Matthew 6:9-13 Sermon
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New section of the SoM
Just finished 6 antithesis, moving on to a new topic
In the middle of a section about not doing religious acts to gain earthly favor/reputation/”for show”
Go into your room in secret, don’t heap up empty phrases
Jesus’ Model for prayer
This is not the only prayer you can ever pray as a Christian
It is a model of how we should structure our prayers
What is the focus for Jesus, what does he emphasize, what does he leave out, how does he address God
Two sections
Jesus prays for the Kingdom
Jesus prays for the Earth
Jesus’ Kingdom prayer
Our Father
God as father
Issue of earthly father impacting our view of God
Hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Applies to all three statements
Jesus’ Earthly prayer
Give us our daily bread
Forgive our debts
Lead us not into temptation
Communion Transition