomach was made bitter.
I don’t know how overwhelmed John was at this point in the vision, I know some of you were, I don’t know how overwhelmed you are with the world and your suffering, how depressed and isolated you are. This is why most people only ever sermons on Letters to the Churches, or on TV of the very last days, or the 3 1/2 worst years of tribulation. But have you noticed there has been no rapture mentioned in the book yet, there has been no mention of Isreal or Jerusalem or the Middle East yet. That’s God’s people still suffering, and John and his fellow partners still have a task to complete in this world! And so we get another vision of Jesus and who He is to us the church! You and I need to know Jesus alive, he says come eat my scroll and you need to experience what John experienced first: sweet as honey!
That’s the deliverance - ministry of peace and hope and healing - forgiveness, cleansing, new start - but then like Ezekiel if it stays in his stomach, well what do you think paper is going to do in their … bitter and sick. Like a phone call found so encouraging with chair of Classis Toronto talking about struggle so f the church, talking about gospel , he started to talk about his neighbour getting to know in covid, and now he has cancer and my friend says some problem of Classis Toronto small compared to what about my neighbour facing death, darkness, facing eternity - will he know Jesus? How can I witness to him? That’s the bitterness Ezekiel experienced, that John experienced. I got to get this out. And listen to the voice of God from heaven speaking to John, in his day, and if you experience this toady to you:
Rev 10:11
Revelation 10:11 ESV
And I was told, “You must again prophesy about many peoples and nations and languages and kings.”
Do you remember the secret to overcoming in this book - its holding to he blood of Jesus and his testimony, His witness. Those are the ones who conquer like Jesus conquered in this world, through suffering love and faithfulness. DO you remember Jesus title at the beginning of the book - he is the Faithful Witness. And Antipas who refused to compromise who even martyred for his witness - he is called like Jesus a faithful witness. And this is what you and I after tasting and experiencing the sweetness of the gospel deliverance, , after feeling the bitterness of the judgment so f those suffering and rebelling without Jesus - we are to commit ourselves anew, commissioned by the Father, to take the message that Jesus put in your hand, in your soul. Guess what this witness that God’s people ar to have is at the very heart of this book - and God has promised no matter what you sufferer for it, Satan and all his smoke and sulphur and lies can’t touch you - if stick to
O Congregation by work of Spirit and conviction of His Word - stirring what I pray will be renewal in us, and exiting though scary witness to those suffering without Jesus out there. Congregational meeting some survey’s about yes what do we do a s a church but what about my prayer and involvement, and service, and words to my neighbours. May we taste and see the sweetness ourselves and feeling the bitterness of life in these judgments may we go with the good news proclamation the hope! And as we shall see in ch 11 some from the nations will see the witness to resurrection and they will give up their idolatry and the judgment of God on them will be stopped and they will know our living and gracious God! When the church lives up to its prophetic, witnessing look what happens instead of just judgment and gloom of this world!

throne room scenes of both Father and Son in Revelation 4 and 5, to the Son’s atoning work as validation for his ability to pour out both judgment and mercy in Revelation 6–11, to the Spirit’s role in faithfully sealing and carrying believers through the tribulation in Revelation 12–14.

Unbelievers being judged are described as sexually and ethically immoral (Rev 9:21; 18:3), doing what is unclean and false (Rev 21:7), idolatrous (Rev 9:20; 13:11–18), and unrepentant (Rev 16:9, 11).

Between the Cross and the Throne: The Book of Revelation The Blood of the Lamb and the Seed of Woman

While in Revelation 9:20–21 and 16:9, 11 the nations are unrepentant in the face of Yahweh’s wrath, they are repentant in 11:13, and God even calls them to repentance in 14:6–13 and 18:4

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