There Is Real Life
Jesus was truly incarnate and the only source to real spiritual life and joy.
1) Real Life Revealed
A. Jesus Incarnate
2) Real Life Experienced
A. More than imitation
John wrote his Gospel to tell people how to receive this wonderful life (John 20:31). He wrote his first letter to tell people how to be sure they have really been born of God (1 John 5:9–13).
A college student returned to the campus after going home for a family funeral, and almost at once his grades began to go down. His counselor thought that the death of his grandmother had affected the boy, and that time would heal the wound, but the grades only became worse. Finally the boy confessed the real problem. While he was home, he happened to look into his grandmother’s old Bible, and there he discovered in the family record that he was an adopted son.
“I don’t know who I belong to,” he told his counselor. “I don’t know where I came from!”
B. Practical evidences
3) Sharing The Real Life
A. To have real fellowship
B. To have real joy
Joy is not something that we manufacture for ourselves; joy is a wonderful by-product of our fellowship with God.