In Ascensione Domini - The Joy of the Ascension
The Ascension is a joyful event not a sad one. Christ goes to His glory and His kingdom. Contemplating this reality should increase our faith, hope, and charity.
EXPLANATION: The Ascension is a joyful event
Accordingly, dearly-beloved, throughout this time which elapsed between the LORD’S Resurrection and Ascension, GOD’S Providence had this in view, to teach and impress upon both the eyes and hearts of His own people that the LORD Jesus Christ might be acknowledged to have as truly risen, as He was truly born, suffered, and died. And hence the most blessed Apostles and all the disciples, who had been both bewildered at His death on the cross and backward in believing His Resurrection, were so strengthened by the clearness of the truth that when the LORD entered the heights of heaven, not only were they affected with no sadness, but were even filled with great joy.
EXPLANATION: The spiritual benefits of the Ascension
For ascending into heaven, he threw open its gates, which had been closed against us by the sin of Adam, and, as he had foretold to his disciples at his last supper, secured for us a way, by which we might arrive at the happiness of heaven. To demonstrate this by the event, he introduced with himself, into the mansions of eternal bliss, the souls of the just, which he had liberated from prison.
IMPLICATION: The spiritual joy of the Ascension
And so that which till then was visible of our Redeemer was changed into a sacramental presence, and that faith might be more excellent and stronger, sight gave way to doctrine, the authority of which was to be accepted by believing hearts enlightened with rays from above.