Faith Explained
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I don’t think I have to explain to you that faith is important in Christianity
The Bible teaches that
we walk by faith and not by sight
the just shall live by faith
And we see Jesus responding to people’s faith with healings, miracles, and deliverance
and our salvation depends upon our faith
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
So it is vital to get a good understanding of faith
Definition of Faith
Definition of Faith
1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Faith has some substance to it.
It’s not just talk.
Faith is not making a wish and hoping it comes true
Faith is not positive thinking
Faith is not good vibes or a good feeling
Faith is more than just saying the phrase, “I believe”
it’s a little more than that.
Faith is when you are sure that what you hope for, will indeed happen.
Faith is belief with some evidence that you believe behind it.
It is a conviction so strong , that you can tell that I believe based on what I do, how I live, what I say, how I respond, how I act
if the weather person says there will be a freeze tomorrow and roads will be covered with ice, schools most likely closed
you demonstrate faith in their words by going to the grocery store the night before
even if the temperature is in the 70’s today, conviction in the words of the weatherman will cause you to stock up on food and supplies.
that’s faith: belief in action, proof that you believe what you can’t see right now (just like the ice on the ground)
This very chapter goes on to explain this concept by giving examples of people who put belief into action
Noah built a large boat in the middle of dry land . . . that’s faith that there was going to be a flood
Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac . . . that’s conviction that God would keep his promise
Moses had people sprinkle blood on their doors because they believed the death angel would Passover . . . faith that God would deliver
Rahab hid the spies . . . because she had the conviction that the children of Israel served the true God
people of Israel marched around Jericho . . . had faith that God would fight for them
When faith is present in a person . . . you will see evidence that that person believes
Even with that understanding there is a major part of faith that we often ignore
Sometimes, we only think of faith as, “I am having faith for”
healing, deliverance, business, house, car, bills . . .
and there is nothing wrong with that, that’s good
but there is also, “I have faith in . . . I have faith in God . . . I trust in God”
6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
But without faith it is impossible to please him:
impossible is a very strong word
if you want to please God, then faith in Him is a must
trusting in Him is a must . . . how can you follow a God that you don’t trust?
why would you follow a God that you don’t trust
This Scripture verse breaks it down this “faith in” into two parts . . .
for he that cometh to God must believe that he is
one part of this type of faith is believing that God is
and if He is God then, he is more than a man, more than some angel, more than just a higher power, He is God Almighty
You have a conviction that God who is omnipotent (all power), omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (everywhere and sees all)
a God who is faithful to keep his promises
A God who reigns and is fully in control
a God who has a plan and knows exactly what he is doing . . . and . . .
and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him
you hold a conviction that this same God will reward you if you seek him, follow after him, serve him
Serving God will be worth it
Old folks in my day, used to say, “Serving the Lord will pay off after while”
true faith in God causes you to believe that living for God will not be in vain
it will be worth your while
even if you don’t see rewards, you know that rewards from God will come in due time
in other words, no matter what it looks like, you have a conviction of what it be like
it doesn’t seem like it’s worth it, but it is
it doesn’t seem like God is watching, but he is
it seems like God has forgotten about me, but he hasn’t
you believe the scripture that says, “and let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season, we shall reap if we faint not”
so, you hold a conviction that God will keep his promises
you believe that whatever is right God will pay
just like many work for paycheck because they hold a conviction that they will receive money on payday
so they will work a week, two weeks, a month . . . by faith that a paycheck reward is coming
and we do all kinds of things, put up with all kinds of people because we have faith
faith in God is the same way, you know some paydays are coming . . . some in this life . . . and some in the life to come . . . but they are coming!
put up with some things, deal with some things, endure, have patience, persevere
it will cause you to run on and see what the end is going to be
When you have faith in God . . . if someone were to study your life . . . they should be able to tell that you believe that God is, and that you truly believe that God will reward you for following him
When others fall away, give up, turn around . . . you are still busy doing good works, demonstrating love, serving
You are still treating people right, giving, praising, helping, praying, taking risk for the kingdom’s sake
because you have a conviction that God keeps his promises - he will reward those who diligently seek him
and let let say it again, some reward in this life and some in the life to come . . . this is no joke
This chapter gives examples of those who had faith in God being rewarded in this life and in the life to come
33 who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions,
34 quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight.
35 Women received back their dead by resurrection; and others were tortured, not accepting their release, so that they might obtain a better resurrection;
36 and others experienced mockings and scourgings, yes, also chains and imprisonment.
37 They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were tempted, they were put to death with the sword; they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, ill-treated
Faith in God is that total trust in God . . . come what may . . . it will be worth it
I may not see it all (you won’t) in this life . . . but I know that God’s got me
so I carry an assurance and a peace of mind that it will be worth it
even when those you helped the most turn their backs on you
even when people repay your good with evil
even when it seems the more you serve him, the harder it gets
even when life is unfair
even when you see the wicked prosper
I believe that God is . . . and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him
So I can shout praise everything is turning well, and it’s my season
And I can praise when nothing is as I hoped it to be, because I believe that by and by . . .
We need to have the attitude of Queen Esther
I’m going to do the right thing, If I perish, I perish
We need to have the conviction of the three Hebrew boys
even if God doesn’t rescue us from the fire, we will not bow down
We need to be resolved like Job
though he slay me, yet will I trust in him
That’s how you go from just believing God “for something” to believing in God
have both levels of faith!
So my encouragement is that while you are having faith for something . . . also Have faith in God
keep running the race god has set before you (Hebrews 12), and run it with endurance
keep your eyes on Jesus, who is the author and finisher of our faith
the Bible says that for the joy set before him, Jesus endured the cross
in other words, he knew it would be worth it
he could endure the pain, endure the shame, scorn, suffering, ridicule . . . because he knew he would be rewarded
the joy of sitting at the right hand of God,
the joy of redeeming God’s children
he knew it would be worth it!
I invite you to put your faith in God
It starts by believing that God sent his son, Jesus . . .