The Righteous, The Wicked & The Consequences of Sin
Genesis 18-19
Intro: A People of Faith/ Review DEF/ Take challenge? (memor,medit,practice)
θ’s growing me: seen in communication, prayer, preaching today’s message
1. The INTERCESSION of the righteous has incredible IMPACT.
(Gen 18:16-33; 19:29)
Who=“righteous”? How become? A: Faith (Gen15:16) not deeds, b/c Heb11:6
When righteous ®! See in Gen18… (v16-21) Amazing: θ let’s us in on plans!
We can also influence those plans (v22-33) Abe draws near, appeals 2 Lord There’s respect, humility, fearfulness, reverence >Is that way approach θ?
“I don’t see any impact! Nothing changes thru prayer!” Need 2 change approach?
Stop telling & ask, assuming arrogant posture & lower, buddy vs. Shaddai
TRY IT! Watch what happens: ®, θ’s plans R affected, changed: Amazing!
Not only privilege, but wants us! Sad 2 hear: “I don’t ask? deserve? bother”
TomWeber, business/ Maybe struggle: giving up? Look at Abe’s persistence
Believed enough 2 keep asking! Faith is essential! Ur prayers can move θ! ®
2. The Lord will DESTROY the wicked & RESCUE the righteous.
(Gen 19:1-29)
v1-3 come 2 city, stay w/ Lot, v4-11 Remember why here: v20-21, see re: sin
Notice extent of societal wickedness, marks (measure U.S., see how good,bad):
1full acceptance/participation (v4) 2sexual sin: rape (Judg19), homosexuality (not loveless: “men” 11x, 2Pet2, Lev18:22), Do U see importance of legislation vs.?
3pride, reject authority (v6-9, 2Pet2:10) How common? submission, don’t tell me
4prosperous yet selfishly hoard not caring 4 poor (Ez16:49) Dems better here
What does wickedness lead 2? A: destruction, but righteous rescued, v12-29
v26 Lot’s wife “looked back” joke, maybe b/c so convicting: How many x’s?
Lord, forgive us/ Why did all this happen? A: 2Pet2:6 “example” re: ungodly
θ will punish, destroy! Long 4 justice? Wonder why wicked go free? It’s coming!
For those living there, don’t harden ♥ >turn!/ How, what’s turning look like?
A: faith, spared from G’s wrath, judgment/ Choose faith b/c ®!
3. The sin that is CONCEIVED always gives birth to HARDSHIP.
(Gen 19:30-38)
Righteous daughters consumed w/ sight, leads 2 fear, by which sin conceived
May B thinking: Where’s hardship? A: Moabites, Ammonites= enemies of Israel
®, Saddest day in ministry: testify in court, divorce (Glenn, Zipporah Nelson)
Don’t point self-righteous finger >we’ll reap! (not eternal but conseq) Avoid! ®
Close: 2 ways: faith (impact, rescue), sin (destruction, hardship)/ Choose faith