The Pentecost Watershed: Living into Christ's Exaltation & The Spirit's Outpouring
Water shed moments - Jody Baxter - kill the fawn - no going back to the innocence amid harsh reality - became a man . Life before that killing and life in the realities of adulthood after that summer. Water shed moment of the Fall of the Berlin Wall - crumbling from within of Communism. Yourself personally before and after moments. Geographically helpful to see biggest river basin’s Amazon - .. Continental Divide - very graphically see that point divides everything . Apply it to God’s action in world, everything on this side of the point - one reality, everything one the other-side completely new reality.
When it comes to our remember the event of Christ dying, rising, ascending, and then Sending Hi Holy Spirit - most people just interpret this as an individual, inner thing, experience Holy Spirit a little more like greats of the OT, maybe I can get in on that kind of individual filling, speak in foreign languages, gets gifts of wonder and healing, but if not at least my Pentecost is warm feeling of the Spirit within me. Either way its all pretty introverted and focused on ourselves. And we will see the radically new ministry of the Spirit to individual believers on this side of the Divide, but as God explains the NT Pentecost to us, focus on t on just experiencing Holy Spirit with a little more gusto than OT empowering of the Spirit on individuals. The Holy Spirit is the most extroverted Person in the universe. I love the way J Packer put it “When floodlighting is well done, the floodlights are so placed that you do not see them … what you are meant to see is just the building on which the floodlights are trained. So the Spirit is ‘the hidden floodlight shining on the Saviour’ “The Holy Spirit’s distinctive New Covenant role … is to fulfil what one may call a ‘floodlight ministry’ in relation to the Lord Jesus Christ”
And when the Day of Pentecost the watershed event of the people of God in world history happens, guess what the focus the new reality, like Jody Baxter experiencing new realities that bring him out of childhood into new reality new purpose in life. The church of God not introverted spiritual belly-button watchers chasing their own spiritual highs. No, the Spirit falls on the them and the church indwelt by the Spirit n new career kind of way, makes those people the outward focused. Its’ kind of surprising don’t you think? Rush of wind, huge crowd commotion, and this miracle of people not hearing Greek or Aramaic which they would all speak, but the native dialects of the people scattered luggage of the - and the wonder is what they are hearing: Acts 2:11
both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabians—we hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God.”
And the people are left asking in v.12 WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Put yourself in Peter’s shoes - how would you answer that crowd? Peter who didn’t really get, just had most colossal denial of history,. Peter does something so surprising He doesn’t just say, well you know real spiritual people, int ouch with Spirit of God. Not what Pentecost is about. He says Joel 2 from memory and then like a Jewish Rabbi - says OK you see mystery of these commoners prophesying in the power of the Spirit - now I will give you the answer - Not full of alcohol, the mysterious sign, the puzzle, the solution, the answer is this - The Old Times are done, new time has Come, Last Days, sure judgments of God still raging in world, but now as Spirit poured on all flesh - message to everyone - everyone invited, - Jew Gentile, slave free, male female - - you vilest sinners, you most crushed in suffering - just call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved.
This is the first solution, answer to the puzzle of the speaking in tongues you need to get:
A. Pentecost is a Signal of the New Creation by Spirit & Gospel Exploding out of the Church
A. Pentecost is a Signal of the New Creation by Spirit & Gospel Exploding out of the Church
Luke recording this starts with what this new age is. Look at 2:1 When the day of Pentecost arrived, literally when fully come. Not just regular flow of events. This is a fulfillment moment pregnant , kairos moment. Pentecost not a a new testament thing, but old testament holiday that symbolized much to God’s people. Started as celebration of the covenant to Noah, but especially First Fruits harvest festival. It came to be associated with God giving the law to the people of Israel and they would bring the light of God’s word, the instruction to the World. And Luke is recording this as a fulfillment of all that: Old Pentecost on the other-side of the great divide - Just gift of the law Moses came bringing, but the gospel tells us Moses came brings ing the law, but Jesus Christ came full of grace and truth. Now that He fulfilled what grace is all about, new moment as world shaking of God giving His law to Israel for the world, now Giving the Gospel of Jesus, and Jesus Himself full of grace and truth to the world!
But look how else Luke couches this signal of Pentecost. Acts 2:2
And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.
If it weren’t so monumental it would be comical. There are just 120 rag tag disciples in upper room in a house close to the temple courts by the pool of Siloam. And what is this sound? When the first time heard it in the Bible. Genesis 1:2 Remember in Hebrew the word for Spirit and Wind are exactly the same RUAH -
The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
Do you see what God is signalling in Pentecost, not just same old way of having Spirit in the world for believers or for world in general. Luke records this is the new creation, the new age - and look where it starts - almost comical compared to First Creation, but few dozen who believed and trusted in God’s Son work on the Cross and Resurrection, same Spirit rushing, going to turn world upssdie down! And fire, like Mount Sinai when God appeared happens - but not speaking law - now speaking Gospel. And God has gotten the whole crowds attention out in the street, and Peter goes out there with the eleven and lifts His voice. And now Peter’s understanding of the gospel so different now. In this the first Christian sermon, He is going to show with two mysteries the new reality of the world in Christ!
B. The Mystery of the Tongues: the Age has Come for all God’s people to become Witness (by which Everyone in the World can call on the Name of the Lord)
B. The Mystery of the Tongues: the Age has Come for all God’s people to become Witness (by which Everyone in the World can call on the Name of the Lord)
Do you see the great climax that Peter is driving towards? Not the sign of the tongues, but that people around God’s people would start to call on the Name of the Lord, and be saved. Be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, and God will call those who far, call our children call you - This is the first big change in the Great Divide from Old to New Testament. This is like Peter taking those keys to the new creation, to the kingdom of Christ, and saying here is how you walk into this new Kingdom of Jesus’!
So let’s understand how Peter explains the sign of the tongues with Joel prophesy.
Joel was speaking about God’s judgment, plague of locusts on nation of Israel - but when the period known as the last days - when Messiah would come salvation and judgment, and climax in the very last day of Judgment - Joel said back then - there is going to be fresh and fuller pouring out of the Spirit of God than ever before.
IN the OT though all believers received Spirit in one sense for faith repentance and all living flesh Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God came temporarily and just for specific tasks on kings, prophets, deliverers. Even David prayed don’t take your Spirit from me. But this language of pouring out Spirit , like Beziel - an artist God said in Exodus pour out my Spirit out on you - fall on you - skill to . And all flesh - no distinction on all believers, and here Peter expands on what Joel prophesied because reality is even greater - uses big emphatic words - not just even on, but ON TOP OF ALL THIS - this is what its about: Acts 2:18
even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy.
Peter gives that powerful name of SERVANT OF THE LORD to every believer now - and why? Because they will all prophesy. Now he’s saying that what these people who were speaking the mighty works of God - simple facts and meaning of the Cross and Resurrection and Person of Jesus to others. Did it then in languages of the people, so understanding it - but you and I at ordinary work - in our families with each other, with neighbour What’s the deal with you being so religious? Long weekend? Why Church? See, this isn’t the work of prophesy of predicting the future, infallibly, nor of giving new revelation - but main job of prophet even in OT - forth-tell call peopoe to way of the Lord. Specially sent. Later in the second part which isn’t just the sign of the Spirit-filled prophesying of God’s people, but in the meaning of Pentecost for Jesus. Peter says, the heart of what we are FORTH TELLING isn’t: We’re spiritual we experience the Holy Spirit, no - Acts 2:32
This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses.
Do you feel how monumental this change is. At Mt Sinai giving of the Law - Remember 70 elders kind of a spiritual elite went up the Mountain witnessed wonders of God - ate with Him - and then outside of the camp remember those 70 - they all were filled like Moses and started prophesying. And someone runs and rushes to tell Moses - someone is taking your role - better stop them. And Moses says: Numbers 11:29
But Moses said to him, “Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the Lord’s people were prophets, that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!”
Pentecost is the signal that because of Christ’s work - every believer has become a priest in God’s new temple. Its a signal that we all - knowing and experiencing the wonder of the gospel - indwellt by the Spirit of Jesus to simply but powerfully tell the mighty Acts of the Lord to others.
And why do people in this world need this? Well Joel, for Israel in the exile they had experienced these terrible judgments of God, and as we are seeing in the book of Revelation these judgments not just for nation of Israel, as Joel spoke but on the whole world. In the darkness and suffering of this world in its last days - look what Joel said we are heading towards and quickly: Acts 2:20
the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day.
Now in the last days the Spirit will come on all, gospel go out amid judgments. Already in the last days, when in Acts 15 Peter says God’s people rebuilt Tabernacle of David, in every community of this world - with prophet-witness like you and me indwelt by the Spirit amid the judgments and suffering and darkness. But listen this needs to happen before the singular day of the LORD. And the punch line of what happens in the Post-Pentecost world is this: Acts 2:21
And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’
I was amazed to read that someone who so powerfully proclaims God’s sovereignty in salvation, of predestination, election, as John Calvin - would so baldly say you know what is so remarkable about this Post-Pentecost world, God not just reaching out with the promises to ethnic people group of Israel and those few become lie them, Now any in deepest suffering, any the vilest offender - just call on the name of the Lord and they will be saved: Listen to John Calvin, man whom when Servetus sentenced like he would have been in RC or Protestant cities to death - go and visit night after night up to execution date - ministering and pleading with him:
And at the end of our passage 3000 of them or going to do just that and fling wide the gates - imagine that here, with thousands moving into the neighbourhood, Imagine that here with your witness to grand child or estranged son or daughter. Imagine that in your life in this world before the great and magnificent day of Christ return - live on this side of watershed, church indwelt with Spirit to trumpet and celebrate and listen invite others to this gospel call!
But this brings us to the second mystery on the other side of the Great Pentecostal Divide. And this second mystery even more than the outpouring of the Spirit for you and I to witness, is even greater - how are people, you and me ourselves, our children, our neighbours know how to call unto the LORD - who exactly is he.
C. The Mystery of King David’s Full Tomb & Decaying Body and the Answer of Jesus’ Empty Tomb & Reigning Body
C. The Mystery of King David’s Full Tomb & Decaying Body and the Answer of Jesus’ Empty Tomb & Reigning Body
And this Mystery is the surprising move Peter makes you want to know why God’s people boldly witnessing the Mighty Acts of God, why this mighty exhibition of the Holy Spirit? Well Pentecost is all about not the Holy Spirit first of all, the Holy Spirit’s major role and in a most full now to flood light Jesus. But listen carefully - most people back then and now know Jesus as religious leader, even the leaders of Judaism in Jesus day, acknowledged, yes this man of Nazareth God did many miracles through hi, and even today tip their hat to him as good teacher learn a bit. Some knowledge died on a Cross. But here is the heart of the movement from the Old World, to the New Pentecostal World, this Lord you must call on, isn’t just God in general. It isn’t even just that we got to get Jesus as crucified or even just risen. Look at the conclusion of Peter’s explanation of Pentecost and His goal in this the first Christian Gospel Preaching: Acts 2:36
Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.”
Now those words translated LORD and Christ, can be so common, familiarity has bred contempt, don’t hear the extraordinary claim and mystery that Peter is calling you to solve. There’s the earthly suffering serving Jesus that most people have in mind, just a figure from the past like King David. Learn a bit from him, but doesn’t really change anything doesn’t really solve problem in your life and world right now. And so Peter holds up exhibit II in the evidence of the Pentecost this mystery. Right where we are standing in the streets of Jerusalem by Southern Stairs, actaully all Mikvehs’ - here by the temple, we have famous pilgrimage site - of David’s Tomb some of you going there. You think Jesus body buried like that .
Answer me this , this Pentecost 2021 - would your faith, your practice of the Christian life be any different if Jesus wasn’t alive right now - or just got a bunch of belief s up here, and God is up there and doesn’t really matter if alive or dead right now? Peter proclaims the resurrection: Acts 2:24
God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it.
And that is good news - death couldn’t hold our Jesus down, and share in His victory. But that isn’t the whole gospel. Peter gets to the consequences of Jesus death and resurrection, quoting Psalm 16 from memory to hold out a mystery as wonderful as the tongues.
He says, David’s body over there, is decaying, spirit in heaven and that is great, but died like the rest of us, and he no longer reigns, his body dwells in hope, awaiting the resurrection. But what about this one David prophesied of at the end of Psalm 16:10
For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption.
Obviously not David, remains of his body with us 3000 later. But what of this one David was prophesying, his body laid to rest just for 3 days, experience pangs the clutches of death, Satan trappin gus in eternal punishment with Himself, But no, three days later no one could produce Jesus dead body - would have ended all the controversy. But couldn’t because God raised him up, seen by His witnesses, and in those 40 days, not jsu I am a wonder an, no explained the mystery of it all. Peter explains it all in short verse Acts 2:33-34
Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing. For David did not ascend into the heavens, but he himself says, “ ‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at my right hand,
This is the bigger part of the NT Pentecost that you and I have to get. It’s the context out of which the gift of the Holy Spirit to each of us and all of us together has Church comes. DO you see it. David wasn’t resurrected, so that also meant that David couldn’t be exalted as head and governor of the human race. And so too Jesus not just crucified, died and risen. But raised up to ascend, to be exalted. Pentecost is about Jesus as David’s great Son, alive today seated on the throne of the universe at the father’s right-hand. Not Just David’s LORD but yours and mine. And that’s when these titles of Christ at Pentecost would come a live and become scandalous. God has made Jesus Lord and Christ. Do you get it Christ not Jesus’ last name but living King, who works for His people defends them, provides for them reigns all things for them, Jesus is that new head of New Creation - and now we get to the very best part of the New Reality that Pentecost enables us to live in.
Jesus said of the old age, Holy Spirit not yet. Didn’t mean, didn’t exist, John spelled out did exists, but not in God’s people. It was last great day of the feast, water pouring ceremony and Jesu cries out: John 7:37-38 And Jesus says that water he will pour in fullness like never ever before is the Holy Spirit, and the langauge is so stark, Holy Spirit was not yet, add given so we understand: John 7:39
Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.
Now in Cross, Rising, Ascension, hour of glory finally come and not the HOly Spirit is in this world like never before, as He fills you and me Christ’s followers!
That’s what Luke means by saying: But when came … all these promises. And do you see now that Pentecost is really about what Jesus is doing. Acts 2:33
Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing.
Do you understand at Christ’s ascension - its like Jesus has been the prodigal son for us - gone to far country - sin on his back, now returning - Father rushes out to meet him - . And Jesus as it were turns to the Father - Dad you remember that promise - What promise Son. Psalm 2 -give me the nations. Remember how Satan offered that without the Cross - not the method , would have world of sinners with evil and death overcoming. But Father I’ve done it - and you have promised me the Spirit in new way. What Promise to Abraham -Father I have taken all the curses for your people breaking the covenant, and I have earned all the rewards. I receive this gift of Your Spirit, but now I pour it own on them.
That’s why Peter just quotes the first half of the last verse of Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
It was prophesied, this Messiah David’s greater son not suffer corruption, but raised to fulness of resurrection life - look at it in the Father presence - this fulness of Joy - that’s streams of living, water, Ps 46 river flows who streams make glad the city of our God! That’s the Holy Spirit - well spring of life of Christ, commune with Him peace beyond this world, a joy never runs dry!
Now, as you see in the book of Acts, the Spirit is not just upon People, but it comes pouring down in fulness on all who become believers. Again and again believers are described as being full of the Spirit. The nations promised to Abraham, , of the world blessed through me His seed, incarnate Son, Remember the promise - pour out your Spirit not just on Israel but on the whole earth - call in that Day and you will listen - New Creation …
Do you see it now, they ask Peter - explain this mystery of Pentecost and Peter holds before them the Risen Ascended Reigning Jesus - and His gift of the Holy Spirit to his church. And the rest of the NT makes clear, you repent and believe this Name , have the Reigning Living Lord Jesus as Your King, and come into His people His kingdom, live under his reign of fulness of Grace, and You will receive the promised Holy Spirit - with gifts to flood light the Gospel here. Each one filled, gifted, each one witnessing.
And the people respond with the promise for them, for their children, and for all who are far off whom the LORD our God will call. They are cut to the heart - they had just though Jesus to be a dead religious figure of the past, but now they respond by joining His People, Baptized truly into His Person and Name - repenting to live life in line with His Kingdom, and they too become Witness to the Ascended Jesus. That is the meaning and purpose of the mystery of Pentecost. And as the rest of that last Psalm Peter quoted Psalm 110:3 puts it:
Your people will offer themselves freely on the day of your power, in holy garments; from the womb of the morning, the dew of your youth will be yours.
That day is now, if you are living on this side of the Great Divide - owning this name calling on the Living One - His Spirit fills and leads and what wonder people see of Christ - is because He has sent you and me as His witnesses! Sent from the Father, proceeding from the Father and the Son - Living God at work not just in here, but through us out there! Amen.