Avoiding The Spread of Folly By Speaking Truth

Avoiding The Spread of Folly By Speaking Truth
Ecclesiastes 9.18-10.4
ICC PM service 5/23/21
I. Introduction
I. Introduction
1. Catch- You have to keep your eyes open in the great outdoors
1. Catch- You have to keep your eyes open in the great outdoors
i. I love to get outside, to see the trees, to move around, swim, hike, play! Be in awe of God creation
ii. But that’s not the kind of keeping your eyes open I’m talking about
1. I meant the great enemy of the bushwhacker, the trailer blazer… poison ivy, poison oak, and sumac.
2. These little plants that mix among all the rest but have the oil u·ru·shi·ol on it, which if any of you have had it on your skin… you know itches like crazy.
a. And the worse part is that the oil doesn’t just stay on you…no it spreads
b. If you get it on your hands and touch someone else… they have it do
c. If gets on your pants, and then you get in a sleeping bag, then it gets all over your body
3. You’ve probably heard the phrase,
leaves of three, beware of me… which is helpful to avoid, but there are lots of plants with 3 leaves on it
4. And Sumac for example doesn’t have 3 leaves on it… there are seven to thirteen leaflets
5. Its helpful to know some other features
Like poison oak always has little lobes of various sizes along the edge
its glossy on the top side and velvety on the bottom
iii. And how do we know these things? Because others have made mistakes and learned from them over the ears
iv. In the same way, you must be able to identify folly because like urushiol, folly will stick to you and spread to others so easily if you are not aware of it
1. And we need to help others miss the mistakes
2. The book of Ecclesiastes-
2. The book of Ecclesiastes-
i. The preacher spent the first part of the book telling us that without God, none of the false promises of life would satisfy us… they’re all just idols that leave us empty in the end. He tried, they failed.
ii. But now, he has turned to what can we do in the midst of this broken world
iii. Last time we saw how you need wisdom not just for yourself, but also for the sake of others who need our wisdom to help them
II. 2 goals a believer should remember interacting with a fool
II. 2 goals a believer should remember interacting with a fool
1. Watch out for your heart’s slip into foolishness (9.18-10.1)
1. Watch out for your heart’s slip into foolishness (9.18-10.1)
i. Explanation- A sinner can destroy wisdom’s influence (9:18)
i. Explanation- A sinner can destroy wisdom’s influence (9:18)
1. Verse 18 is a connection between the previous section and the current one
since the chapters and verses are not inspired, there is much debate about how they should go together
2. But in verse 18 he switches from the benefits of wisdom, to the realization that wisdom exists in a fallen world and so even though something is wise, it might not always take the day
3. Wisdom beat the armies of great king, but all it takes is one sinner, one does not fear God or obey his commandments to destroy or exterminate much good
a. Don’t think of sinner as we are all sinners because we all still sin.
b. That’s like saying we are all swimmers because we all know how to swim… no, this is someone whose whole life is devoted to sin like a Olympic athlete is devoted to his swimming.
4. This is obvious in our own lives as we may work for years to build trust and then one foolish action, and its lost.
You can be someone’s friend for years, but all it takes is one hurtful saying and that’s all they can remember
ii. A little folly can ruin wisdom’s power
ii. A little folly can ruin wisdom’s power
1. Perfume was very costly, made for cosmetics, for medicine, and even for furniture.
2. And it was stored in little containers made of wood, stone, ivory..
a. There were flies everywhere then just like today.
b. Imagine a rich young women getting all ready for the big day, putting on her precious oils
c. As she goes to close the lid a fly gets caught inside and dies.
d. Next time she opens the container expecting the sweet armora of flowers, what is she met with?
A stank of decomposing fly
3. In the same way, a little folly will overcome all kinds of wisdom and correct teaching
a. Paul warned about this as the foolish idea of accepting a sexually immoral person spread around the church in Corinth.
you are to deliver this man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.
Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?
i. They had been taught by the Apostle Paul himself, and yet this idea that it was good to "not judge” sin snuck in
b. The same is true about false teaching
I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
i. After saying how great the church in Rome is and commending them… he still warns them to watch out for the deceivers
ii. Even the best hearts can slip if they’re not careful.
4. You may say, no way! I’m strong enough
a. I have been a Christian for decades. I know my bible.. or even, I am a pastor! I’m safe
“peer pressure smeer pressure”
b. But let’s not forget the biggest loud mouth and confident man in the bible fell to one bit of folly
i. Turn to Galatians 2:11-16
But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. For before certain men came from James, he was eating with the Gentiles; but when they came he drew back and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party. And the rest of the Jews acted hypocritically along with him, so that even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy. But when I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them all, “If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you force the Gentiles to live like Jews?”
We ourselves are Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners; yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.
ii. Peter, an Apostle knew the message of salvation clearly, but because of some unwise people who wanted Jews to stay Jews… he started to change the terms of salvation.
c. God warned Israel that the world was dangerous threat, the early church struggled as the jewish culture kept trying to pull works righteous in… are we that different?
iii. Illustration
iii. Illustration
1. A study was one by the National Institute on Drug abuse where teens volunteered to play a driving video game alone or with friends watching.
2. The researchers quickly began to notice that the risks teens took while driving was double when their friends watched
3. We live in an world of folly, the world’s presuppositions are in the very air we breath
a. You are told your self-esteem maters above all else to make you happy and successful
b. That you need to be heard and respected
c. You need to be normal like everyone else on your team or group instead of holy and different
iv. Application
iv. Application
1. Instead,
Leave the presence of a fool,
for there you do not meet words of knowledge.
a. If someone suggests doing something you know will not honor God, that will lead to sin.
b. Avoid that little lie in your head that says its ok… its just a little fly, I know when to stop…
how close can I get without actually sinning?
c. Because all the wisdom given to you by your parents, your teachers, your friends and your bible study can be overcome so easily
d. Run away from people who want to take you into sin… none of us are strong to enough on our own.
e. Often these friends are not people we actually spend time with but voices we hear on public media
2. But, you may wisely ask… wasn’t Jesus a friend to sinners?
So, let’s look at Jesus’ example
a. Yes, Jesus was the perfect avoider of sin and yet lover of sinner
i. Luke 7:34- The Pharisees are accusing Jesus and he says… The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look at him! A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’
ii. He doesn’t refute it because he was often in the company of known sinners, but let’s look at those examples
b. In Mark 2:15- there were many tax collectors and sinners along with his disciples because many followed Him
i. The scribes and Pharisees were grumbling about the company he keeps and Jesus reminded them he came to call sinners to repentance (Luke 5:32)
ii. He was there to see them saved
c. Luke 7:50- a certain sinful woman has just washed Jesus’ feet, which angered the Pharisees
i. Yet he told her that her sins were forgiven.
d. Sinners were attracted to Jesus not because he accepted their sin or joined in their sinful ways
i. They saw that he brought forgiveness and cleansing for their problems.
e. Kevin Deyoung writes, “It is easy take the general truth that Jesus was a friend of sinners and twist it all out of biblical recognition.
So “Jesus ate with sinners” becomes “Jesus loved a good party,” which becomes “Jesus was more interested in showing love than taking sides,” which becomes “Jesus always sided with religious outsiders.
i. These things are not true
3. Yes, reach the world, but the way you Christian should be attractive is that you offer hope when there is none, you offer forgiveness, your offer help to change…
a. Don’t be the same kind of sinner they are
b. Nor be the one who just says do these all to get self-discipline and they can make their problems go away
c. Instead, tell them how Christ has helped… give gospel focused wisdom
Trans: and so to offer that help
2 goals a believer should remember interacting with a fool
2. Notice a fool’s wrong direction and point them towards Jesus’ wisdom. (10:2-4)
2. Notice a fool’s wrong direction and point them towards Jesus’ wisdom. (10:2-4)
i. Explanation
i. Explanation
1. The wise vs the fool (10:2)
1. The wise vs the fool (10:2)
a. Another distinction between the wise and the fool is made
i. The wise goes to the right, the fool to the left
ii. No, this is not a political statement (like my republican college friend used to like pointing out in jest), nor is he saying that all left handed people are bad
iii. Instead, he is just showing that the wise and the foolish end up in opposite directions.
b. Wisdoms looks very different from folly
i. Wise people remember eternity placed in their hearts and that judgment is coming (3:11)
ii. The fool is so distracted by everything around him that he doesn’t pursue wisdom (Prov 17:24)
The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way,
but the folly of fools is deceiving.
c. So the fool is walking along the road and it is made clear to everyone that he is a fool
i. He lacks sense, like the young man in Proverbs 7 who walked near the immoral woman and was caught by her sin….the end of the test shows one’s sense.
For the simple are killed by their turning away,
and the complacency of fools destroys them;
but whoever listens to me will dwell secure
and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.”
ii. Illus
A fool is like a clown, his dress and actions show that he is ridiculous and should not be followed…
But we have to actually look.
d. And many in our world can call for people to grow up, not be foolish and take responsibly for their lives,
but biblical wisdom is different because it doesn’t just want wise actions, its all about your heart
i. It is the heart that directs the man to the right or to the left.
ii. We can’t think that that telling people the right thing to do is enough because
Matt 15:19: "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders… these are what defile a person
iii. You can know the right thing the do and yet be full of evil thoughts and it means nothing.
2. What’s is the main thing Ecclesiastes wants us to learn?
2. What’s is the main thing Ecclesiastes wants us to learn?
The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.
a. Fear God and obey his commandments
b. Biblical Wisdom is rooted in there being a personal God who is holy and just, expecting those who know him to show his character in their lives
So, in verse 4 we have
3. The application of wisdom (v4)
3. The application of wisdom (v4)
a. It sounds a lot like Ecc 8:2, right?
I say: Keep the king’s command, because of God’s oath to him.
b. But notice the word king has been replaced with ruler
i. This is a lower ruler than the ultimate king
c. And here the command is not to obey the king, but to stay composed or calm when the ruler is angry
i. Instead of getting angry in response to another anger, the wise person takes a step back and tries to see the situation from God’s viewpoint
1. Maybe I should apologize, maybe I am wrong in some small way
2. A wise person doesn’t just run out, but seeks to show God’s grace
ii. We all know, we must be kind with parents and teachers
but, sometimes it’s even harder with a delegated authority like an older sibling or a substitute since they don’t really have the right
d. But a wise person and a fool are seen to be different by their actions
e. However…. Because we are breathing in the folly of this world, our wisdom always fall short, right?
Every human messes up and so we must point people to the greatest wise man… Jesus Christ
4. Jesus’ solution is seen
4. Jesus’ solution is seen
a. 1 Corinthians 1:24, Paul calls Jesus the wisdom of God
b. Isaiah 11 tells of the coming messiah and says
And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him,
the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and might,
the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
c. Wisdom characterized Him even as a young man
Luke 2:40- And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon him.
d. Jesus is our perfect example of wisdom
i. As he could have been worried with life’s pressures, he trusted his father and prayed for his will to be done
ii. As he was attacked by officials who would not declare him innocent, he merely stated
John 19:11- Jesus answered him, “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above
iii. Where you fail… Jesus won. Where you sin, Jesus trusted His father.
This is hopefully because many of us have acted foolishly.
ii. Illus of taking the roof off and letting it rain?
iii. Application
iii. Application
1. How do you help an unbelieving fool find true wisdom?
a. Gospelizing them
i. They need the gospel, they need Jesus
ii. Jay Adams wrote, “the only way to go to the heart of a man’s problem is through the Gospel of Jesus Christ ministered in the power of the Holy Spirit, who transforms the heart of man and thus transforms his life patterns.”
b. But what do you need before the good news? The bad news.
i. He is a sinner
1. If he stresses outward change alone = a legalistic liberal
2. If he stresses inner change alone as a professing Christian (Rom.6-8) = a cold orthodox lecturer
(if all lip service and no works = unsaved: (James 2:14-26)
ii. He needs to know problems in his life are often because of failing to follow God as he’s on the wrong path
Think of it as problem orientated-evangelism
1. There is sometimes issues outside of our control, but we often respond in ways that are wrong
c. Tell them they can’t do this own their own
i. Bring the gospel that God is not a genie, he is the savior
ii. Jesus is not a talk therapist to make you feel better, no, he’s a surgeon who is going to cut out the cancer and rebuild them and change your paths forever. He changes hearts
2. To believer, it is not that different
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.
a. Your goal must be to not opinions and thoughts that are contrary to Christ
b. Help them not just do what you did, but the goal of wisdom is to show them what God says
c. The best way to address folly is with Good theology of God
III. Conclusion
III. Conclusion
1. Cohesion- Tonight we’ve seen
1. Cohesion- Tonight we’ve seen
i. As you look out for foolishness in this world, you need to watch your own heart, less the folly get you,
and be a help point those who are foolish back to Jesus Christ.. our wisdom and salvation
ii. Only by looking at Him can we become wise in our friendship and our actions
2. Resolution- So, please remember
2. Resolution- So, please remember
i. Watching out for poison oak is good, but the problem is the spreading oil can get everywhere
1. If one person gets poison oak on their clothing then brushes up against others or throws their jacket in a pile with all the rest
2. Suddenly everyone is having uncontrollable desire to scratch the red spots all over their skin
ii. And spiritual follow is like that… it can spread into the church or into a people
1. So we need every christian to be part of the lookout and cleansing
2. Because, yes, we can point out folly and where to avoid it
3. But we also have the gospel of Jesus Christ which cleanses
4. It cannot come from the pastor anymore than warnings can come from the first person leading the group
5. It must come from every person
iii. Each christian must be part of offering warning and spreading hope for cleaning.