The Counter Culture Kingdom

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theme: servant leadership
Focus verses: John 13:1-20, John 12:24-25
Happy Mother’s Day
Big trouble if I don’t say happy Mom (Della) and Tara (my wife).
Motherhood is more than a person who gave birth to a child.
Hard to make a complete list of the traits of a great mom but kids try every year.
Loving, caring, patient, self-sacrificing,
Knows my favorite dessert, great hugs, believes in me, etc etc the list can go on right.
Moms that weren’t my mom that I want to say thank you to....
Mrs Burgum,
Nancy Renda,
Mrs Leffler
Mrs. Benson
The list could go on....
Each of these women made a huge impact on my life in one way or another. Some I’m biologically related to and others I’m not.
Some have their own biological children and others never did but adopted me as part of their own family
Some knew me and my wanderings very well and others didn’t
Some have more hugs and some gave more tasks and still others gave unseen influence that has affected the man I am today.
opening challenge: one word and a brief explanation for the moms in your life. Send it to them. your welcome.
One of my favorite mom memories isn't one time but rather many many moments of my mom preparing food for large numbers of people at our house and all the while humbly, serving the people who came in and out of our house. with three boys and lots of friends it wasn't strange for our kitchen to be filled with people hearing encouraging words, songs and even getting prayed for whether they liked it or not.
today we're going to take a look at another dinner setting where Jesus sets the greatest example of humble service.
Main point of sermon:
If we’re following Jesus an attitude of humble service should accompany all we do.
John 13:1-20
His service to them is rooted in love for them. V1
Now before the feast of Passover, Jesus, knowing that his hour had come that he would depart from this world to the Father, and* having loved his* own in the world, loved them to the end.
His service to them is transformational not transactional. v2
Judas had already turned. v2
the choice to serve them was indiscriminate of loyalty. v3
they would all turn from him and he knew it. V38
What they beheld, changed what they believed, which changed how they behaved - an entire paradigm shift
Servant leadership will get messy v5
someone who is following the way of Jesus is someone who is willing to get in the muddy mess between your toes.
Moms know this - diapers - Kindergarten/1st grade fall down story. set me up on the dryer without a second thought.
He serves them in the midst of knowing he will be misunderstood v7
there's something incredible about the way Jesus commits to serve others knowing that he will be misunderstood and misrepresented.
I hate the thought that people misunderstand or misrepresent me
Incorrect Inferences will be made about what you are doing. serve them anyway.
He serves them with a clear intention v8b
I love this moment between him and Peter for two reasons
it shows a real life Peter moment (we get to know him a little more)
it shows us a real life boundary moment
Christ-like servant leadership is not milk-toast, walk all over me type of thinking. It's performed along the way by steady, consistent understanding of where and how your energy needs to be spent and when to say yes, and when to say no. Jesus shows us that taking a knee to serve your friends doesnt mean taking a knee to let them tell you how to live your life or walk your journey. His identity was secure.
Jesus’ intention was to set the clear pathway forward
He serves confidently knowing His identity v 13
your performance doesnt dictate your position with God
your service to others is a reflection of who you follow
The culture of the kingdom is built on the knowledge that our teacher and lord served us, so now we get to serve others, so that they can see Him through us.
Has your heart been transformed by the servant-Lord?
for those of you who have made Jesus your teacher and Lord I want you to ask yourself this question:
Where does my thinking need to change about how I serve others? (write down your answer and make a change)
for those of you who think of Jesus as a great teacher but not the Lord of your life I want to ask you a question:
Who compares to this? Hold him up to all the other lords in your life and ask the question this week - how do they compare to Him... honestly and openly put his declaration to the test and see what happens.
for those of you who have been trying to follow Jesus' example in your own strength....
maybe you need to pray a prayer like Peter prayed... "Lord not my feet only, but my hands and my head!"
The only way we can freely follow his example is to be filled with his spirit
the only way we can be filled with his spirit is to fall into his arms
he said come to me, all who are tired and weary and I will give you rest.... bring all the, confused, tired, ugly crying people to me and I will restore them and give them rest. Run every day to the servant-teacher, run every day to the servant-Lord and fall into his arms of love for you. let him lead the service of your life and direct your path. Trust Him to fill your heart and clean your feet.
John 12:24-25
The life of Christ was planted like a seed, he was buried in the tomb - darkness covered Him so that out of Him new life could grow.
In Him you can have life… the greatest act of servant leadership ever performed was soon to follow. Jesus would go to the cross and pay the price for our wrongdoing so that we could walk freely, joyfully, serving and loving others with an attitude and habit of self-sacrifice that springs from His spirit in us.
Would you trust Him today?
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