Life is War: Suit up

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Last week we talked about the importance of understanding that there is a spiritual battle to be fought and without realizing that we are already on the side lines. So, we prayed and we talked about the importance of recognizing our role as ambassadors of Christ. We realized that God was telling us to STAND: to stand up in our faith, to stand our ground against Satan and our fleshly desires, and stand out in your culture. You were uniquely made and God has a general purpose for all of us to enjoy Him and glorify Him but He also has a specific purpose for each of us in our own lives. So today we are going to look at what we are ALL called to put on as our protection from the spiritual onslaughts that Satan may throw at each of us.


Belt of Truth (14a)
Truth is important in Ephesians. Truth is revealed in the gospel and believers must be truth-speaking people (4:24-25). As we buckle on this piece of the Messiah’s armor, we live in His truth and speak His truth. When we put on any “piece” of the “armor” we aren’t putting something on physically (obviously) but we are displaying the characteristics of Jesus! Do not give the Devil a foothold by neglecting to be a person of truth in your language, behavior, and attitude.
Paul summarizes the source of truth as Jesus. We come to Jesus, believe in Him, rest in Him and that is where we find truth. Put on the truth of Christ every day, preach the truth of the gospel to yourself daily, and live in that truth throughout the day. It is so important to keep the gospel at the front of our minds every single day. This keeps our focus on Him and not ourself. It keeps us from straying to worldly things and keeps us dialed into what God would have us to do in all situations. When we think we don’t need the gospel every day is when we become distracted from our purpose.
Breastplate of Righteousness (14b)
The Roman soldier wore a breastplate to cover the chest and protect it from physical assaults and arrows from the enemy. Paul uses a lot of language from Isaiah 59:17 where Yahweh puts on “righteousness like a breastplate.” We are to put on the virtues of our Messiah.
This doesn’t refer to the IMPUTED righteousness that Jesus gives us right standing before God. This is talking about practical righteousness or RIGHT LIVING. Put on the righteous qualities associated with your new life in Christ, the same righteous qualities reflected in the life of Jesus.
When you put on right living you do not give an inch to Satan in the areas of impurity, lust, greed, or injustice. Realize that you are in Christ, and live out that new identity in righteous living.
Gospel shoes (15)
Shoes are important. You wear different shoes for different things (Give examples). Roman soldiers actually wore cleated boots that allowed them to cover a lot of ground in a short period of time, pursuing the enemy into every nook and cranny. They went into the difficult places. We need to go into the hard places, the far away places, the dark places with the gospel. We are announcing the gospel of peace. Isaiah says, “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the herald, who proclaims peace, who brings news of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’” (52:7).
In the midst of a passage about warfare we see the message “the gospel of peace”. Jesus and what He did on the cross for us is the message that brings peace in the midst of chaos, peace in the midst of hard times, peace when you feel like their is no way out. When Satan is trying to steal away lives we are offering life in Jesus. Jesus is our peace in the midst of the difficult times and the attacks of the enemy.
Shield of Faith (16)
The shield that Paul is talking about here is like the size of a door. It’s not something small that might barely cover us with any protection, but it is able to cover the whole body. Psalms and Proverbs refers to God as a shield. We have a shield to protect us from the darts of the enemy when we put on Christ AND WE BELIEVE THE PROMISES OF GOD! Faith is TRUST. When you trust in something you believe it will do or come through on it’s promises. With God, we can have complete trust that what He says He will do or what He says is best for us is actually best for us. Jesus is BETTER.
Helmet of Salvation (17a)
Roman helmets were made of tough iron or bronze with cheek guards and a sponge lining that made the heavy weight of the helmet bearable on your head. It was built so that no weapon could penetrate it. Again in Isaiah 59:17 Yahweh is the victorious warrior who wears the helmet of salvation. God’s people have to put on the hope that they have in Christ. TO RESIST THE DEVIL, WE MUST BE ASSURED OF OUR SALVATION.
Go to God daily and be reminded of the great object of your faith: Christ. Your salvation is only as good as object of your faith. Christ is all powerful, wonderful, and victorious. That is where your salvation lies. Your hope is in Christ. If you are trusting in Christ, then DO NOT listen to Satan’s lies. Say to Satan when you feel doubt creeping in “I am alive with Christ, redeemed, forgiven, reconciled, raised with Christ, and seated with Christ.” Put your helmet on, and DO NOT LET THE EVIL ONE GET TO YOUR HEAD.
Sword of the Spirit (17b)
The final piece of equipment is an offensive weapon. The believer must take up the sword and engage the enemy. The dagger described is used in personal combat. It is the sword “of the Spirit” meaning that THE SPIRIT is what makes the sword powerful and effective. Paul connects it with God’s spoken word. So we should speak the gospel with power in an effective way by the spirit of God. We are given ACCESS to the weapon of the Messiah when we are united with Him. We are to speak the gospel in the realm of darkness so that those who are held captive by the evil one may go free.
Story of old massive swords that are impractical to use (some people see the bible that way) They deem it an ancient sword useless for modern warfare. This shouldn’t surprise us because that is how Satan wants us to see our Bibles. Not worth reading, not worth understanding, useless in today’s society, doubtful of its truth. IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN THE EVIL ONE RAISED DOUBt ABOUT WHAT GOD SAID! Don’t be deceived. You can trust His Word. You need it. Read it. Meditate on it. Pray it. Proclaim it.


Put on the armor. Stand against Satan. Use your weapons.
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