Under the Sun

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He will make all things beautiful in His time.

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Good. A man. Today we going to be continued with a series Under the Sun in to be as one of the most challenging and yet most free Liberty messages and services that we get into because it begins to answer certain questions, chapter one and this is Solomon speaking and the Bible speaks about Solomon being one of the wisest men that ever walked. This is the wisest man, but I don't believe he was wiser than Jesus, and why is it in God? But the Bible says, there's no person will have wisdom like he have and not he's like he had and wealth lucky head. And I believe that as we look at it at this business, teaching them about life and how he's looking for meaning and purpose in life and is looking for for purpose and Destiny to be released and is finding the word and it comes up, comes up 39 times. On vanity speaker to do certain things to unlock to live a life of purpose and meaning and Destiny and have some substance. I don't know about you, I want to live a life that loves me. I want to leave a legacy as far as me once I graduate to be with God, the Father I want to have some substance that people talk about the good things that God does in my life. And talk about something that that, I complication leave a legacy from our children's children's children in and leave a legacy or faithful south of Johannesburg and older areas around us. And Solomon is talking about that. He says at the end of his life of Salvation that he made, it says the words of the priests of the son of David King of Jerusalem since the preacher of

What is a profit? A man from oldies labor which is toil Under the Sun, one generation 4, I passed away in another generation comes to buy Forever. The Sun Also Rises, the sun goes down and Hey sister play Sweet, the rose, the wind goes towards the South and turns around to the north. The wind wolves about continue at comes again. All the rivers run into the sea. Get the sea is not full to the place from which the rivers come then return. Again, the eye is not satisfied in the sea know, they are filled with photos during that switches being will always be and that was done is always be done and there is nothing new Under the Sun. And he says that phrase is nothing new Under the Sun and he's supposed to go is Venice in the word. Vanity is the Greek or Hebrew.

Resume meaningless, purpose, does it mean to smoke or vapor? That is a description of life without God is dishevel. No meaning of smoke, smoke has a form of substance, but when you get close to smoke and you try and grab hold of this smoke is just as it has no stuff that's not hold up. Any sign that life Under the Sun? It looks like it's going to come for something. It looks like I can have a phone or something but when you try and take hold of Life Under the Sun, hold of it stays no substance. There's nothing to hold onto, there's nothing little lost faith, but comes and goes and Fades away. It has no lost in power. But he says that the peach Pizza in Solomon's day Under the Sun, Hallelujah Under the Sun speaks about life without you. Oshkosh life is meaningless without God has no purpose. Let me tell you something life Under the Sun is truly satisfy. You put in your heart to only have a relationship with him and all things come through him to bless your life but the first thing we have to do is realize life under the sun. Has no meaning no purpose. No substance. You'll never find who you are a side of him. Never be able to be with him because of him in a given Hallelujah. So we see he says life is Vanity for the Papas on his way. We need to look at the sun with novinha meaning and purpose would be to live a lot about the son of so connected to you that I'm living on my destiny. You see we didn't live life not under the sun Under the Sun speaks what country done the last at the world says. You can have the last of things that say you can. Fishing is life Under the Sun that says nothing is new Under the Sun, but let me tell you life in God is purposeful. It's exciting because why you can be what God created you to be stupid about the sun. Hallelujah. Because the more you connect to him in your life, but you see something so wrong? And we trying to chase things under the sun and God is saying it's not what you taste. This we need to make a decision not to chase things because it's his is meaningless of purposeless to chase him. Hallelujah and nothing Chase Chase. Knowledge of God will chase him Above All Else. And it seems like I could accomplish, but let me tell you with God, everything most of us. What I thought, everything is meaningless and purposes. I just work hard for the little guy and God is saying all sucks. His own meaning or purpose of all Destiny 2. You see the more, you know, me, still more breakthroughs come in your life. She sometimes we try and solve things under the sun and it becomes a banner to be working and he says the segos. And if it was the season with a secret.

I love this phrase and he said, he said this that the eye is not satisfied and there is no satisfied chasing things. Because God's Bible says, in Ecclesiastes chapter 3, he placed eternity in our hearts, he created to worship him about the price of the voice in the heart that only, he could. You see many times which Hastings trying to fill that void in our hearts, that little thing I feel so empty and your father says that he can use that deceptive three teeth. Put that Jack. He put that the boys that it's a little something in her heart that keeps us hungry, hungry hungry, those who hunger and thirst. After righteousness, shall be satisfied.

How to prosper with all those who seek Him above all else and they will be satisfied. I don't know about you, I want to live a life and be satisfied and how do you do it? You have to. I'm not looking for answers. I'm not looking for brakes. I'm not looking for provision. I'm not looking for Helix, I'm looking for you and everything else. Oh God.

Let me tell you something today. Many people walk around and say boss. Can't hold everything together. I just can't seem to hold my relationship together. I can't seem to hold my marriage seemed to hold my business together. I can't seem to hold my finances together. Let me tell you, thrushes one verses nine, this is for this reason. We also since the day, we do not cease to pray for you and also to be full of knowledge of his will. What knowledge of his will, what is Solomon, Sea, King of the knowledge, he was the wisest man. What knowledge? The knowledge of God's will, what is Boswell's first voices, desire playing for you as well as he's wasted. So you go to grow in knowledge of his will. God's word is his will Hallelujah.

The word for some more, you have knowledge of the word, you know, the will of God for your life. Hallelujah. So let me say to you, I don't know what the will of God is when you know what the word of God says. When the word of God says, that is, the will of God where the word of God says, who you are. That's his wolf. When the word of God says, what you should do. That's his wool, Hallelujah. And when you do, he give me size 2. What do you call to sue him? And not do what he says to do.

Coupons, for shoe. The gifts and not The Giver. It's a must use of the gifts to take a gift without the without acknowledging or honoring. The Giver is abused in The Giver. The Giver, you'll never run short of gifts. She sometimes we chased the gifts, the gifts of the Spirit operates who gives it. God gives us the Holy Spirit, then the gift offer operate, all the blessings of God by The Giver of the gifts, every good and perfect. Gift comes from the father above. What are we going to do? Not the gifts. Hallelujah for so long. The church has been chasing if you chasing things and it doesn't satisfy satisfy and you make sure everything you need for life and godliness, you'll give to you. It goes on to say this but you may be fooled and knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Hallelujah. That you may walk with the Lord for the pleasing him being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God live. What's the petunia? The ball, you seek Him the Sun. What would use to happen to become fruitful in every good work and what happened to call Wes. Agents and long-suffering with joy is a lot from the power of Darkness, into the kingdom of the son of his love in whom we have Redemption through his blood, the Forgiveness of sins. Let me tell you what that means. He is delivered us from Life Under the Sun, to live life, about the sun to walk in inheritance with the Saints. Hallelujah. He say more. You seek me to be good to look about the Sun. And no longer do not citizens of Under the Sun. You are citizens of Heaven, your citizenship with God, hallelujah. And that means you look about the sun. Let me tell you what frustrates people is, what you look below. What you supposed to be accomplished, listen to what you're supposed to be. Let me tell you what. That means. What it means is that when you know you said instead of a heaven you'll be frustrated and not break through glass above the Sun, as a child of God in God's ways is taking him and all things will be added to you.

Go to watch this. Skipping down to vs. 17. Maybe go to verse 16.

He's the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation for by him all, things were created all things. We are all things under the sun. Detroit at all. Things were created that are in heaven and on Earth visible and invisible where the throes of the meanings of principalities and Powers all things through him. And before all things trying to hold everything together, find a hold a lifetime to hold the relationship. Trying to be busy with life Under the Sun that word consists in the Hebrew means in him a house together. Let me tell you something is not your job to hold all things together. It's our job as believe us to hold on to the one that holds all things together. The more you hold on to him, he will hold the things that you trying to hold on. Hallelujah, by him all things, I have to get ahead of the more, you seek Him. He will hold your finances together to hold your house together. He hold your family together, you hold your marriage together. Steel, hold your mind to get that skill. Hold your piece together but it's found in him and him. All things are how to get the how to say, yes. We don't have to hold it together.

So what are you going to do? Laugh about the Sun Road I'm going to hold on to you is a good times and the bad times I'm going to hold on to you at the Mountaintop and the veil hold on to you. When life is good and life is bad. I'm going to hold on to you when I'm blessed, but I'm not place. I'm going to hold on to you because I know that the more holes at the moment life is held together. She will never creative to be living outside of God. He holds all things together. Stay with me. He holds all things together and hold on, to him. Has a hold on to him. He's going to hold on to all my things in Jesus name. Hallelujah. So we see that's all a man goes through this experiment that he says I have to find a way to focus and I'm not going to go to dip to this. He says I'm going to do for experiments to see that I can fill this Gap in my life that I can live a life as pleasing to satisfy and he goes first. When he says I'm on the phone myself with knowledge. I'm going to try and pick know everything. How many? No praise God. I've said all together. Mister know everything. Praise God. It says with knowledge knowledge is good but not legit. Hip is better. Knowledge is good because it gives you skills knowledge in him against the revelation of him. So he says you call Chase knowledge because sometimes people know so much but do so little Hey babe, I found that the people who know don't do and the people who don't know dude, because why what? They don't know, they trust God and they do. Let me tell you, you have a guy who knows something but one thing I do know is this the more I seek Him the more he gives in the bility to do what he told me to do. Let me tell you I don't have great service. I get up and trust God and say God, if it's not for you, I have nothing to say I hold on to you or God because you told me you set me a clock for work and if I hold on to you oh God, you will hold the ministry together. If I hold onto your car to a hold of work together, if I hold it to you, God bless the people. How much I can tell you for his garbage, people know so much more, but the dude in the wrong place and I'm not saying it to be anything, but I'm saying those who know don't do those are. Do do, Hallelujah. I love people. I went to Bible School people smoking King James. How are you listed, highly favored and authority? And I said to please you, I just want to worship you. I know the road you told me to Ministry, I know. Lord you gave me a cold that you can satisfy. I don't know, how do these, people are way more qualified for a more talented guards, use the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. I guess what, the first verse of the Bible School, who's the guy who knew less of the Bible that anyone else all the Thousand students? Because knowledge and him so fast. His knowledge of the worst places, you change the places. You tasted all the things he said, no, sing my eyes want to do my heart once and I was how old I tell you myself to places I gave myself. Two, two, two, gave myself to a woman, I gave myself the pleasure Khan satisfya, what God will do your life and when you chase God, he will give you the pleasures of the love of your heart. You said I taste work number three, I got so busy chasing work. I've been so busy to keep that tube office for 6. He says, I got so busy, chasing him, building, and building business building houses, building project. I was so busy doing so busy. Chasing the wind. Let me say to you, if you're too busy for God, you're too busy.

God gives you work. Work takes God to remove the blessing for me if you too busy for God. You too busy, if you want to seek God everyday church every week. Would you in midweek, Bible study? And you got so busy in your business. You're too busy because it's not fair to you. She came first. All these things will be added to a valve for the wealthiest people to believe us, but God has the power to obtain wealth wealth without the garden gives you the wealth. So you chased all these things it says is chasing the wind, the wind reap the Whirlwind nothing so we see that that's that's what he's off the rhaetian and receive just the chapter 3 now and it makes a statement and I'm going to start closing with this closing has 10 minutes. Should come to study all these things has, he made everything. Beautiful in his top and I want to break that down for a few seconds. He says, when you live a life above the son, he makes all things beautiful, it is time. You know, you may be in a place, we'd like, doesn't make sense, that's all of them. You may be in a place where things are broken and out of sorts and he says, but I've come to the conclusion about the son, she makes all things beautiful. It is tough. And I would have tell you something. Today, you may not be seen or having regard to the back to laugh, but I won't tell you snowed over. He makes all things beautiful in his time. Let's break that down for a second. He has made past tense and means the work is finished, but he makes what he makes us. Let me say to you makes it. Let me say to each may not be something. You seem right now. It may not be something that you have right now, it may not be something as soon as possible. But he makes it. So let me tell you. If he makes it what the word of God says it is because why would you see Kim. He gives you the word and when he gives it a word he watches over his word to perform it. What is you make everything every part of your life, he watches over and he watches Ever every party alive. Let me tell you, God is not just interested in your church left and just for us a lot of interested in. Everybody is interested in the piece that you don't have his interested in the, the joy that you need is interested in your marriage and your family is interested in everything that you desire in this world, how to do everything in your life, listen to me, someone God knows where you are, and knows what you need and knows what you're praying about. He's interested in everything about your life. Hallelujah. He's interested in every part of your life, The Bad, The Ugly, Duckling The Broken Beautiful divisive. He's interested in every part. He makes everything. What is he making? Beautiful. Hallelujah. He makes it beautiful. I want to tell you, God's got a plan for your life to make your life beautiful. I love you, and you missed the opportunity inside a beautiful beautiful. Watch this kid. No one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. No one can understand what God has done from the beginning to the end. You'll never figure out. You'll never figure out what he can and cannot do. Let me tell you. The beginning of wisdom is to know of. This is the fear of the Lord. And when does the fear of the Lord is growing your knowledge? And the more you think, you know, about the wash is how much you realize you don't know about him that he's in the Scrabble. He's matchless is incomparable that he has no end. Just when you think you've reached the fullness of God is it? This one is coming away that you have to grow in. A says, no one can Fasteners. And let me tell you, don't understand how God's going to do certain things in your life. Don't understand how he's going to bring you out of it. I don't understand why you going through these things. Don't understand. Just know that he's going to bring you from beginning to end. He's watching over your life from beginning to end. Hallelujah. Does Solomon, say you have to know that he has something to make all things beautiful in your life. You have to understand that God is working things in your life and it gives you three things suppose he makes everything He makes everything who makes it he makes. Who, who is the power? He has the power. He makes it, so why we trying to make life beautiful. When he's the one who made it, beautiful the movie Chasing the movie, walking tours. You see, sometimes we Chase things and we find is not the picture that we have. Can you play the thing for me?

Second thing, you sis, he makes a beautiful thing. He says, no evidence that he gives you these instructions.

The first illustrate part of the song song is Life by self.

Has music that has a sound and has the ability and potential to be something great. But when you chase that live above the sun, you start seeing the God as his notes and chords to your life and stop you. The same chords become Fuller and Fuller.

You can have the first one.

Found it has potential but as the fullness and no Beauty, when you see, Kim that you lost me and you start living a song, that's beautiful and pleasing to him. I just saw a single. That's not me. I'm just the one Chi Minh but when you add your notes to me last becomes beautiful,

that's his life, about the He says this. Do not forfeit enjoying and living God laugh because you don't understand. Let me say this statement, don't let what you don't understand, stop you from enjoying life. You can't understand what you can understand, but you can enjoy what you can enjoy.

You can understand what you can understand but you can enjoy the presence of God, you can enjoy a relationship is seeking his face. You could enjoy knowing that you love by cars. You can enjoy knowing that he's going to turn all things to look at beautiful in your life. And he says they're supposed to or Tina says don't feel life live in the field. Gosh do what does that mean and put him first place in life when you don't when you walk in the field I forgive you the braces nuggets Sullivan he says this.

Walk in the fear of the Lord is Under the Sun. But when you live with the fear of the Lord about the sun, you'll see that they want to enjoy life. You see, that's why I said, life Under the Sun is vapor and smoke.

Put in first place. You'll see they all take care of the Warriors of Life. Matthew 6 is, do not worry for tomorrow. I am taking care of, but do you not see the birds? How they fit that? I've taken care of them. Do not see. This goes to all the things and he says to you. Why put me first. I am your rock, I'm real Fortress, Strong Tower the love of your soul. I'm the one that died for you. Paid the price for you. The wonderful provide for you. I am Jehovah, Jehovah Rapha. I'm the one that all things are made. Ford made from me. Me first life about the sun becomes less complicated when you put in first and ask you to stand at this moment.

The biggest challenge we have. Easter put on life and priorities. And sometimes we get distracted and sometimes like Sullivan episode of us, we could easily it chasing the wrong thing. But I believe God has created desire and awaken that eternity in their hearts to draw us closer to him. I want to challenge us to this morning, to make a decision, to lay aside the kids at this world and the Warriors this world. But that pays him about to say load a hunger and thirst for you more than anything else. No, there's nothing more precious and Priceless, leave our relationship with you. I want to tell you this.

I don't chase Holden's Sprouts because he holds all things together. The cold and dream that he put his, I have a dream of a business have a dream of her life in a relationship in a marriage. Play me tell you this but chase him and watching to see how you move in your life. Offering to what I can do, but chasing for who he is. Who is good all the time? How did you say? Father, I am a God Chaser I chase after you. I chase your prisons. I chase your noisy. Lorde.

Ask the Holy Spirit to create a hunger and desire for me to know you more than I ever have in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. That's why if your eyes closed if it's bad they want to take the opportunity for granted.

Love what you say. I want to have the peace of God. I want to have my life turned beautiful, but I don't know, the one who makes it beautiful. Today is a great opportunity. If you never received Jesus Christ, as Lord, and personal savior, there's nothing more important this world and to know him and the bout, was it the first if it to know is to receive if you want to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and personal savior, I want you to be bold and raised her hand and I'll be my honor and privilege to pray with you and for you right for you. Thank you Jesus. Thank you. Lord father thank you for every person Lord. I pray that you bless them. Father watch over them on God. Make your face shine upon the Lord. I Thank you that you you anoint them. Any Kris them in Jesus name? Amen.

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