The Appearance
Sermon • Submitted
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· 10 viewsGod wants you to encounter Him--and experience transformation.
The Bible
3 During the forty days after he suffered and died, he appeared to the apostles from time to time, and he proved to them in many ways that he was actually alive. And he talked to them about the Kingdom of God.
The Big Idea
Encountering Christ changes everything.
The Story
Let me tell you the true story of a young woman by the name of Ava.
Ava never read the Bible. And, she only knew Jesus by his name. Ava grew up in the country of Iran—she was a devout Muslim. But she felt like she was going nowhere.
Ava was spiritually hungry—but nothing seemed to satisfy.
QUESTION: Do you think that a teenager that goes to church can feel distant from God—even questions their faith?
One night, Ava had a dream—one of those vivid dreams.
She was walking outside in the street. As she was walking, she noticed, much to her horror, that she was not wearing the hijab—the traditional Muslim clothing worn by women. If she got caught, she could get arrested—or beaten—or worst.
She started to run—fearful for her life. The street turned into a forest. She continued to run—terrified of being caught.
Then, a gate—or a large closed door stood in her way. She banged on the door with her fist—but it would not open. She grew despondent—depressed—defeated. She cried out: “God, who are you? Where are you?
But, to her surprise, a man stood to the side of the road and the gate. He was gentle—and when He spoke, it felt kind, compassionate, loving.
He asked: “Why are you crying? Why are you upset and worried?”
As soon as He spoke to her, she felt electrified—empowered—changed.
He asked her if she knew His name. She asked: “Is your name Jesus?”
He smiled and told her that He would protect her—would cover her.
She woke up. Ava started to weep. She was overwhelmed by the vivid reality of the dream. Eventually, she was able to find a Christian and a Bible to tell her more about Jesus. Her life changed radically—she became a follower of Christ!
QUESTION: Have you ever had an encounter with God that changed your life?
The Application
There’s something about the appearance of Christ that changes everything. Whether He appears in dreams or in person, whether He appears on a cross or in the clouds, the presence of Christ always brings transformation.
And, transformation has a purpose. Ava realized her purpose in life—it was to fulfill the purpose God gave her.
What was that purpose?
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
QUESTION: As a follower of Jesus Christ, what are we called to do (see Acts 1:8)?
The Response
You may be seeking God today—wanting to hear God’s voice—to know that He exists. You may be even questioning your faith—wondering if God, Jesus, the Bible are real.
I want you to know that God can handle your honesty—and that He wants you to encounter Him.
It may be through a dream.
It may be through prayer or reading God’s Word.
It may be through a message that someone like me gives.
But I want you to know that God loves you so much He wants you to encounter Him.