2006-05-28_Songs for A New Song_Psalm 40

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1.     Call To Worship: Psalm 40:16

The Lord be magnified!

2.     Praise To The Lord The Almighty

D                                     F#m            G                  A7  D

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of cre—a—tion!

D                                        F#m           G                     A7   D

O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and sal—va—tion!

D                 G      D                                    A

All ye who hear, now to His temple draw near;

D               Bm           Em  D

Join me in glad ador—a—tion!

D                                         F#m              G                 A7   D

Praise to the Lord, who o'er all things so wondrously reigneth,

D                                   F#m                 G               A7       D

Shelters thee under His wings, yes, so gently su—stain—eth!

D                     G     D                                      A

Hast thou not seen how all thy longings have been

D               Bm            Em  D

Granted in what He ordaineth?

D                                           F#m             G                 A7   D

Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper thy work and defend thee;

D                                      F#m            G         A7   D

Surely His goodness and mercy here daily attend thee.

D             G    D                                  A

Ponder anew what the Almighty can do,

D                Bm            Em   D

If with His love He befriend thee!

D                                   F#m          G          A7   D

Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore Him!

D                                           F#m                   G             A7  D

All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him.

D            G          D                                    A

Let the "Amen" sound from His people again:

D              Bm         Em  D

Gladly for aye we adore Him!

D            G          D                                    A

Let the "Amen" sound from His people again:

D              Bm         Em  A   D

Gladly for aye we adore  -   Him!

 (Public Domain, Joachim Neander, translated by Catherine Winkworth)

3.     Let Everything That Has Breath

E                           B/D#

Let everything that, everything that

C#m                   A                               E

Everything that has breath Praise the Lord


Praise Him in the morning


Praise Him in the evening


Praise Him when I’m young


And when I’m old


Praise Him when I’m laughing


Praise Him when I’m weeping

C#m                                              A

Praise Him every season of the soul

    A/F#                      Bsus              B

If we could see how much You’re worth

         A/F#                                         Bsus      B

Your power, Your might, Your endless love

          A/F#                Bsus    B         A/C#  B/D#

Then surely we would never cease to praise You

E                                      B

Praise You in the heavens, join with the angels

C#m                                     A

Praising You forever and a day

E                                            B

Praise You on the earth now, join with the creation

C#m                                               A

Calling all the nations to Your praise

    A/F#                                B    

If they could see how much You’re worth

         A/F#                                           B     

Your power, Your might, Your endless love

         A/F#                               B                   A        B

Then surely they would never cease to praise You

(© 1999, King’s Highway Thankyou Music; Redman; ARR ICS UBP CCLI#402841)

4.     Better Is One Day


How lovely is Your dwelling place

A2             B

O Lord Almighty.

       E                                                     B

For my soul longs and even faints for You.


For here my heart is satisfied

A2                  B

Within Your presence.

    E                                                   B

I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings!


Better is one day in Your courts


Better is one day in Your house!


Better is one day in Your courts

                            B (E)

than thousands elsewhere!



One thing I ask and I would seek

A2                 B

To see Your beauty.

      E                                                    B

To find You in the place Your glory dwells.


For here my heart is satisfied

A2                  B

Within Your presence.

   E                                                    B

I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings!

(© 1995, Kingsway’s Thankyou Music, Redman,

ARR, ICS, UBP, CCLI# 402841)

5.     Greeting and Offering

6.     You’re Worthy Of Praise

E       D/E   E       D/E  E

E                                          D/E

I will worship (echo)   With all of my heart (echo)


I will praise You  (echo)

          Esus        E            A          B            E

With all of my strength, (All my stren  -  gth)

E                                    D/E

I will seek You  (echo)  All of my days  (echo)


I will follow  (echo)

             Esus          E         A             B  E

Follow all of Your ways  (All Your ways)

E                             B

     I will give You all my worship!

A2                          B

     I will give You all my praise!

E                       B

    You alone I  long to worship!

A2                       B                   E           D/E  E  D/E  E  

    You alone are worthy of my   praise!

E                                              D/E

I will bow down  (echo)  And hail You as King  (echo)


I will serve You  (echo)    

                 Esus  E        A            B         E

Give you everything  (Give you e-very-thing)

E                                     D/E

I will lift up (echo)  My eyes to Your throne  (echo)


I will trust You  (echo)

         Esus         E         A              B  E

I will trust You alone  (Trust You a - lone)

(repeat chorus 2X, fake ending!, reprise chorus 2X)

(©1986 Maranatha! Music, David Ruis, ARR ICS UBP CCLI#402841)

7.     Beth Special—“Knees To The Earth”

8.     Let Children Go

9.     Thank You, Lord (6/8)

      D                                        G

For all that You've done, I will thank You!

       D                                   A

For all that You're going to do!     __

       D                    D7           

For all that You've promised


and all that You are

   D                                  A

is all that has carried me through!

             G      D/G     D/G      D

Jesus, I thank You!     __        __


And I thank You!


Thank You, Lord!  __   __   __

                              (And I thank You! Thank You, Lord!)

G                                     D

Thank You! Thank You, Lord!  __   __   __

                                                 (Thank You! Thank You!)

D                                        D/F#

Thank You for loving and setting me free.

G                      G/F#           G/E            G

Thank You for giving Your life just for me!

           D       D/F#   G                 D        D/F# G

How I thank You!    __  Jesus, I thank You!  __

                 D       D/F#  G

Gratefully thank You!  __  __ 


Thank  __  You!  __  __  __

(© 1995 Dennis Jernigan, Shepherd's Heart Music/Adm. by

Word, Inc., ARR, ICS, UBP, CCLI# 402841)

10. Introduction of Psalm 40—Points 1&2

11. Take My Life

E                          B A ETake my life and let it be    C#m     F#m      E       B   EConse - crat-ed, Lord, to Thee.               B             A    B   Esus-ETake my moments and my days;               A          F#m         BLet them flow in ceaseless praise,E            C#m     E       B    ELet them flow in ceaseless praise.

Take my hands and let   them move  At the   impulse  of    Thy love.Take my feet and  let  them  be   Swift and   beau -ti -ful  for  Thee,Swift  and   beau -ti - ful   for   Thee.

Take my voice and let   me   sing  Always,  only,    for   my  King.Take my lips and  let  them  be   Filled with mes  -sa -ges  from Thee,Filled with  mes - sa - ges   from  Thee.

Take my silver    and   my   gold; Not a    mite     would I   withhold.Take my intel  -  lect and   use  Every       power as  Thou shalt choose,E  -   very  power as   Thou  shalt choose.

Take my will and  make  it   Thine;It shall be no    long -er  mine.Take my heart--it is   Thine own; It shall    be    Thy royal      throne,It     shall be    Thy  ro -  yal   throne.

Take my love; my  Lord, I    pourAt Thy   feet its trea -sure store.Take my-self, and I    will  beEver,       on  - ly, all for    Thee,E   -  ver,  on  - ly,  all   for   Thee.(Public Domain, Frances R. Havergal, 1874)


12.  Psalm 40—Point 3

13. Heart of Worship

E                             B                                   AWhen the music fades and all is stripped away                      Bsus  BAnd I simply comeE                       B                                       ALonging just to bring something that’s of worth                                  Bsus BThat will bless Your heart

F#m                    E                 B   I’ll bring You more than a song                      F#mFor a song in itself                    E                BIs not what You have requiredF#m                       E               BYou search much deeper within                                           F#mThrough the way things appear                         E            BYou’re looking into my heart

E                                         B  I’m coming back to the heart of worship               F#m                         A             BAnd it’s all about You, It’s all about You, JesusE                                        BI’m sorry, Lord, for the thing I’ve made it                F#m                          A              B          AWhen it’s all about You, It’s all about You, Jesus!

E                            B                                  A   King of endless worth, No one could express                               Bsus BHow much You deserveE                                     B                           A   Though I’m weak and poor All I have is Yours                     Bsus BEvery single breath.(© 1999 Kingsway's Thankyou Music, Redman, ARR ICS UBP CCLI#402841) 

14.  Psalm 40—Points 4-6

15. You Alone (VCVCC)


D     D/F#    G               D

You are the only One I need

D/F#     G                          D

I    bow all of me at Your feet

D/F# G                  D   D/F#  G  

I    worship You alone

D      D/F# G                           D

You have given me more than I

D/F#     G                            D

could ever have wanted and I

D/F#     G            

want to give You my

                       D   D/F#  G  

heart and my soul


D   D/F#  G       

You     alone are Father

         D  D/F#  G       

And You     alone are good

D   D/F#  G       

You     alone are Savior

         D  D/F#  G                   D  D/F#  G 

And You     alone are God

Written by David Crowder © 1998 worshiptogether.com songsCCLI #1756003

16. Forever

         G                                  Gsus       G

Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King

       Gsus                  G

His love endures forever


For He is good, He is above all things


His love endures forever

         D                 C/E

Sing praise! Sing praise!

            G                          Gsus            G

With a mighty hand, and outstretched arm

       Gsus                  G

His love endures forever


For the life, that’s been reborn


His love endures forever

         D                 C/E

Sing praise! Sing praise! (Repeat)


Forever God is faithful


Forever God is strong


Forever God is with us

C             G

Forever, Forever   

(Repeat Chorus; at end …You are…)

G                                  Gsus   G

From the rising, to the setting sun

       Gsus                  G

His love endures forever


And by the grace of God, we will carry on


His love endures forever

          D                C/E

Sing praise! Sing praise!  (Repeat)

(© 2001 Worshiptogether.com, Chris Tomlin, ARR ICS UBP CCLI#402841)

17. Benediction

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