Hope Through Trials
Why I am Optimistic about the Future
Why I am Optimistic about the Future
We have a Living Hope in Christ
We have a Lasting Inheritance
We have a Securing Savior
We Have a Glorifying Purpose (6-9)
We Have a Glorifying Purpose (6-9)
Trials in the Christian life serve to grow us in our walk, strengthen our faith, and give us perspective.
The believers Peter was writing to were facing a trial of persecution that was just beginning to spread throughout the Roman empire. But trials can come in all manner of forms.
God does not tempt us to do wrong. He does allow us to be tested.
God may allow tests in our life for several reasons:
To demonstrate the genuineness of our faith. (Job)
A faith that is genuine does not quit when trials are hard, rather is draws closer to the Savior.
20 As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is the one who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy, 21 yet he has no root in himself, but endures for a while, and when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away.
To purify our lives. (Israel)
Gold is purified by passing through the fire to remove the dross.
How do you know when it is pure, when you can see your reflection in it.
God will not allow you to be tempted or tried beyond what you are able, but will provide the way of escape in Christ.
To bring praise to Christ as faith is demonstrated.
Example of evangelistic witness - 40 brave soldiers for Christ (AD 320).
When we focus on Christ in the midst of the trial we are declaring that Christ is worth more than anything this world has to offer.
To produce a longing for Christ return.
Whom having not seen you love!
Trials serve to clarify what is truly important.
We Have the Guaranty of His Promise (10-12)
We Have the Guaranty of His Promise (10-12)
A final reason we have hope for the future is that we are living in fulfilled prophecy. In fact, your salvation as a gentile is part of God’s prophetic revelation. (verses 1-2)
The prophets in the Old Testament spoke of Christ’s own suffering and then glory.
Isaiah 53 - The Suffering Servant
Isaiah 60 - The Messiah’s Reign
They desired to know both who they were speaking about, and when it would happen.
You are living Fulfilled Prophesy!
Even the angels in heaven long to know more of the salvation that has been granted to you and I!
If God is so glorified through the salvation of sinners, He will also ensure your sanctification!
If God has kept his promise so far, he will continue to keep his promise.