Memorial Day
We Remember
We Remember
Monday is a day of remembrance. We honor those who have gone before us. We remember those who gave their lives in the line of duty for God and country. Those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom.
Any veteran or soldier will tell you that this day is not for the veteran or the soldier who made it home. It is a day to honor and remember the fallen soldier, the ones who made the ultimate sacrifice for the cause of freedom and justice.
Memorial Day was originally known as “Decoration Day.” It was established following the Civil War to remember… and commemorate.... those who had given their lives in the war — ON BOTH SIDES.
In 1971, “Decoration Day” officially became “Memorial Day,” and an official “National Holiday” remembering and commemorating those men and women who have given their lives in service to this country.
So.... We take a moment this morning to honor the sacrifice of the courageous men and women and their loved ones, making it possible for us to freely meet here in the name of Jesus Christ this morning.
Let us have a moment of silence - Please pray with me this morning:
Abba Daddy, today we remember and reflect on those who paid the ultimate price on behalf of our nation. We pray that their sacrifices are never forgotten, nor the pain of their families, and their brothers and sisters who served beside them. We know our freedom came with a steep price. We pray that one day Memorial day becomes a memory of a time that we lived with war, rather than the peaceful existence you always intended. We turn to you Father, in our grief and pain as we remember the fallen. On this day, we pray for peace in our broken land, comfort for those who mourn, and for those who gave all. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Two words kept coming to mind as I was preparing for today. Warfare and Courage.
Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare
12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
Many of those who went on before us, fallen soldiers, the Apostles, Christ himself, were fighting against the dark forces of the unseen world. I would venture to say that all of us have come under the influence of the enemy, of evil, of this world at times. The influence that the powers of the dark world have over humans. This is the very reason we have wars, fallen soldiers, and such evil and brokenness in this world. I am going to state this as clearly as possible: Brothers and sisters, we are in a battle for our very souls and for the souls of those around us.
When Paul is talking about fighting or wrestling against unseen forces, the Greek word palē is used. To better understand Paul’s illustration, picture what a pale match looked like in Paul’s day. It was a contest between two people. The winner would hold the loser down by his throat, and gouge his eyes out. Darkness for the rest of his days.
That is akin to the darkness that the enemy can so quickly bring to our lives. Spiritual darkness. A persons spiritual eyes are closed, blind to the light of Christ. Sadly, we see it all around us in the world, In our country, in our neighborhoods, and for some, in our homes.
God—because He is God—has to tell us the truth. He cannot do otherwise. Therefore, God reveals to us a fact that is as clearly evident as any other single fact on earth: there is an evil force that has access to us and can influence and enslave people to do evil.
He is called Satan, who rules over the darkness and spiritual wickedness of this world.
In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul tells us:
4 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
The reason Paul calls Satan the god of this world is because of the choice that so many make. Entire groups, and nations have turned their hearts and faces from the one true God and have placed everything of the world before God. Sin and evil become an idol set before God.
There is hope brothers and sisters. Hope in the living and risen Christ. The gospel message is the light in the darkness. Are you ready? You have been tasked by our Lord and Savior to share that good news. To be the light, to reflect Him to this world!
6 For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.
In Genesis 1:3, God said “let there be light.” Then God separated the light from the darkness. In John 8:12, Jesus reveals that he is the light of the world. Then, in Matthew 5:14, Jesus calls upon all who would follow Him to be a light unto the world. A beacon in the darkness.
It takes courage to be a light. It takes courage to stand and do what is right when everything else seems to be wrong. When others are not doing what is right. It takes courage to run into the eye of the storm when everybody else is running the other way or just standing by and watching. God makes you an me a promise:
9 This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
God knows that the spiritual battles that we face can be scary, confusing, and difficult for us. He makes us the same promise he made to Joshua.
Joshua was Moses’ general. Joshua was commissioned to complete the mission of bringing God’s people to the promised land. Talk about scary! The Israelites were a mess, Moses died before reaching the promised land, and God says to Joshua “Oh, by the way, you are going to complete the mission!”
We are commissioned to bring others to the Kingdom by being a beacon of light, by being the light of Christ. Sharing the Gospel message, and sharing your witness unto Jesus Christ for the Glory of God.
Being strong and courageous does not mean in your own strength, but in His strength! Those two Hebrew words: Chazak and Amets, are the heavenly strength and courage to overcome fear and discouragement. There is an ancient battle cry:
Rak Chazak Amets
Rak Chazak Amets
RAK CHAZAK AMETS! This is the cry of the believers heart! This is to scream that you can overcome what seems impossible.Through the Holy Spirit, in Christ Jesus, we fall under the authority of YHVH Elohim, the LORD our God. He promised that HE would be with us wherever we go.
Some will say “I can’t believe you have the audacity to...” We say “I have the heavenly audacity to overcome the snares of the evil one through Jesus Christ by the living Word of God!”
Are you feeling defeated this morning? Remind yourself whos authority you fall under. You are a child of the one true God, an heir in the kingdom, a brother, a sister of Jesus Christ!
RAK CHAZAK AMETS! Be strong and courageous! Stop listening to this world, stop listening to yourself, and hear His voice! The ultimate authority! The one who carries us from this existence into His eternal Glory. The light in the darkness.
Worship Team to Stage
We are in a spiritual battle the likes of which many of us have never seen. As we leave here today, “Go” with the full assurance of the King of Kings that you have been given the strength, the courage, and the heavenly audacity to overcome whatever comes your way! We win because of Him. Share the good news, the Gospel message of Jesus.
You be the light in the darkness. To the lost, the hopeless, the spiritually dead. Maybe one day, Memorial day will be a memory and we will live in peace the way that God intended.
Alter Call/Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father,
I know that I’m a sinner, and I ask you for your forgiveness.
I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins and overcame the sting of death for my sake.
I turn from my sins.
I repent of my sins.
I invite you Jesus to come into my heart and into my life.
I trust you and follow you as my Lord and Savior.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.