Foundations of our Faith: Sabbath
Ha’Shabbat: The Sabbath
Introducing the Sabbath
1So the heavens and the earth were completed along with their entire array. 2God completed—on the seventh day—His work that He made, and He ceased—on the seventh day—from all His work that He made. 3Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, for on it He ceased from all His work that God created for the purpose of preparing.
When evening darkness began to fall on the gates of Jerusalem before Yom Shabbat, I commanded the doors to be shut. I further commanded that they should not be opened till after Yom Shabbat. I appointed some of my attendants over the gates so that no burden could enter during Shabbat.
3“Work may be done for six days, but the seventh day is a Shabbat of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You are to do no work—it is a Shabbat to ADONAI in all your dwellings.
8“Remember Yom Shabbat, to keep it holy. 9You are to work six days, and do all your work, 10but the seventh day is a Shabbat to ADONAI your God. In it you shall not do any work—not you, nor your son, your daughter, your male servant, your female servant, your cattle, nor the outsider that is within your gates. 11For in six days ADONAI made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Thus ADONAI blessed Yom Shabbat, and made it holy.
The Sabbath to Sunday Transition
Two Aspects of Work
Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
12‘Observe Yom Shabbat to keep it holy, as ADONAI your God commanded you. 13Six days you are to labor and do all your work, 14but the seventh day is a Shabbat to ADONAI your God. In it you are not to do any work—not you or your son or your daughter, or your slave or your maid, or your ox, your donkey or any of your livestock or the outsider within your gates, so that your slave and your maid may rest as you do. 15You must remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and ADONAI your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore ADONAI your God commanded you to keep Yom Shabbat.
Some Practical Guidance
1Now when Yeshua went into the home of one of the leaders of the Pharisees to eat a meal on Shabbat, they were watching Him closely. 2And there before Him was a man swollen with fluid. 3So Yeshua said to the Torah lawyers and the Pharisees, “Is it permitted to heal on Shabbat, or not?”
4But they kept silent. So Yeshua took hold of him and healed him, and He sent him away. 5Then He said to them, “Which of you, with a son or an ox falling into a well on Yom Shabbat, will not immediately pull him out?” 6And they could not reply to these things.