He's Out of Here
He’s Out of Here
Luke 24:44-53
I couldn’t help myself but thinking about all the rockets being blasted off into space lately and relating
that to Jesus’ ascension and what the disciples must have seen and experienced when Jesus arose into the
heavens. In our culture, we might read the headlines: Jesus blasts off into heaven at the end of his earthly
ministry. But this conclusion is only the beginning of a new adventure, one that pushes us all into an unknown
future. Jesus led His disciples to the town of Bethany and blessed them. Then He withdrew from them, and
“was carried up into heaven.” Christ went up into heaven like a shot, or maybe just gradually was lifted up.
No, He did not ride on a SpaceX rocket, but it might be apropos to refer to the ascension of the Lord as
SpaceX, as X is shorthand “Christ.” We may sometimes write Xmas for Christmas; well, that is because X is
the Greek symbol for Christ. Regardless, Jesus went up into heaven. This passage is located at the very end of
Luke’s gospel; however, Luke has a way of turning endings into beginnings for new ventures. The final
promises of Jesus push us into a future that goes beyond what Luke can see.
The ascension occurs at the conclusion of the earthly ministry of Jesus. To understand this passage, we
have to look at what led up to the ascension. We need to have a careful countdown before there can be a
successful launch. So here we go: Three, two, one, blast-off!
Three … Jesus appears to His disciples and to others in Jerusalem. We know the story of the
resurrection, and how Jesus reveals Himself to two of His followers on the road to Emmaus. He then appears to
the disciples in Jerusalem, and at first they think He is a ghost. But Jesus says, “Touch Me and see; for a ghost
does not have flesh and blood as you see that I have” (Luke 24:39). Then He asks them for some food. They
give Him a piece of broiled fish, and He takes it and eats it in their presence (vv. 41-43). Yes, Jesus has a snack
— to prove He is alive.
While this might seem like an odd or humorous action, the people of the first century would have
recognized it as proof that Jesus was no disembodied spirit. When Jesus appears to His disciples, He is “the real
Jesus, the real man.”
Two … Jesus “opens the minds” of His followers to understand their mission. He knows that He has
limited time between the day of resurrection and the day of the ascension, so He stresses that “everything
written about Me in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled.” Jesus presents Himself
as the Word of God in human form, the One who completes everything that God began to say through the law,
the prophets and the psalms.
But Jesus knows that this is a lot for people to absorb, not only for the disciples, but for us as well. So
Jesus “opens their minds” to understand the Scriptures. Jesus gives them the gift of understanding (or we could
say, the keys to the Kingdom, as He had to Peter earlier) so they can better comprehend what God has been
doing, from ancient times through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
We need to have our minds opened as well. The words of the law, the prophets and the psalms can be
confusing and sometimes contradictory, so we need Jesus to give us correct understanding. Fortunately, the
teachings of Jesus and the guidance of the Spirit can continue to give us the insight we need.
When Christians were arguing over biblical understandings in the 1500s, a group of Scottish leaders
discovered that the interpretation of Scripture “does not belong to any private or public person,” nor to any
church. Instead, they encouraged Christians to trust the Holy Spirit to guide them, and to focus on “what Christ
Jesus Himself did and commanded.”
For example, Moses said, “Kill every male among the little ones” (Numbers 31:17). You have to read
the whole story of Moses to understand that situation… But Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me”
(Matthew 19:14).
The prophet Amos said that the day of the Lord “is darkness, not light” (Amos 5:18). But our Savior
says, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). Again, context and conditions of the then and now.
Psalm 7 said, “Rise up, O Lord, in Your anger; lift Yourself up against the fury of my enemies” (v. 6).
But Jesus says, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). And on we could
go with this and that, but all have a deeper story; don’t just read the headlines that seem contradictory.
Jesus can open our minds to what it means to be faithful Christians in the world today. “We dare not
receive or admit any interpretation that is contrary” to the Christian faith, “or to the rule of love,” said the
writers of the Scots Confession. Every word in the Bible should be interpreted through our faith in Jesus Christ,
and through the rule of love.
One … Jesus promises that His followers will be “clothed with power from on high.” Jesus knows that
He will be leaving soon, and He wants His disciples to be well-equipped to continue His work in the world. He
tells them that the end of His earthly ministry is the beginning of a new adventure for them, one in which they
will be filled with the Holy Spirit. Sure enough, just a short time later, they receive the gift of the Spirit on the
day of Pentecost.
Blast-Off! Jesus leads the disciples out as far as Bethany, lifts up His hands, and blesses them. While
He is blessing them, He withdraws from them and is carried up into heaven. The disciples are as amazed as any
of us would be if we were watching a SpaceX rocket rising into space. But when Jesus is gone, the disciples do
not feel a sense of loss or abandonment. Instead, they worship Him and return to Jerusalem with great joy.
They bless God in the temple and prepare themselves to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For Jesus, you could
say that His mission is accomplished. Not because He has ascended into space, but because He has prepared
His followers for the continuation of God’s work in the world.
Each of us is a part of God’s ongoing mission. Our job is not to stand around watching for Jesus,
looking up for a Savior passing overhead like the International Space Station (which is kind of cool to see as it
zooms by). Instead, our challenge is to open ourselves to the power of the Holy Spirit and continue Christ’s
work in the world.
One of the interesting innovations of the SpaceX rocket is that it has a powerful booster that lifts the
spacecraft into space, and then returns to Earth to be reused. In the past, booster rockets were always ditched in
the ocean, which Elon Musk said was like throwing away an airplane after every flight. When SpaceX
launched in November, the booster landed safely on a drone ship in the Atlantic and was returned to land for
future lift-offs.
Each of us is like that booster rocket, reclaimed by Jesus and used again and again to advance His work
in the world. Yes, we have to be filled with fuel, which for us is the power of the Holy Spirit. But then we can
be used over and over to share Christ’s grace and love with others.
As the gospel of Luke ends, we watch our Lord ascend to heaven in a blaze of glory. That’s a beautiful
and unforgettable sight. But as the book of Acts begins, we see the Christian community beginning to move
forward into an unknown future, filled with faith and love and joy. Let us join the disciples in shifting from
death to resurrection, from resurrection to ascension from ascension to being the hands and feet of Jesus in the