Listen to Jesus when He Speaks about His Church
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The bible is clear that there is only one church. Why is this information necessary?
The saved are added to that number - Acts 2:47; Col 1:13
The church is going back to God - 1 Cor 15:24
The church is known in scripture by many names. One of the names that is used frequently by Jesus is “the kingdom”.
Kingdom - Matt 16:19
Body - Eph 1:22-23
House (spiritual house) - 1 Pet 2:5
Household of God - 1 Tim 3:15
Matt 16:18-19 Breakdown
Matt 16:18-19 Breakdown
“upon this rock” what’s this rock? A real rock? Peter? the confession?*
It must be the confession because it reveals some significant truths
Christ = Messiah (Ps 2:2; Jn 1:41) Is 61:1-2
Son of God = deity (Rom 1:3-4)
“I will build” implies the following:
This never existed
Purpose for being built: Why did Jesus establish a church? This is where God would gather the saved
“my church” implies the following:
Possession: How many churches did He build?
“and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”
Why is this even an issue? Were there things that can threaten the establishment and members of this church?
“hell” = Hades meaning the grave or death. This is a declaration that not even death can hinder this plan.
How does Jesus feel about His church?
How does Jesus feel about His church?
He loves it - Eph 5:25
He is intimately connected to it - Acts 8:4; 9:5
He wants it to uphold truth - 1 Tim 3:15. Why is this important? We are God’s “fellow workers” planting and watering. Planting and watering what? The word of God Luke 8:11
Some myths about the church
Some myths about the church
I can take Christ but not His church. 1 Cor 12:13 = Gal 3:26-27. You cannot put yourself in a bubble with Christ only and neglect His church. Why then did He have those letters sent to the “seven churches of Asia”?
Any church will do as long as we follow the bible. How specific should we get? Is it legalistic or dogmatic to uphold specificity? How many churches were built by Jesus? Were there any denominations in the Book of Acts?
Was any other church or group claiming to be the church existed before or after Jesus’ church?
Can God limit salvation to one group or locality? (The Ark, Rahab’s house, The blood on the lintels [method])
Is God concern with precision regarding His commands?
The church and kingdom are different entities [Possible]
Was the church there? Yes Acts 9:31; 11:22
Was the kingdom there? Yes Mark 9:1; Col 1:13;
Why would Jesus command the disciples to teach (Mt 10:7) and John taught (Mt 3:2) that the “kingdom of heaven is at hand”?
The bible does talk about an eternal kingdom (2 Tim 4:18; 2 Pet 1:11)