Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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> .9
The kids.
Did I say go off the children's church.
Did I? Okay, good, you know.
Sometimes you just get so focused in the message.
It's it's weird, but as as weird looking at a passage today, I just want to know from you and I hope you stay.
Promises that God has given to us.
That encourage you in the day-to-day things of life and encourage you as as you go through some of the difficult just real quick.
What are some promises God has given Ray?
I will never leave you home.
Never leave or forsake you girl.
Good to me.
Never Walk Alone.
You'll Never Walk Alone.
Just shut them out.
Is word?
I would never let anyone take you out of my hand.
What are these are promises?
And you know what?
We could probably go for an entire hour.
This is really going to be interesting.
No. On all the promises that God has given to us.
I had to rescue in case everybody.
Just drew a blank stare and was like, oh no, so I have some here and and you don't listen almost all of them.
But one of them I have loved is I will give you rest.
Another one.
I will build my church and the Gates of Hell will not Prevail all.
I love that one.
I will come again.
I hold on to that one.
I do in this week as we come to Genesis chapter 15 today.
We it begins with after these things.
Those are the first words in in chapter 15 answer these things.
What things did you recall back in chapter?
14, recover Abram, had gone through, there was some battles, those two battle specifically, but there was the God gave amazing tremendous victory in Thursday was the the challenge of giving up great, Royal.
And trusting God.
That in and of itself can be a challenge in a battle cancer.
And, and as we looked at that, we, we saw that whenever you have battles, sometimes, yes, what enemies are created.
Enemies are created when when you engage in Warfare.
And so we begin with chapter 15, after these things.
And as we look at chapter 15, we see that there is Vision of sorcerer's.
There's a a relationship.
There's something going on between Abram and God.
It's all as as we look through this passage today.
I'm going to do it just kind of going through and we're going to look at this Vision.
We are going to look at this dialog that is occurring between God and Abram as we begin.
There is no Assurance into promises that he begins with read along with me and 15:1.
After these things, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision song.
Do not fear Abram.
I am a shield to you, your reward shall be very great.
Highlighted The Words of Christ in yellow for a very specific reason.
I'll go over that just a moment.
But this is how the very first verse of this passage opens up.
Do not fear very from the very beginning of this chapter.
We see the power of God and it's a surance to Abram.
And as he gives that Assurance, he says, not only you have no reason to fear.
but, Abram.
I will protect you.
Think about what he just went through.
These battles building up in tamizh.
We're going to see God's going to take out one of those in need very soon.
Not this Sunday, but you're coming up shortly.
Okay, buddy, but he says, hi will be your Shield.
I will be your protection.
Billy says, I will give great reward.
Isn't it amazing that when God comes in, when we come to him?
We approached the guy who is powerful, who protects and provide?
There's three piece for you.
Okay, there's my alliteration for the day.
But we have a powerful protective providing God, that you and I sir.
And is this chapter begins?
God wants Abram to understand and remember that?
There's an assurance into promises.
But as we look at the rest of the chapter is a dialogue, that is occurring here.
If you want to know how I prepare for my sermons and different things.
First thing I always do is I print the passage on preaching on.
And this week I I did something a little you need that.
I don't normally do but it was fun.
I'm like man.
This is a dialogue.
This is a conversation that is occurring in this chapter between God and Abram.
What wonder how much Abram is talking?
I wonder how much God is knocking.
I did this.
And I have a visual for you, but yellow is God.
The blue is Abram.
The black prince is narration.
That's saying a lot in this chapter here today, and it's very important for us this year and understand what God is doing what he is saying.
We unfold this this dialogue.
We were going to while we're going to have three sentences of Abraham in the rest guy, aren't you excited?
We're not going to hear much from a from today.
Who's interested when we do hear from me from their questions?
How many of you approach god with questions?
Good, you should use the one with the answers.
And as we go to God, we are going to see those answers.
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