Colossians - Lesson 8: Defense of Christ's Deity - Student Outline
Lesson 8: Defense of the Deity of Christ
Pastor Mark Sage / Colossians: Knowing Christ / Colossians 1:15-17
I. The Colossian Heresy
A. False teachings concerning the of Christ
B. The demand for Jewish in the church
C. These were teaching worship
D. They were taught to practice
II. Christ is God's
III. He is the
A. The only
B. He was in the
C. He is the of all things
IV. All things were created Him v.16
A. In and
B. Things and not
C. All
1. Thrones - the elders
2. Dominions - being that have not fallen
3. -
4. - Ephesians 6:12
IV. All things were created Him