Untitled Sermon (4)
Aaron’s Appointment is God’s Doing Not Aaron’s
God’s Appointing Comes with God’s Equipping
What was an Ephod?
The Ephod and Two Shoulder Stones -
The Breastpiece
When God looks upon the great High Priest, He beholds His people upon His heart, as well as upon His shoulders, adorned with all the beauty of the One on whom His eye ever rests with perfect delight.… And with what joy does He so present them before God! For they are those for whom He has died, and whom He has cleansed with His own most precious blood, those whom He has made the objects of His own love, and whom finally He will bring to be forever with Him;
The Priest’s Role of Judgement
30 And in the breastpiece of judgment you shall put the Urim and the Thummim, and they shall be on Aaron’s heart, when he goes in before the LORD. Thus Aaron shall bear the judgment of the people of Israel on his heart before the LORD regularly.
According to Cassuto, we know:
1) That permission to inquire of the Lord through the priest by means of the Urim and Thummim in the pouch of the ephod was granted only to the person standing at the head of the people and only on matters of public concern;
2) That the inquiry related to matters that human beings could not possibly know, for instance an issue dependent on the conscience of an individual or something belonging to the future;
3) That the question had to be so formulated as to make only one of two answers possible: yes or no; the first matter or the second;
4) That two or more inquiries could not be made simultaneously; the answer was given to one question only;
5) That the reply was given by lot, as the expressions “casting” and “taking” indicate; this was based on the belief that the lot was not a matter of chance, but that God made his “judgement” known thereby, namely, His decision or verdict.
The Westminster Shorter Catechism asks, “What rule hath God given to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him?” The answer is: “The word of God, which is contained in the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him.”