Come and See
We're reading from John chapter 1 verse 43. As I mentioned, John jumps from the baptism of Jesus. To this point, John Begins the next day. Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, follow me. No Phillip was from bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter Philip found. Nathanael and said to him, we have found him.
Prophets. Wrote, Jesus of Nazareth. The son of Joseph. Nathaniel said to him, can anything good? Come out of Nazareth. Philip said to him, come and see.
Jesus Son, Daniel coming toward him, instead of him behold, an Israelite, indeed, in whom there is no deceit. this Daniel said to him, How old are, you know, me? Jesus answered him before Philip called you, when you were under the Fig Tree, I saw you. Nathaniel answered him. Rabbi you are the Son of God. You are the king of Israel. Jesus answered him because I said, Do You Believe? You will see greater things than these and he said to him, truly, truly, I say to you, you will see Heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the son of man. This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
It'd be easy for us to listen to this passage and determined as so many have that. It's simply one of the call passages or those passages, by which, we mean that Jesus calls his disciples to follow him. And we have these sprinkled throughout the gospels, in the start of the gospels, in particular, the disciples being called. For then, we might categorize it as such and put it on a shelf. If not for the fact that John has so much more to convey than simply the calling of Philip and Nathaniel.
John challenges us. To hear the message come and see. Come and see that's what we say to people when we want to show them something special. Something that is unexpected something that maybe will, wow, them we say come and see come and see, come with me, come and see we say come and see when we find that product that could truly take a stain out of the carpet or off of the furniture, that seemed nothing else seemed to be able to get it out, her out of our laundry, come and see. And look at this, this, this really works. Or I remember I've shared with you before I years ago when I was at a camper or encountered another camper who was double-jointed in both shoulders. He could take his arms and lock his hands behind him, and bring his arms back up, and over shows with his hand, still locked and bring it out in front of him, we all rushed to see come and see.
See that, which is amazing. Come and see, come and see is really an invitation and invitation that expects doubt. I'll say that again, come and see isn't invitation that expects. Doubt.
You see? We are all searching all longing to fill ourselves with that item that thing, which will finally make us happy and content and write, come and see. Spec's doubt expects people to not believe we have to say it. When we say to people that we said come and see you won't believe this, there's an expectation. I'm doubt. So, come and see is the invitation we have here. And if you're still struggling too. That's really important, or that I'm Pratt's making too much of it. Let's look at two of the sub-themes or kind of the jobs that would sit right under the surface, that challenges us to understand this invitation these sub-themes cuz I've called them one of which is simply the something of find or found. You'll see this as Jesus finds Philip and Phillip fines Nathaniel. And when Phil Nathaniel Philip says, we have found the one whom Moses wrote about in whom the prophets wrote about there's this theme of finding if we go back. Even before this passage, we see that Andre just before that, we see that Andrew find Simon. And when he finds Simon, he tells them that we found the Messiah. John is subtly trying to lay a theme before us of find. I found. And finding and found is important when you're searching who likes anything? I mean, isn't that our experience with those on match socks that are in the laundry bin? How is searching for the pair but never finding it. Define. Something is the match to that search that's in each of us. And the problem, of course, with finding something or declaring something found is that in the challenge as to, whether it really is that piece that fits the puzzle, is it really that you have found that which fits have you really found a product that can get the stain out of the carpet or the the couch, or that your clothes? Have you really found that? Or did you really see someone who could take their arm?
The risk of course was Finding is resendiz challenge. Have you really found what you said you found?
Remember I said that John has given us a theme of come and see that that's an invitation that expects doubt. It doesn't run from doubt. The other subtle theme Here is the theme of doubt. It's an expectation that it will be there that you and I have a healthy sense of Doubt as people that particular live in a consumerist society. That we are always trying to consume but all is doubtful whether we found the right thing. And John understands that that that theme of Doubt has existed throughout Humanity ever since we took that that initial fruit of the tree expecting that it would make us like God. And being sadly disappointed. There's a subtle theme of doubt, that is within here, as well in the Gospel of John John, as I said before, expects that. John is the only gospel that shares with us, at the end of his gospel, the disciple Thomas who walked with Jesus and all his ministry saw, Jesus do everything, but Thomas is the one. Who is not there with the other disciples to experience the Risen? Lord. At the very end of John's gospel, we are given this story of Thomas when we've come to call doubting Thomas because he doesn't believe his fellow disciples when they come and tell him that they have seen the Lord rise from the dead that he's alive again. Thomas is like us. That's a hard pill to swallow.
and Jon doesn't rush to cover this up and not share this disbelief, but rather relish is in it and understands that we
When Tom is finally does see Jesus and believes Jesus says to him, do you believe because you have seen blessed are all those who do not yet come to believe which of course, is the position all of us centuries. Later stand in but that seemed Also, his way back here in the beginning of the Gospel of John. It's here with Nathaniel. Nathaniel here's Phillips, call to come and see before he even says, come and see, when Philip says, hey we found the one, we found the one and who Moses spoke about in whom the prophets, spoke about Jesus, Of Nazareth.
Nathaniel's responses the same as ours would be. Unresponsive doubt he said can anything good come out of Nazareth. Remember the Daniels from the area, he knows the areas from Cana. He knows Nazareth as well, and he doesn't think much of the place and certainly Wonders that. Anybody reasonably good could come from there. So, he throws out the question. Can anything good come out of Nazareth? It's kind of a slight Barb, but it's also, A challenge. But we find later that there's an understanding that maybe this annual noses scripture fairly. Well, it said that you'll just later says he's found under a fig tree which is a place that many rabbis would often set up and study the word.
Nathaniel has looked through the word, he knows the word and no one mentions anything coming out of Nazareth. So, can anything good come out of Nazareth? Nathaniel's bringing a healthy sense of doubt.
So here we have to settle themes that are underneath this theme of find or found as well as a contrary doubt as to whether really has been found. And really what this list is a position that we all find ourselves in Daily. If we believe, how do we help others to believe? Notice what Phillips says. When Nathaniel throws up the doubt of can anything good come out of Nazareth. Philip doesn't take all the effort to try to convince him. Feel doesn't try to trade on his relationship. Philip doesn't try to manipulate or maneuver. He simply says come and see. He simply makes an invitation. And what a powerful reminder for each of us, as we think of our friends or family members who don't know God's great gift in Jesus Christ. And we struggle We want them to know but we don't even know how to approach. We're worried that we need to become more learned in the scriptures or that we need to be able to say just the right word. Here, we see, it's simply an invitation. Come and see. Why is the Old Testament reported taste and see? In other words, you come and look for yourself. You call me. And you see whether or not this is the one come and see.
Which makes it all the more exciting for us. For to make that invitation is to now walk into that space, in which we get to see what God will do. We don't need to worry about the doubts, whether God will show up. That's not our business, our business is simply an invitation to come and see see if you find what we have found come and see
and then we get to sit and watch and see what God will do, which is different and unique, and each and every situation.
Come and see. Now, things get really started fully see that, that invitation is an invitation to come and discover the relationship that God has laid before each of us that we can enter into a relationship with his son. And what do we mean by that? Really mean to be in a relationship. What does that look like? Thanks to John. We can see a good part of that here. As you record the interaction of what took place as no doubt. Philip and Nathaniel were later. Sharing with John, you should have seen what we did and what happened. Come and see. And in that invitation is discovery of that relationship.
For Nathaniel. Upon coming to Jesus, as he's getting close to use as an Israelite truly in which there is no deceit. NFL has this response, kind of, like, How, how do you know me? Do we do we know each other? Just like we would be if someone read it all before.
Maybe we should unpack a little bit. what's going on cuz Jesus Falls up by saying I Saw you before, Philip came to you under the fig tree? And with that Nathaniel is struck and amazed and and willing to start putting aside the doubt and and make up a Leap Forward of you are the Son of God, a step of belief. But what's going on in all of that and that quick interchange from going, from doubt to belief, what's going on. Does that phrase that Jesus in it?
And we don't get if you hold and it.
Because I hear that and wonder what's that all about. Let's unpack that for a moment. It is real light. In other words, one from the family of God and of the name of Israel is real. Who is really rename by God whose original name was Jacob, Jacob who was a cheater, a supplanter, I deceive, someone who deceives and Jacob's life was full of Deceit, conniving, and manipulative. What is making his way through life on his own terms.
Everything you did was for his own benefit and constantly having to deceive others. He deceived his brother and his father later, wrestled with another deceiver and his uncle Laban in day too, but back and forth.
A Deceiver.
so, in many ways she's the same receiver in, which there is no deceit, each of us struggles with their own personal sins that are ways in which we put forward a life that shows one side, all the struggles, we really do have True of all of us. And your juice is saying, of the Faneuil here is one in which there's no deceit, not that, he's perfect but one who's trying, not to be a deceiver trying not to live in that manner.
A deceiver in which there's no deceit with the irony that he's coming. Hoping that is not being deceived as to whether they found the one.
But Jesus is inviting him into a relationship. when he says to Nathaniel you believe, because of what I've said, And he says, truly. you will see Far More Than This truly, truly, which is Jesus's way, says it a number of times in the New Testament and in the Gospel of John, to get our attention when he says this, you better listen
He will see. You said, you will see.
Angels ascending and descending. I'm the son of man.
That's where this relationship gets very exciting. For there are two powerful Old Testament references here. Two powerful references that explain the relationship that Nathaniel is now about to enter into. The first is of angels, ascending and descending. It goes all the way back to the Book of Genesis, for those who've been in the Genesis Bible study, they might recognize this moment. It goes back again to our character. Jacob that cheater that supplanter You see, Jacob had to freeze home. You messed with his brother. Esau, one too many times and he saw wanted to kill him. Furthermore, his parents wanted to make sure that Jacob married one from his own tribe. They sent him off to his uncle Laban. And as he's in that. I'm going and flea. He spends the night in a spot and pulls up a rock for a pillow. And he has a dream. No. Jacob has Ray been raised in a family of Faith and family, which Abraham was his grandfather. And Isaac was his father, a family, which of the promise of God of land and inheritance of people has been given Jacobs heard, this story right along. But has he encountered God? In This Moment, he has a vision a dream and when she sees Angels ascending and descending on a ladder, And God comes and speaks to him and tells him that the promise of land in descendants is also a promise that is his so that he and all the conforme be a blessing to the rest of the world.
When Jacob awakes, he realizes that he's in the presence of God. Like Moses before the burning bush he realizes that he's in God's presence and that perhaps, this is the house of God. He sets up a stone monument there. Because the place Bethel which is House of God. so when Jesus reference, as you will see, Angels ascending and descending on the son of man, he's referencing that passage and that's insane to Nathaniel
You will be in the house of God. You are presently in the house of God. You are in God's presence. The idea that not only that we were created and made, and that there is a God, but rather that God has come to us Emmanuel, God With Us, a few short words, Jesus saying to Nathaniel, my home will be in you. Much like we talk nowadays as Christians, that God will make his heart. His place within our heart, that Jesus will make a place in our heart that God's Temple will no longer be a temple of stone. But rather that we, the people of God become the temple, the place in which God houses himself,
That's one of the two Old Testament. Passages that a second is the last part of what Jesus says, you will see Angels ascending and descending on the son of man. The son of man is the second reference and can easily be a reference to anyone who's a human. It's a simple way of understanding. Saying that someone who's born this is someone who's human. But here, there's a very specific reference to a very different son of man. In Daniel chapter 7, Daniel has a vision. We know Daniel from the many different feet. City has of faith and trusting in God. And in the 7th chapter, he has a vision in which he suddenly in the throne room of God. He sees the Ancient of Days Gone. And he also sees one who has has a son of man. God gives all authority and Power.
Jesus is saying to Nathaniel you will see Angels ascending and descending on the son of man. That Nathaniel will see the very one. God has given all authority and all power. The gods very presence is in Jesus. And now, Jesus is standing before Nathaniel.
Each of us. Each of us is invited into a relationship in which God is very real and very present in our lives. And there is nothing that God cannot do. Nothing is impossible for God. So they have the one for whom nothing is impossible. Invested deeply in your life is a relationship you are invited into And for those who yet, do not know him and do not know that relationship. We have one simple task. A task of invitation. Come and see judge for yourself. See if it's true for you as it's been true for me. We don't have to make the sale. We don't have to convince or maneuver or manipulate. All we have to do, is simply say, when challenged and recognize that the doubts that we experienced from others are the on-ramp to the invitation The dance should not throw us off but rather make us smile and say come and see. Judge for yourself. As God has sent his son into the world. God has sent his son to die for us. Given his life for ours. So that we might have life with him. It's an invitation to be in an incredible relationship relationship that will most certainly change us or the better. So won't you begin with me? Inviting others. Come and see. Let us pray.