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We're reading the resurrection Tale. from the Gospel of John, the 20th, chapter beginning, at the first verse,

now, on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early. While it was still dark. And saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. So she ran and went to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved and said to them. They have taken the Lord out of the Tomb, and we do not know where they laid him.

So, Peter went out with the other disciple and they were going toward the tomb, both of them were running together. But the other disciple outran, Peter, and reached the tomb first and stooping to look in. He saw the linen clothes. Lying there. But he did not go in. Then Simon Peter came following him and went into the tomb, he saw the linen clothes lying there and the face cloth which has been on Jesus head not aligned with the linen clothes, but folded up. In a place by itself.

then the other disciple who had reached the tomb, first also went in and he saw and believed for as yet they did not understand the scripture that he must rise from the dead. Then the disciples went back to their homes.

But Mary Magdalene stood weeping outside of the Tomb and as she wept she stooped to look into the tomb. And she saw two angels in white sitting, where the body of Jesus had laying one at the head and one at the feet. They said to her. Woman. Why are you weeping? She said to them, they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him. Having said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing, but she did not know that. It was Jesus. Jesus said to her woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?

Supposing him to be the gardener she said to him, sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him and I will take him away.

Jesus said to her. Mary. She turned and said to him in Aremaic Rabbani which means teacher Jesus said to her, do not cling to me. For I have not yet ascended to the father, but go to my brothers and say to them, I am ascending to my father and your father to my God and your God. Mary, Magdalene went and announced to the disciples. I have seen the Lord. And that he had said these things to her. This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Christ is risen.

Little more energy. Christ is risen.

I know the masks mute the attempt, but you did well. We are here to celebrate that Christ is risen. And what do we mean by that Christ? The anointed one, the promised one, the one whom God had rubbed into God's purpose is rubbed right into Jesus. That Jesus might come into this world for the purposes of God to restore to bring back home to bring us all back to God. This is the one on whom God, had placed all the plans.

And he's risen. What do we mean? We mean that death could not hold him. That death, which is the final say. In all things, it seems in life is not ultimately the final say, Christ is risen.

You're okay now don't worry, I won't prompt you anymore.

It all starts. With an empty tomb. An empty tomb is really where it all revolves. Empty. Usually empty is a kind of a sad word for us a negative word. It often describes that sense of loss. When you're watching your favorite show, when you reached into that popcorn bowl and and there's nothing more to drop out draw out, there's no more kernels. It's empty. Will you bring that glass to your mouth? Then go to take, another drink and find that you've already taken the last swallow before. Empty. Empty is such a strong describer of so much of what we experienced in life.

Empty gas.

An empty bank account.

An empty home.

This last year has been full of empty. It has been a horrific year. You realize my great-aunt who was over a hundred years old died, just before this pandemic began. My Aunt Marion at a hundred years of age lived a full life. And she died just before the pandemic begin and her daughter realized My goodness. Mom was born. Just after the previous pandemic. She lived a hundred years Untouched by pandemic. The point is that none of us knew what this was going to be like and we have been filled with loss with emptiness.

Children. A year of school. That is what? Often wandering, empty. The number of businesses that are had to close empty.

Even those who've been on the front lines, who have had to be there and see the volume of concern sickness. And even have to vision. And deal with the emptiness. Of death.

Forgive me. I'll go just a little lower for a moment. Early on the pandemic, Suzanne and I received word that two colleagues of ours to people who were instrumental in our development as ministers. had both perished to covid-19 in New York,

how hard it was to take in. The two men that together we know, had been at the bedsides of hundreds of people sharing with them, their last moments, their last breath holding their hand and no one was there to be with them.


But that's not why you came. That's not why you're here this morning, no one came to be depressed by what we already know. We came to hear that there is something more than what we've experienced. We came to know that empty, which can be so negative and so depressing. And so discouraging can actually fill

we came. Because of the tomb was empty.

Empty. Look at the evidence. but even just a gospel writer of John gives us You can add the additional evidence of the other Witnesses of the other Gospels.

We begin with a stone that has been rolled away. That's been moved back.

The women in the other gospels are wondering who's going to remove the stone for them. In other words, it's so weighty. It's so heavy that they know they can't do it.

And yet, when they get there, when Mary Magdalene recognizes that, the stone is no longer in place, Shockwave.

The grief that is already conveyor. Bearing down. All the more and her assumption is

at the body has been taken.

Why do we remove a stone from a grave? But to remove a body? And we are asked to walk into the reality of what took place in the time of Jesus. There was great debate over Jesus. Great struggle two different factions struggling greatly with the religious leaders and even Rome itself, wanting him dead. The disciples wanted him alive.

So, the religious leaders were concerned that the disciples might try to steal the body. Pass him off as living. The disciples themselves were worried about the religious leaders in the Romans that they would further defile the body, both accuse, the others of possibly taking the body.

Why would the religious leaders or rome even bother? They could have taken the body. Anytime they wanted, they'd already crucified him already killed him with capital punishment. They could have taken the body. Anytime certainly not needed to do under cover of Darkness. and if they had,

they had taken the body at the religious leaders of the Romans had taken the body would they bother to carefully. fold up the face covering and put it aside in a special place. Would they have bothered? Of course, not.

And if the disciples had come and taken the body, under cover of Darkness, somehow getting around the guards that have been posted by Rome itself. Somehow in the darkness of the night, moving a heavy stone with no noise.

Is going in and taking the body. If they had done that. Would they have not taking the grave clothes with the body out of respect and reverence? Would they have left them behind? Of course, not

The evidence before us is already that the two possible options. Don't work.

We are lost in this life, living only what we know and it is hard even with what we know to imagine that God has prepared life eternal for us such that even Mary Magdalene who had journeyed with Jesus, who had heard Jesus speak. Even Mary makes the Assumption when the stone is rolled away, when the tomb is empty, that they have taken the body.

Were often and with choices in life.

Choices, in the way we approach things. Summit made it easy for us to understand to say, well, you can either see the cup as half-empty.

Or you can see the cop as half full. The idea that the perspective that we have can change our approach if we're seen it, empty or see it kind of from a depressive State and struggling to stay. Then we're probably not going to achieve our best. But if we see it as half-full, then we're putting our best foot forward and we're trying to see everything as best we can and will do our best. So, we have this perspective that is before us half, empty or half full but what if What if there is another option?

What if?

The cup is completely empty. And because of that God has made us completely full. What if the grave is empty?

Because God has decided to make us full with the risen Christ

Jesus Christ.

When Peter and John run and Racing for, I love it. They can't help but put it in the gospel. John is the writer of this gospel and John is the one who refers to himself as the one Jesus loved.

John is also likely that the youngest of the band of disciples probably an early teenager Peter is likely the oldest in the group and so John has no problems when he finally got into a foot race with Peter, guess who won.

Kid beat out the old man.

But he couldn't bear to go in. Peter was driven in and he went in and he looked and he saw the grave clothes in the folded cloth.

And there they are in that moment. That moment that we each are left with the moment with which we are given. When we start to walk out that door, does it make any difference to us? That the grave is empty.

They went home.

Mary, Magdalene stayed.

and I want you to note who Jesus reveals himself to it's Mary. She thinks he's a gardener.

But it's the angels. Who first speak to Mary?

Just as the Angels, first spoke to the Shepherds, announcing the birth of Christ. Just as the Angels announce to those who are lowest the lowest in society, just the Shepherds. Those who kind of watch the Sheep again. And again, God goes to those who are the outside or not, even thought of way back King David. Where is he among the brothers to be chosen by God, when he's not even there, he's out watching the Sheep.

Again and again, God has shown us through the scriptures that he comes to those of us who are on the margins were struggling who are need of a physician.

And Mary whose life has been very difficult.

Who another gospel records her being freed, from being found by spirits. This Mary, who is weeping as she sees? All of life is gone grief, upon grief and now, they're taking the body. The Angels announced to her. That he's not here.

He's risen.

Jesus himself appears to her. He has come to us. To all of us who are broken and feeling empty. We're feeling lost and struggle. Our Lord has come to us and he has been raised from the dead. What does that mean that the tomb is empty? It means that death. No longer has any, hold on us. Oh, we may succumb in this life but not for all time.

Death does not have the final say. For He Is Risen. He is risen indeed Christ is alive. Just as much today as he was then he is alive and holds for us the same promise of life eternal because God has raised him from the dead and in. So doing has accepted the offering of his blood for ours. And he has made him whole again. Ready to make us whole as well. If you are at all, feeling empty today. if you at all are struggling with what this last year has presented you know that no matter what degree of emptiness you have experienced, it is not the final say, Because the tomb. Is empty. And God has had the final say in raising Jesus from the dead with the promise of life eternal for you as well. With him as Lord and savior. The final prompt, he is risen.

Amen. Let us pray.

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