#15 Understanding Scripture - Gospels Era (Teens)
Understanding Scripture
Gospels Era
“The Story of God on Earth"
Key Characters:
Jesus; The Twelve Disciples
Key Location
Key Verses:
Matthew 1; Mark 10:43-45; Luke 19:10; 24:47; John 1:1-14
Key Concept:
Jesus comes to earth to ful ll the OT promises of Messiah (from the lineage
of Abraham and of David) to offer the Kingdom of God to Israel and to save
His people from their sins. Accepted by a few and rejected by many, Jesus was
cruci ed and buried, but He rose from the grave three days later as He had
Four Perspectives of Jesus’ Life & Ministry
1. Matthew
The Gospel of Matthew was written in the years following Jesus’ ascension by
Matthew, the tax-collector (Mt 9:9), one of Jesus’ Twelve Disciples, likely in
collaboration with the other disciples. Matthew emphasizes Jesus as the
promised Messiah and King of Israel.
2. Mark
The Gospel of Mark was written by Mark (John Mark, Acts 12:12) in close
collaboration with Peter, an Apostolic eyewitness. Mark emphasizes Jesus as
the Servant whose Kingdom highlighted greatness through service.
3. Luke
The Gospel of Luke (as well as Acts) was written by Luke the doctor (Col 4:14)
who traveled with Paul. The Gospel of Luke emphasizes Jesus as the Savior of
the World.
Understanding Scripture
4. John
The Gospel of John was written by the beloved disciple (Jn 21:20), the Apostle
John, late in the rst century AD. The Gospel of John emphasizes Jesus as the
Son of God.
Four Periods of Jesus’ Life & Ministry
1. Early Years: Birth & Childhood until Baptism
2. Initial Ministry: Widespread Acceptance
3. Later Ministry: Growing Rejection
4. Passion Week & Resurrection: Cruci ed, Risen, and Coming Again