The Disciplines of A Disciple
Jesus Christ The Servant
Mark Chapters 1-5
1. Chapter 1 – The Presentation of the Servant of God
• Why do you think the reason the Gospel of Mark does not include the birth of Jesus (Mark Chapter 1).
• John the Baptist preaching was the fulfillment of what prophet and what prophecy? (1:1-3).
• Why do you think people were so fascinated with John the Baptist and his message? (1:4-8).
• Why do you think it was necessary for Jesus to be baptized of John (Mark 1:9-12; Matt. 3:13-17; Luke 3:21-23).
• What are some things that happen when Jesus begins His preaching ministry in Galilee, and what are their significance? (1:14-28).
• In verses 29-45 Jesus heals Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, people who were demon possessed, the sick and even a leper. Why did He ask the leper not to tell anyone when he had already publically healed everyone else? (1:29-45).
2. Chapter 2 – God’s Servant Heals, Calles Disciples, and displays that He is the Lord of the Sabbath.
• What impressed Jesus about the paralytic’s friends (2:1-12).
• What was Levi (Matthew’s) occupation and why did people not like him? (2:11-17).
• What was the reason Jesus said His disciples’ did not fast, and what was the meaning of His answer? (2:18-22).
• Why were the Pharisees so concerned about breaking a rule concerning the Sabbath, and what was Jesus’ answer? (2:23-28)
3. Chapter 3 – God’s Servant works on the Sabbath
• Verses 1-6 is one of the few times that the scripture say Jesus was angry, what was it that made Jesus angry? (3:1-6).
• Find a map of Jesus’ time that shows all the places that are mentioned in verses 7-11. How broad an area was it that people came to seek out Jesus? What were their intentions? (3:7-11).
• Who were the twelve disciples and why did Jesus choose them? (3:13-19).
• Who was it that wanted to take custody of Jesus and why? (3:13-31).
4. Chapter 4 – The Servant uses parables to teach Kingdom principles
• Why do you think Jesus used parables to teach Kingdom principles? (Chapter 4).
• How many parables does Jesus use in this chapter and what is their meaning? (Chapter 4)
• Jesus stills a stormy sea the disciples are amazed. What lesson did Jesus teach the disciples from this experience? What was the pointed question He asked them? (4:35-41).
5. Chapter 5 – God’s Servant shows His power over unclean spirits.
• The man was possessed with a multitude of demons. He was terrifying the community was afraid of him; he was uncontrollable. Jesus comes to where he is at, verse 6 states, “Seeing Jesus from a distance, he ran up and bowed down before Him:” Do you think that the man realized he had a problem and needed Jesus? Is this an indication that regardless of a man’s state of being, Jesus is still capable of helping him? (5:1-6).
• Do demons recognize Jesus? What were their response to Jesus? Why do you think the demons were afraid of Jesus? (5:7-13).
• Why were the people of thee city uncomfortable with Jesus’ presence? What was Jesus’ response? What was Jesus response to the man who had been possessed with demons? Why do you think Jesus asked him to do what he requested? (5:14-20)
• Why do you think Jesus stayed by the seashore when He crossed over? Who was looking for Him and why? (5:21-24).
• Why do you think Jesus called attention to the woman who tried secretly to touch Him amidst the crowd? (5:25-34).
• When Jairus had heard his daughter had died what were the words Jesus spoke to him to assure him everything was going to be alright? (5:35-37).
• What was the response of the crowd when Jesus arrived? What was their response after the little girl’s resurrection? (5:38-43)
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