Comms - 1 Thess 5:12-28

You Can Survive  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The Law of 3s

There is something else that you need to be thinking about while you making sure you can breath, find shelter, water, food and all the rest. As you doing all those things you cannot forget to establish communication. Now this metaphor breaks down pretty quickly when we use it to talk about spiritual things but in life we do have to establish some lines of communication or comms.
Do you know what this is? The ham radio community tells me that when all other forms of communication go offline hams will still be able to talk to each other. For example, this last winter in Texas....
Let’s see if we can get someone to talk to us on this thing...
You might think that ham radio is a lot like talking to are always talking but no one ever responds…But there is something else that I have noticed in the last year as a ham radio operator…even though people might not respond there is still always someone listening. The same is true with God. He might seem like He is not responding but rest assured is he listening.
So how should we go about communicating with God and with one another? Well I believe the Bible teaches us that we should communicate the truth in love.

Communicate In Truth & Love

Ephesians 4:15 ESV
Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ,
I know that Montezuma United Methodist Church wants to become a “mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.”
But how does God through the human author Paul instruct us to go about becoming a “mature body?”
It is to speak the truth in love.
Why Truth and Why Love?
Why is Truth an important part of becoming a “mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ”
Our knowledge of Him who loves us grows through the truth found in the pages of Scripture.

Communicate with God on a Regular Basis

Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing

Communicate For One Another

25 Brothers, pray for us.

How many of you have a sibling? Did you ever have to run into the house to find mom and/or dad because they got hurt or were some kind of trouble? Praying for a brother or sister in Christ is similar to running to find mom and dad… You are running to God because a brother or sister needs helps from the Lord Jesus.
Act this out-

Communicate With One Another

27 I put you under oath before the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers.

Image if you will, Paul’s letter arrives at the house church. Paul “puts you under oath” to read the letter “to all the brothers.” So you do. What do you think happens next? The letters has been read. Your duty is fulfilled do you think that the reader would just pack up his bags and go home? I don’t think that is how it would work. I believe that after the reading was completed that they talked about the reading and asked questions. In that time after the reading they would have dialoged about what they heard. Who knows maybe some people temper would have gotten the best of them. They just could not believe brother so and so would have said that or sister sally sue singer would have do what she did. I mean really they were right there when the letter was read…how do they have done with that did.
Do you see what happened? What might have started out as good dialog about a book of the Bile turns into a heated fight where 3 or more people have taken sides and triangulated themselves.
As Christian we should do all that we can to Avoid Triangulation. Triangulation usually do not bring anything productive to the table. I may experience on of two things happens. One gets mad and leaves or maybe they are little more passive in their aggression. The start gossiping about the person. Both parties get angry and nothing but hurt comes out of the situation.
How should we go about communicating with one or anther? If you have a problem with another person, I believe and the Bible teaches that going to the person directly as soon as you can. This advice comes form Matthew’s gospel.
Instead talk directly to one another.
Communicate the love of God in Christ to one another.
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