The Message of Praise
Read: Psalm 33
David Marks was one of the most powerful evangelists in early American history. He was born to godly Connecticut parents in 1805, and his awareness of God began early in life. The incident that started him thinking about the Savior was a day when he was watching some flax burn. He had heard of the fires of hell, and as he watched the flames, he thought how exceedingly dreadful even one moment in hell would be.
“What would I do if the wrath of God fell on the earth?” he asked himself. After serious thought, he decided that should the Day of Judgment come, he would descend into the well and hide there. Running to his mother, he shared his plan; but she replied, “Ah, my son, the water will boil and the earth will burn.”
He then told her that he would run to a spot he knew in the rocks where he could hide. She said, “But the rocks will melt.” He was so overwhelmed with dread that he told her he would just die and escape the wrath of God in the grave. But she replied, “My child, your hope is in vain; for the dead will awake and come out of their graves.”
Young David went outside and walked through the fields, pondering at length the reality of that coming day and his being unprepared for it. Putting his hand over his heart, he looked toward heaven and said, “God, be merciful to me a sinner.”*