It seems that the next two parables that are given are given together and really compliment one another in the main thrust of what they are teaching.
Remember that the Lord Jesus was teaching his disciples what they were facing in the days ahead.
Really the scope of these parables go way beyond the days of the disciples and describe for you and I the unfolding plan of God and what would transpire and is transpiring as the Gospel goes forth and the battle with the enemy rages on.
Part of our difficulties lie in the fact that we do not know the Scriptures and we should and so we try to rationalize what is taking place based on our limited perspective.
Remember when the Lord Jesus confronted the Saduccees with their unbiblical views he told them “Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.” (Matthew 22:29)
Now is the time that we need to redouble our efforts to know the Scriptures.
With that introduction lets read Matthew 13 verses 31,32.