Control the Wind pt.2
Control the Wind? pt.2
#65 – The Spirit in You Series
Text: John 3:5-8
Isa.57:15 I dwell with the contrite and humble
1. Know the Difference
A. Essentials (What are your Essentials)
• Person and Work of Jesus Christ, ¬-_________________________
• Salvation by grace through faith, _________________________
• Depravity of man ______________________________________
• The Trinity ___________________________________________
• Inspiration of the Scriptures _____________________________
• Real Heaven and Hell __________________________________
B. Non– Essentials
2. ____________________ is Key – One Thing (Love God/Man)
(John 15:4) Abide in Me and I in You – (John 17:20-26)
3. The Canon is _____________ – (2Tim.3:16,17)
4. Four Views of the Miraculous
• Cessation – Some offices/gifts have ceased in the 1st century; miracles can happen as result of prayer;
• Cultivation 3rd Wave – (1st:Pentecost; 2nd: Charismatic) all gifts in play; believers know and use all gifts; baptism of HS at conversion; tongues not focused on but occur; preaching of Gospel accompanied by signs and wonders
• Constant Charismatic/Pentecostal – roots in 20th century; all gifts as in Acts are intended; high intensity; gospel is supported by Acts-like life when faith is strong
• Continuation (Cautious) – majority of Evangelicals; open to gifts but wary of abuses; like worship intensity but also desire Bible studysanctificationopen to Holy Spirit
Ask God to teach you and open your eyes in this Study of Truth.