Sunday May 23rd - Revelations 2:1-7

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Through this morning.

It will begin. We'll just read the first 7 versus that's as far as we're going to get today. To the angel of the church in Ephesus. Write the one who holds the Seven Stars in his right hand, the one who walks among the seven golden lamp stands says this. I know your deeds and your toil, and your perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil men, and you put to test those who call themselves Apostles and they are not and you found them to be false. And you have perseverance and have endured for my namesake and have not grown weary. But this I have against you that you have left your first love. Therefore remember from where you have fallen and repent and do the deed you did it first or else I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place unless you repent. Yet, this you do have that you hate the Deeds of the Nicolaitans. Which I also hate. He who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says, to the churches to him that overcomes. I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. By the God. We thank you for this day. Lord. Thank you for the opportunity to gather together in your name and open your word. We pray that you would guide us through it. This morning that you'd give us understanding and application. Lord, that you would ultimate ultimately be praised and glorified because of it. Father. We ask and pray in Jesus name. Amen. Self Revelation Chapter 2 verses 1 through 7 in this this book of Revelation or the Revelation or the apocalypse is what that that word means John is writing. What he has been given while he's exiled on the island of Patmos. Remember, from chapter 1. He was on the Lord's day. He was in the spirit on the island of Patmos, and I need began to see this vision and he heard a voice behind him, calling him, he turns around and sees the Lord Jesus and he falls down as though he were dead and he's instructed to write down the things that he sees. You may remember from chapter 1 verse 19. It says this therefore, write the things which you have seen. And the things which are in the things which will take place after these things. So here's Johnny sees this vision of the Lord Jesus Christ and he's instructed to write down three things in. This is known as the Divine outline of the Book of Revelation. We break it down in a bunch of different ways. We have the introduction and the Jesus Christ in chapter 1, the letters to the churches in Chapter 2 and 3 the call up into heaven in chapter 4 and then the tribulation and through the chapters four through through through and then we have the great white Throne judgment that. We have the within this is this is the Divine outline the things which are The things which are to take place after these thinks. He's already written in chapter 1. About the things, which he is seen in chapter one. He recorded those things which you had seen, which is how he saw Jesus. And he's recorded that and how he fell down dead. And now chapter 2 are the things which are chapters 2 & 3. These are seven letters in these two chapters. That he will record that are given to him by the Lord Jesus, to give to the seven churches in Asia Minor. So chapters 2 & 3. These seven letters that are given to him. Now. These are actual churches that existed in actual cities in Asia. You can see them on the screen behind me there when it comes up there. That's a slide. Pastor Jed had last week. So I stole it. I borrowed it from from him and it shows where the cities are laid out. There were actual cities and it has the letters go, it goes in kind of a circle. It goes from from Ephesus to Smyrna, to forgive him to tie, a tie rod, to start a list of Philadelphia to lay the Sienna going to goes around that the circle there, these letters to the seven churches. But so these are seven letters to seven actual churches. But each of these letters, also serves as a commentary on the state of different periods of the history of Christianity. Isis. Christianity is marched on through time from from the resurrection, in the Ascension of Christ up. Until today. We have gone through different phases in different periods within Christianity. Any sort of these ladders relates to one of those phases for is this today in the book of a Baptist. It relates to the apostolic are and we'll talk about that in a little bit. But these are also a commentary on the state. The current state of individual churches in the world that we live in. You may find that that your church or if this is not your home church or this church. If it is your home Church, may may very well qualify as a recipient of one of these letters, as we look at these and you go away that describes my church perfectly. And more than that. It is it also becomes more personal than that because it will see in chapter chapter 2 verse 7. The and as we go through these letters to these churches that this is applied personally, as well. These are letters to seven individual churches and individual churches are made up of individuals within the church. It is not some blind Corporation. It is a body of Believers, made up of people like you and me. So when he is writing these letters to these churches, he is riding to the people within the church. The individuals that we see that it was addressed in verse 1 to the angel. Of the Church of Ephesus. The one who holds the Seven Stars in his right hand, the one who walks among the seven golden lamp. Stands says this the angel, the Church of Ephesus. I love this picture that we have here and you go back to chapter 1. Do you have the the this picture of the Lord holding the Seven Stars in his right hands and walking among among the seven golden lamp stands and he gives that commentary on that. Does those stars are the seven angels of the churches in the lamp stands, are the seven churches in the others, whose great picture of the Lord, in the midst of the churches. And that that's comforting to know. That that Christ is in the middle of the church of his work. This church is not a pastor judge churchyard or Travis has Church of Ryan's church. Is it is the Lord's church? Every true church belongs to him. It is his work and he is in the midst of it. So that's a comforting thought and the angels, it says he holds the Seven Stars are the seven angels in his right hand. In in that hand of power. The word Angel, there's is a Greek word which means the messenger and it's is most likely what he's talking about is the seven pastors of these churches. The messenger that have been given the message to give to the people within the church. So is he opens the shop? This is the beginning of this letter to the church in Ephesus. The first of the seven letters that are written. It says, to the angel of the church in Ephesus, write the one who holds the Seven Stars in his right hand, the one who walked among the seven golden lamp stand, says this. So you reiterate, that picture that image from chapter 1 of him being in the midst, the city of Ephesus was Considered to be one of the greatest greatest cities in one of the greatest. Most important, Greek cities that ever existed. It became the capital of the Roman Empire. In Asia pergamum. I believe was the capital prior to that, but Ephesus became the capital it, but boasted a population of 250000 people, which was was a substantial City Bruce, very, very wealthy City inside this city. They engaged in Commerce that rivaled that of Rome. Whoever support city right there on the the western coast of what is now turkey on the Aegean Sea. And there they would it was also right on the trade routes that would go through there. So the Commerce that would travel through there. It was they brought it right? Tons of money into the City and in the city, they ended up having the the Temple of Artemis, which is on the screen back there. Also known as the Temple of Diana. It was an enormous Temple. It was larger than the Parthenon and it was considered to be one of the Seven Wonders, of the Ancient World had a hundred and twenty seven pillars within this Temple of Artemis. And the Temple of Artemis. Also served as is a kind of a treasury of a repository of funds for Four Kings and four other cities, they would bring their money their treasures and they would store them there at this Temple of Artemis for safekeeping. This was all in Ephesus to the city of Ephesus was a very prosperous, very, very happening City. There was a lot going on there. Furthermore, that the warship, they took place at the Temple of Artemis involved. Some pretty bass actions. It was involved fornication and in a lot of things that you wouldn't really kind of You wouldn't consider them to be part of worship. But this was part of the worship that took place. There was a center of pagan worship, the city of Ephesus.


It was very much a stronghold of satanic activity because of that, with this, this Pagan worship at his Center, but it also became one of the most prominent Christian Community. Send Asia. It was you, you may remember from the book of Acts. You go back to the book of Acts of the Apostle. Paul. He spent three years ministering there and we'll talk about that in a little bit, some more. But he's spent three years ministering there, a Polish. Also ministered there. Aquila and Priscilla were also administering there. When you go to the Pastoral Epistles, you find that, it was Timothy pulse Protege, that, that pasture. They're in Ephesus that Paul left there. So they had a great pedigree as far as Christian churches. Go this church in Ephesus, but they lived in the middle of a pagan community. If you were to go there today, you will find that there is the, you can visit the grave of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and John the author of the book of Revelation. You may remember that when Christ was crucified that he had handed over the care of his mother, to the Apostle, John there at the cross and he took care of her as though she were his own mother and John after he leaves his Exile from the island of Patmos will himself go to the city of Ephesus and Pastor that then. And he was buried there along with Mary the mother of Jesus to this is a very prominent City when it comes to Christianity their well-established. They had good solid Doctrine, which we'll see but they were missing something. So, this letter for Jesus is addressed to the angel of the Church of Ephesus. The the the pastor that was there. Or we think of this being addressed to the angel of the church or to the messenger of the Church of Ephesus. We have to consider that is being really a message to the church. Any message that's given to the messenger of the churches. It is implied that that message has to be go through the messenger to the church, right? This is this was a message, not just for the leadership within the church, but for the body for the Believers will see that an inverse 7. So this is this is his his words to them.

The message is for the messenger Church of Ephesus for this is what he has to say. We're just two and three.

Because I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance and that you cannot tolerate evil men. You put to the test those who call themselves Apostles and they are not and you found them to be false and you have perseverance and haven't ordered for my namesake and have not grown weary. He says, I know your deeds and your toil. I know your Deeds, your work and your labor. One inescapable fact about life in about the church. Is that Jesus whether good or bad knows your Deeds? He knows what what's going on. You can say it is could be a letter addressed to you. And they could say that the one who holds the Seven Stars in his right hand and walks among the candlesticks says to you. I know your Deeds stuff for the church in Ephesus. This was them being commended for their good work. They had done this right now, but I think if we're honest with ourselves, this could be a terrifying thing to hear for the Lord just to show up and to say I have a letter for you personally. It's written to you and I want you to know first off before I say anything else. I know what you been doing.

Everything said and done. Is recognized. Not for them. It was good. I sometimes life week, we can get the feeling that only the things that we do wrong or remembered. You know that from just life. If you're married, you know that for certain.

But this was a case of the Lord recognizing their Good Deeds. They had this is a church that that labored for the Lord. He says I I know your deeds and your toil. I know your work and your labor in another translation. The idea was that they were engaged in doing work for the Lord to such a degree that it it was considered hard labor board, their entire heart and soul into their work for the Lord, this church and Jesus's. This is the first thing that he points out. I want you to know that I recognize this. I know your work. It was a great compliment. They work hard for the kingdom of God. They weren't lazy. As I some Churches had become and some churches are even today in some individuals are today. The church at this point in time in 99, T680 somewhere in there. Had gone on at tisza painting, The Return of the Lord for quite some time. When when Christ and ascended into heaven? You remember that the Angels were there and they said, why do you men of Galilee Sanders tearing up and never the same Jesus? Would you see ascending into heaven will return in like manner? Then they knew that Christ was returning Christ that I go to prepare a place for you. And India, I will come in and get you and you will be with me. He said that they were living with this anticipation of the Lord's return and what it happened is some of the people, some of the churches had taken that and they said that, you know, the Lord might return today. I'm not going to work. What are you guys doing? You kick back? I'm having steaks for breakfast. Come on over. We're going to hang out not doing anything today. The Lord might return today. Some of the churches said he'd gotten lazy one of the churches with the church and pestle Nikon Paul addresses this. And in the second letter to the Thessalonians in Chapter 3 Verse 6 pulse is now we command you brethren in the name of our Lord. Jesus Christ that you keep away from every brother who leads in unruly life and not according to the tradition. Would you receive from us for you ourselves know how you ought to follow our example? Because we did not act in an undisciplined manner,? You don't stay away from unruly men. And follow our example. Our example was that we did not eat any one's bread without paying for it, but with labor and hardship, we kept working night and day. So that we would not be a burden to any of you. Not because we do not have the right to this, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you, so that you would follow our example. For even when we were with you. We used to give you this order. If anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat either. For we hear this some among you are leading an undisciplined life doing no work at all. But acting like busy bodies. No, such person as we command and exhort in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Working quiet fashion, and eat their own bread, but ask for you brother and do not grow weary of doing good. So the ball is addressing that with them. This is a church that it began looking around. And they they began saying, look at the Lord is returning. So let's just take it easy. Let's not do anything for us. If anything, the thought that the Lord could return at any moment, should just do the exact opposite for us know, the church has lived with this idea that the imminent return of Christ anticipating this at any moment and the Lord, honestly could return today before we're finished here. He could return. He could, we could be wrapped. Should we could be gone? We wouldn't miss a thing that we be filled with joy. We see loved ones that we've missed. It could be next week. It could be in 10 years could be 50 years from now. We don't know exactly where this is going to take place. But we do know that that each day that passes by is one day closer to that moment when that is going to happen. And it could be at any moment and the thought that the Lord could return, that this is all, could be wrapped up at any moment in time, should not prompt us to laziness. But rather to be more industrious to labor hard to. Look at this and say, look up. Today might be the last day that the Lord returns today. I want to be found in the word. I want to be found even working and labouring. I want to be serving and sharing. I want to be taking the gospel to my neighbor's. It should prompt us to action to be busy. Not busy bodies. Just laying around doing nothing. Who's committing them for that. The fact that they were not lazy. This church was different than other churches in this area. They were hard at work. They Labor Day did well.

It is a fact. Isn't that the whole idea of of Hebrews chapter 10 verse 24, he says and let us consider how to stimulate one, another to good beat. That's good works. Let us consider how to stimulate one another to do the things that we ought to be doing to get busy to work to labor for the Lord. And not forsaking our own assembling together as is the habit of some but encouraging one, another and all the more as you see the day Drawing Near. We should be the fact that we know that this is winding down and there's coming a point in time when this is all going to be over. We should be busy. The older we get in and the further down the road, we go, the busier. We should be getting laboring for the Lord. That's what this church was doing the church in Ephesus. Got this, right. They didn't waste time. They were busy about the Lord's work. I imagine if you could peek behind the scenes, if you could pull the curtain back in, to look at the functioning parts of this church in Ephesus, you would see a well-oiled machine that everything just working properly jogging along working and labouring to such a degree that it is. The first thing that the Lord points out in this letter to them. The second thing is their perseverance. This is like your your perseverance, your patience. The word here is hoo. Pokemon, a means to Bear up or to remain under something Vision. These videos that I've seen like in basic training where you got all of these, all of these people with holding a big log up over their head and holding it up, and they got to keep it up there. And, and it stay underneath it and carry that weight and, and, and nobody needs to to give out. I have no idea what that's like, I've never done anything like that myself. And I think it's crazy, but that they do that and I see videos of it, and that's the way I picture it. That's what this word means. It means to remain under, to Bear up to the remaining steadfast underneath, the burden that you're having to bear. That's what this church is. That's what he says. That means you guys have work hard, you labor. You, you've done the work that you're supposed to and you are, you're patient and enduring. It was this. You have persevered. You poo poo man ad you've remained under this is something that might hit close to home. For Christ is commending them for their their perseverance here. I'm trying to change slides cuz that's that's not the right slide, but

It's not working. I need slides anyway.

Some price commanding them for remaining under.

This. Go back to the perseverance one. There you go. Perfect. See your works better. When I just let them do it instead of trying to do it here.

So is commanding them for four remaining under the burden front of remaining under the persecution. The hardship that they have to endure. The idea here is is one of patient endurance to Suffer. Well, for a long time, we see that after this, after this. I hope you'll speak of that to the ideas, to, to patiently endure to Suffer. Well, for a long time for the cause of Christ. And we met in this life, be called to suffer greatly for the the cause of Christ in it. Is it is commendable and it is expected that we do so patiently. And we remain under that burden that we have is a society grown very adverse to any type of hardship or burden, that might be placed upon us and we do everything that we can to get out from under it. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. If there's something in your life that is unnecessary that that you don't need, you can get rid of it, if it is a burden. But when we are talk, About the cause of Christ. And the church, there is coming a time when we are going to have to bear underneath the burden, without being willing to compromise to change anything, in order to undo that burner to get rid of that burden. And that is the thing that would take place here. You can imagine his church in the city of Ephesus. Very prominent, very wealthy city with the Temple of Artemis, in the things that took place there that they were very wealthy, very fluent in, and that brought Indulgence Indulgence would bring debauchery, and there would be a huge pressure upon the church aside from regular persecution that they would get to compromise on their values. Their their, their integrity, their stance, on the word of God and their teaching of sound Doctrine to be pressed into the mold of the city in which state they live in that, that pressure would kind of go into that church and they endured that they didn't give in, they still held up steadfastly. Under that. Wait, we live in a time right now where everything is personalized. Everything in our lives is personalized. Even you see people with with earbuds in all the time and the eve of their, the sounds of their world are completely personal personalized. It doesn't sound like my world. They they walk right past me and their world sounds completely different. We live in this, this personalized world. So it is going to be hard for us to Bear up. Underneath the burden when it comes and it will come at some point. We are going to have to take a stance and we're going to have to decide that regardless of the burden that is placed upon us. We are not going to compromise and we're going to do it patiently. We are going to persevere. We're going to stand underneath the weight of that burden. Sometimes we we honestly, we bear burdens in our life, but we don't do it patiently. We do a griping, the whole way through it. Oh, let me tell you about my struggles. I'm going to I've got all this going on. I don't know why they treat but I'm going to get through it brother. I am going to end or it, then I die. This is, I'm just so sick of this and I can't believe this way there, but I'm going to get through it. You know, we we do it with the burden but we don't do it patiently. It is a commendable thing for a Christian to take a stand on things that are our true doctrinally or the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The message that we have for the world and to endure any burden that might come because of that and to do so patiently with joy. The church in Ephesus was an example of this. They had. They had all of the working pieces in place. They they were labored for the Lord, and they endured hardship, but still they were missing something.

They worked honestly for the Lord, they endured patiently and they had an intolerance for the Deeds of wicked men. So they had and tolerance, they were an intolerant church, but in a good way. You know, the Lourdes is commending them for this. He's committing them for not tolerating those that were Wicked. He says and

Denver's sub. Where Stewie says, I know you need your toilet perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil men. There is something about the Purity within the church. That is necessary. Now, it doesn't mean that that we are to not be loving. And we'll talk about that here in a minute. But these are those that would come in and they would ravage the church. They would come in teaching things that they are not be teaching. They would invite in contacts, will see that with those that call themselves Apostles and the people within the church in Ephesus for good at rooting that stuff out and dealing with it. Chuck Smith says this and I'll just called him on this. He says you cannot, you cannot bear those. That are evil. I'm quoting the The Book of Revelation, they had the purging power within the Church of Ephesus and it is a healthy body that can Purge the poisons from its system. It is when the church begins to tolerate the poison that it is going to die if your body gets so weak. It can't Purge poisons anymore. Then death is going to follow very soon. It is necessary that the healthy body Purge itself of the poisons within it. So they didn't tolerate evil men within the church and they tested false teachers is you that you cannot tolerate evil, man, and you put the test those who call themselves Apostles and they are not and found them to be false. They come in for the purity of the body and not ever, not just taking the word of those who call themselves Apostles that are not there were in those who would go about claiming to be Apostles in in the the time in which this was written the highest office within the church was that Have an apostle and and there have always been in there, will always be those who desire to have those most prominent positions, the most powerful positions within any organizations, be at the church or otherwise. And, and they will put themselves out there. They will make claims they will boast about themselves. They will try to put themselves in that position where they end up being seen as at least the the most prominent person in that organization or was in that body. And that's what was taking place. There were those that we show up at these churches, they would travel. And they would show up, they would never say I'm Apostle. So and so, are we would like to teach you and they would just come in Desiring to teach the people of those churches. In this, they would do this. This was long before you can check everything. They do, they would show up. And so, what they would have to do is they would have to take these individuals and they would test them. They would try them. Napa warned, the church specifically the church in Ephesus specifically and Acts chapter 20, verse 29, to 30, what he says, I know that after my departure Savage wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock and from among your own selves men will arise speaking perverse, things to draw weight disciples after them. Therefore be on alert remembering that night and day for a. Of three years. I did not cease to admonish you admonish each one with tears, that the Apostle Paul write to the church in Ephesus long. Before this letter was written, warning them that after he'd spent three years, they're teaching them and and and praying with them and admonishing them with tears that there would come those, who would teach things that they should not be teaching. They've come in as ravenous wolves Desiring to draw way disciples after themselves. It was a warning that was given to them John himself Act. Would warn Believers in the book of 1st, John chapter 4 and he says, beloved, do not believe every Spirit but test the spirits to see whether they be are from God because many false prophets have gone out into the world. That was John the author of the book of Revelation, giving the Believers. This advice that, that the church in Ephesus, seems to have taken the heart. These people would come in Desiring to teach them and they said, well, I got a few tests for you first. I don't know if it was that formal, but they certainly tried them. They tested them and found them to be false. They didn't just welcomed into everybody that they came and says, always like to teach you have a word from God, wear an apostle. We have, I'm a prophet. I'm coming to teach them. They said great if that's the truth, then fine. But we have to root this out. First, we have to try to make sure that we have. We have to make sure that this is from the Lord that that you are who you say, you are. So they tested them individuals within the church that came to teach the how do you test them? Will primarily with scripture? Without getting too deep into this cuz I know we run out of time but money Testament scriptures, this does to what they have to say. Line up with the scriptures. Are they are they bringing in something new? That's not found in there.

Then you reject them. A pack for those that claim to be prophets. There's a pretty strict standard by which they, they are to be tested. And that is if they've ever said anything that's, that's not true. If they've ever prophesied anything that that didn't come to fruition. They're done. You reject everything that they have to say it from that point on. So this was a test for the other test has money. We're worn a few places in the scriptures that false teachers come in and their their Desiring to to make a profit off of you. They're up for profit profit and in so they desire to make merchandise of you is says So they did that. Try to make them, they didn't end up making themselves wealthy. They're always asking for money and wanting you to give to them and and they provide for themselves over and over and over again. Those are a couple of scripture money. Look at those things. So they tested them and they found them to be false. Don't be so quick to follow teacher's test them. Find out if what they they have the same is true in verse 3, he reiterates their perseverance. He says he says in your purse and you have perseverance and have endured for my namesake and have not grown weary. And you guys have done so well in this, he says you you guys have worked and labored hard, you your perseverance has been great. You have tolerated evil men you have you have shorted a rooted out those that they call themselves to be Apostles and are not found them to be false and you've done this with such patience and endurance without growing weary. So bring that patients back up and he misses you guys have done. So. Well, you've done all of this patiently, you not been in a hurry, you not gripe and complain. If you've done it. You've endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Is Paul would would tell Timothy In a glaciers chapter 6, verse 9. Paul says let us not lose heart in doing good for in due season. We will reap. If we do not grow weary. If we do not lose heart depending on the translation you have. So this church was was a busy hard-working Industrials church, that would have had always had some program or some event, some seminar, some teaching some summer camp. So Bible School, some Outreach events going on. They would have been active in a live and everybody from the outside would have looked at this to top it off. They would have been solid in the apostles Doctrine. They had a great pedigree. They knew the word of God. They knew how to to root out false teachers. They they knew how to do all of this. This this looking from the outside-in. This church was the model Church. Somebody wants told me. I was a model preacher. That was great compliment. Then they told me that it meant. I was a small imitation of the real thing and then it wasn't such a compliment. But this this church was the model Church looking from the outside, everybody. Look at it, but man, that church there. They've got everything happening. They're always busy and and and that they do so well, they teach so well. But the Lord doesn't look on the outside. The Lord looks on the heart. At as well as they were doing this well-oiled of a machine is this, why is this thing's chugged along? And they, they did everything just perfectly. The Lord looks on the inside he says but Verse 4.

I have this against you. Do you have left your first love? Now, that's a pretty serious.

Chiding that they get from the Lord and we'll see that in in the next verse because there's coming a very Stern warning with this, but he says you have left your first love you. All of this great, but here's the issue. Do you have a missing the thing that makes all of this glorious and beautiful? That first love did all of the right parts, doing all of the right directions and they left something behind. Notice. It says they left their first love it. And then say, they lost their first love. The idea that were here in the word, that's used actually means that they have laid aside, the they purposely left it somewhere, decided along the way. That the what's more important is doctrinal Clarity is is working hard. Laboring for the Lord doing all of these things, staying busy, all of the time always having something going on. And they missed it. The Church of Ephesus. Not only was a literal church that the John was writing to. It is also representative of the. Of the church from the time of, of the apostles were from the time of the resurrection of Christ. To the end of the apostolic, about the end of the first century ad, they knew the truth that had the apostles and you how to test for it. They desired Purity within their congregations. They worked hard. They labored for the Lord, the problem. Was it somewhere along the way. They laid aside the thing. That made all of that. Sweet, that was their love. They left their first love that. We are called as Believers as a church to love God, with all of our heart mind soul and strength than to love your neighbor as yourself. That is the greatest of The Commandments that the lord gave to us. John writing as he quotes. The Lord says that that by, this will all men know that you are my disciples by the love that you have one for another John Wausau, right? That you will know that you have passed from Death unto life because of the love that you have for the Brethren at the heart of everything that we do. As a Christian Is This Love for our savior and this love for those that are around us and if we do everything else right? If we if we get all the mechanical workings of the church, right? We always stay busy week, we had here to doctrinal Clarity and Purity. We root out those that are false teachers, but we don't love if we Place that we lay that down somewhere along the way, then we're missing something. Missing what makes it all beautiful. It just becomes dry dead Orthodoxy. That's all it is. Nothing, but a framework that looks beautiful. If it's odd because we're missing the heart of it.

Paul said in that, great chapter of Love 1st Corinthians chapter 13. He says this if I speak with the tongues of men and angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I speak with the tongues of men and angels, I already read that part. If I had the gift of Prophecy and know all Mysteries and knowledge and if I have all Faith so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing is if I give all my possessions to feed the poor and if I Surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love your profits. Me nothing. I think all of us could look back on our lives and we can look back at a time in our life when we met. We were just passionate, we were just on fire. We we love the Lord. We, we were so excited about the gift of eternal life that we've been given. I know in my life growing up within in the Catholic church and and a deacon John Aloysius was his name. Not probably not with us any anymore in my theology class taught that take to get to heaven. You have to imagine it as being like, like a Target in your shooting arrows, added that Target is perfection. As long as most of your arrows are headed towards the target, whether they admit it or not. As long as you have more arrows, going that direction than you have going the other way, then you'll you'll get to heaven. Then I realized, when I was 21 by Holly and I were dating And she had met a guy was associate pastor to church, or Freewill Baptist Church, and he invited her to come. And she she went, she invited me. Would you like to go? And if you own your dating, you want to get married to do whatever they want. So I went and And and I remember I was 21 year old. I sat there one night and all of it finally clicked and it made sense to me and I understood that Christ died for my sins and that there was no weights that I could ever earn my salvation and I gave my heart my life to Christ at that moment. And I remember how that felt. I just didn't in tears that night and and I went home and I quit. I quit watching TV. I quit listening to the radio unless it was some teaching. I listen to CSN the time and and I quit reading everything. I didn't do anything with my spare time except read the scriptures because I wanted to know what it said and I was so full of passion and and and Zeal for that. And that was how I spent all my time.

Button, and I think. So, if you have baby a similar experience, you realize that when, when you came to Christ, there was this passion in this sealed, but over time, it just becomes routine. It we start to go through the motions and we can get things, right? We know how to do it. Then we end up leaving that first love behind but John is riding to this church. This message that came from Jesus and Jesus says to them in verse 5. He says, therefore, remember from where you have fallen. And repent and do the deed you did at first or else I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place unless you repent. Repent. And do your first work again. Remember, where you left it? That the word repent? It doesn't mean to to going to feel sorry about it or to go ahead. So I just feel bad. It doesn't mean to grieve over it. It needs to turn around to change direction to change your mind to go in another way. Jesus is like, you're going through the motions in and you got all of this right from the outside. You look perfect. but at the heart of the matter, you've lost the heart of the matter. Is that love that first love for Jesus Christ. There's Something About This. Love that, that could just do so much. Love covers a multitude of sins. Love is is that the oil that makes this machine work properly? It is love for one. Another. That is going to to prove to ourselves that we are his disciples. It is love for one another. That's going to prove to the world that we are his disciples. This is this is the thing that we have to get.

Know what are the things that I do? Show me. You probably see me up here when we when we worship and singing and sometime of wiping away tears. And there's there's very few things in life that make me cry. I didn't cry at my mom or my dad's funeral, but when we worship I do. I just one of the things that I have chosen in my life to not ever, try to stifle, I don't try to hold it back. I don't want to hold it back because I know me and I know that I can easily get into the position where I just checked the boxes and go through the routine and and I can get into that dry dead Orthodoxy, why? I know the right things to do when to do them, how to do them and just do it. I don't ever want to lose that passion. I don't ever want to lose that. And yes, it does sometimes, and going. And there are times when your life when you start to feel dry and I want to encourage you to do what Jesus says here. If you find it in your own personal life that you're going through the motions. And there was a time in your life when you can look back and say, I remember what that was like the drop what you're doing. I go back to that and do that. For me. It is going back to what I did at the very beginning just getting in and reading the word of God devouring it, taking it in understanding it spending time and prayer. How did you act when you first came to Christ and you had that great love that Zeal. That was there. We are excited. You're passionate. You told people about it. It's been time. In the word, you spend time in prayer. Go back to do. The first works. Spend that time in prayer, spend that time in the word, spend that time sharing the gospel.

These things will help to rekindle that love. That you left somewhere on the road back there. When you decided to start just doing things just the way, they're supposed to be done, this church had done everything, right? Well, we need to move quickly.

Rigid framework, without heart of passionate love for the Savior. And for those that he died for is really that dry dead Orthodoxy. None of us want to be in and we must not fall into the Trap of doing things perfectly, right? Without that love there was a friend of mine is part of our church in Maryland, and his dad was very ill at Sammy, serious health problems. And his dad was at his church. The church that he went to and was in in the men's room. And the pastor of the church was also in the men's room and Woody's dad is falling down on the floor in there, and he couldn't get up. In the pastor of the church brother, I would love to help you but church starts in like 2 minutes. I got to go and he stepped over the top of him and walked out of the door so that he could start service exactly on time. That is dry dead Orthodoxy. Lost the heart. Lost the heart, the passion that supposed to be there. So that's where you're at. Drop everything and go back to where you left it and get that. That first love is so important. We can't. Overemphasize it enough. Verse 6 says Yet this you do have that you hate the Deeds of the Nicolaitans. I shall go back to verse five. It says in that just quickly that he says if you don't do this, I'm coming to you and I will remove your lamp stand out of its place where the lamp stands was the churches that Jesus walked in. And it's at least think that I'm going to be Church you you're the unchurched. I am going to remove my presents. Remove you from my presence, really. If you just continue down that road of going through the motions, without the love, the supposed to be there. I will remove your lamps in. This is this is is this you do have that you hate the doctor and the Deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also have this could be taking two different ways. There was a Nicholas who was one of the first of the seven deacons that you find in the book of Acts and you'd gathered a following of people. That had they had. Gotten into gnosticism without going into that too. Deep basically what they had done, as they had started to develop this doctor in this idea that that in the flash, you could do what you wanted because the flash was separate from the spirit. And they involve themselves in fornication, and a different indulgences of The Flash saying that that it was completely fine with with Christianity. And you could, you could do this. And the other thing about them, the word Nicolaitans. It's two Greek words is compound, Greek word, nicolasa and layoffs which means to the priesthood in the laity and it was to rule over the idea of a priesthood being in charge of her over the laity. And this is both of these things. I believe are Incorporated in this statement. Jesus's you guys hate the Deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. You will actually talk a little bit more about that when we get to verse 15, but it was the idea of of this Indulgence and this priest. Or this clergy over the laity and Jesus. I hate that. Why? Because Christ died to abolish all of that in Christ death, he made salvation equally available to every single individual. There is no priesthood. There is no intercessor. There is no intermediary. We don't have to go through anybody to come to Christ to get to God. We'd simply put our faith in him in the, the work that he's done on our behalf. He paid everything that was due for our sins. There's one mediator between God and man. As Christ, Jesus, nobody else. So he would hate that Doctrine as the Deeds of the Nicolaitans because they were an affront to what his very life and Ministry was about. Is I hate that but close with for 7, cuz I know we're out of time. This is verse 7. He who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says, to the churches to him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. So here we have, you has an ear, let him hear. How are you feeling? You have any here, have at least one here? Pretty much everybody at least has one here. One of my children was born with only one here. So I'm glad that the Lord took that into consideration and says, he who has an ear, let him hear. What the spirit says to the seven churches. So here in verse 7, we have that. This is a message, not just to the church in Ephesus. It's a message to everybody. Everybody in here is admitted with your own mouth that you have at least one ear. So this message is for you. Take heed to what is said, in this? And he who overcomes? She who overcomes? Will be given to eat of the Tree of Life in The Paradise of God. He says you, you'll be given this opportunity and that tree of life but I love this picture and just do this very quickly. If you go back to the Book of Genesis chapter 3, there in the garden of of Eden Adam and Eve had everything. Perfect, Ed fellowship with the Lord. They walked with him daily. And in that Garden was the tree of life. Then they think they send, they ate of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil which they were not supposed to and they were cast out of the garden. And the Lord said an angel there to guard the entrance to the Garden. So they could not go into it, could not eat of the Tree of Life. And here is this, this promise that those who overcome those that overcome the world, the pressure to conform to the world that the lack of love that we find ourselves living in from time. To time those that overcome. This will be granted to eat of that tree of life. In this is a complete restoration, a renewal of what was lost in the Garden of Eden is going to give it be given back and we have this to look forward to at some point in time. In the garden of God. We will be given the opportunity to experience everything that was given to Adam and Eve their Total Restoration of the relationship that we were supposed to have with God in the beginning and have been taken away because of sin. What a grand and glorious picture. This is so this is the letter to the church in Ephesus. It is the letter to the the the time of church history in the time of the Apostles and it is a letter to churches that would find themselves in that state of doing everything, right. But losing leaving their first love. That it is a message to each one of us would pray with me. Father, God. We thank you for this day. Thank you for the opportunity to gather together in your name and open your word for the we love you. And we thank you for what you've given to us. We pray, that is so we go our separate ways today. Lord, that you would use us that you would. Father, that you would give us the courage and the wisdom to be our ambassadors to this world and father, that you be glorified in our lives. Lord. Thank you for everything that you've done for us. In Jesus name. Amen. God bless you. I hope you have a wonderful afternoon and we'll see Wednesday or or Sunday.

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