Can the Resurrection Change my Life? 05-30-2021

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Christ's Death And Resurrection  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  38:29
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And we are glad that you are here today, this Memorial Day and, of course, has already been mentioned. We want to remember those, who, who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our for our nation. I know many of you probably had folks that were in the military and maybe still are and those who are active, you know, we're thankful for them as well. Well today we going to continue and in our series Christ death and Resurrection, we talked about the last days of Christ and I started looking at that.

The last days of Christ, it kind of sounds like he, he don't exist anymore. Let's just say the last days of Christ on Earth cuz he's in, he's in heaven now. But today I want us to talk about can the resurrection change my life. When you look at the resurrection, when you think about it, we need to ask this question. But how does it change my life? Can it change my life, you know, last week we we talked about Jesus and how he proved the resurrection to to those that he loved. And we said he did that, you know, by the scars on his body and by the sound of his voice sign, a communion and a similar experience. Well today, let's take it a little bit deeper. Unless I ask the question, can the resurrection change my life? In other words, are there any benefits to us as believers? Because of the Resurrection because many times we look at the resurrection, people say, what is a historical fact? But then it really doesn't do anything to change the way that we live. so, what I want to do today is when we get there, a few five benefits of the Resurrection because of the Resurrection for the believer. Now we going to look at a passage of scripture this morning. And I'm going to read it but it it really just sets up what I want to talk about. What we need to understand this when, when Jesus came into this world, we need to understand the cultural context of the Resurrection. So I'm going to talk about that first. And then we going to read this passage kind of quickly because it's a little bit long, but I will read it. But then I want to go in or what are the benefits of the Resurrection. You know, it's impossible to understand it. Without having some type of historical background here. So let me just say this to begin with when Jesus walked out of that tomb on that first Easter, he came into a troubled world, the world. It was just a troubled world. The Jews had been under the Roman rule for several years in the the leaders they were just absolutely cruel to them. We know even from church history when we look at how many how many of them were martyred and and killed, they were over five million people who were slaves in that area at that time. When Jesus resurrected, the infant mortality rate was just incredibly High matter. Fact, they said over twenty-five to thirty percent of children would die before they reach the age of six. During that time so just just think of that and it was a time. Also we're pledged just swept over the land, they were just having play eggs and people would die from it and remember also wrong they tax. They just had a tax burden on the Jews and so the people there would just very discouraged, very kind of hopeless and had no hope whatsoever. So it's during that time period, that the resurrection occurred and among those who were worried of course and discouraged, where the people who love Jesus. The most the ladies who ran to the tune that morning, his disciples. The two that walked on the road to Emmaus, the leaven disciples who appeared in the upper room and they were just so discouraging. When you said Jesus appeared to them, he didn't he walk through the door. He just appeared with c. Something about the type of body that we going to have in heaven. We can just think where we want to be, and that's where we'll be. We won't have to walk through doors. We're going to have a body like Jesus, but let me say this. Also, when you think about the time that Jesus the resurrection, and when he entered into the world, when you look at our own days time hasn't changed that much have to. We live in a troubled world. We have a pandemic that has just played the whole world for over a year now and so when you look at our world there's I was reading the other day. There's a billion and a half people who still live under communist rule across the world of being and 1/2 in. When you listen to, some people talk in our own, in our own nation, in our own country. You would think that that's the type of rule that they want us to live under socialism and communism in. So, when you think about that, when you think of the thousands of people, Who are addicted to drugs and alcohol, and opioids and all the addiction. When you think about the corruption, that's in the highest level of government. When you think about just cancer, how many lives it takes every year and how long have we been talkin about cancer? And it just seems like a cure for cancer is just slow, so slow in coming, you know. And so things haven't changed a lot, many or anxious and depressed, worried about finances concerned about their children, guilt and shame ridden. Well, that's the first Easter, that's what it was like. And we would like to think when Jesus walked out of the Grave that things just changed tremendously all of a sudden, But when you look at the story and I'll that's not the case, very little changed in the natural world. When he walked out of that tomb, even though he had conquered death, the Jews were still under Roman rule. Cruel men still had slaves plague still came over. The country. Children still do men and women were still burdened by the heavy taxes that wrong put on them little by little those things started to change and it actually started. With those women who went to the tomb that morning it started with them. Remember, they were going to bring spices to the tomb that morning and their lives were hopeless and they were sad. You can read that in the gospels. And when they were told by the angel, that the Lord had resurrected, they didn't believe it. They didn't even believe it. And then, the angel had to explain and remind them of Jesus's words. So, love was alive, you can say in their hearts, but they had no hope their Hope was dead. And that, and they were, they were sad. And, but those women, they were changed because it made leave when they saw Jesus in you that he was alive. They may have come to that to him sad, but they ran back excited. Something had changed in their heart and life. It was similar to the, to the story of the two walking on the road to Emmaus. And that's the scripture I want you to. I want us to read this morning, we're going to read it and we just I'll see how discouraged they were. So let's look and Luke chapter 24. And I'm going to read this quickly and I'm going to start in verse 13. This, this here is just the kind of give us the cultural Maloo if you will during that time. So it says in verse 13, Now Behold two of them were traveling that same day to a village called a mass which was seven miles from Jerusalem and they talked together of all these things which it happen. They're talkin about the crucifixion of course. So it was while they conversed and reason that Jesus himself Drew near and went with them. But their eyes were restrained so that they did not know him. And he said to them, what kind of conversation is it that you have with one another as you walk in our sad. So Jesus comes in and he says, what are you talkin about? And they were just so sad discouraged because their Messiah had been crucified the, how you going to, how you going to have faith in them, aside the Dead. You see they didn't understand anything about the resurrection. They didn't even notice Jesus here. And he says, what kind of conversation do you have into one another? And why are you so sad versus 18th been the one whose name was cleophus answered and said to him, are you the only Stranger in Jerusalem and have you not known the things? Which happened there in these days and he said, to them what things and they said to him, the things concerning Jesus, another who was a prophet Mighty and deed and word before God, and all the people, and how the chief priests and our rulers, delivered him to be condemned to death and crucified him in the story. For them. He's dead. We had all our hopes on a massage and now he's dead. So you understand how discouraged that they were first 21? But we were hoping that it was he who was going to redeem Israel in D. Besides all this today is the third day since these things that we hope that he was really our Messiah, but obviously, he wouldn't because he's dead. We don't want to serve a dead God and then verse 22. Yes and certain women of our company who arrived at the tomb early astonished us. When they did not find his body they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels who said he was alive in certain of those who were with us. Went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said. But him, they did not see somebody probably stole his body. Man, candy have a proper burial in. Somebody goes and steals his body. We know he's not resurrect something, something else is happening. That's what the rational mind says. Now watch what Jesus says, and those of you are here on Wednesday night, I want you to listen really, really carefully to this. Verse 25, then he said to them old foolish ones and slow of heart to believe in all the prophets have spoken. In all that the prophets have spoken my watch list all tonight, the Christ who had suffered these things and to enter into his glory. What what? He says in verse 27 and beginning at Moses for five books of the Bible and all the prophets Minor Prophets, major prophet, he expounded to them in all the scripture, two things concerning himself, what's all the scriptures in those days? The Old Testament. Jesus is saying the entire Old Testament, starting with Moses, then the prophets and everything in between. Don't you understand that? They're all talking and pointing to me, that's what he says. First 28, then they drew near to the village where they were going and he indicated that he would have gone farther. They constrain him saying the Bible us for, it is for the evening and the day is far spent and he went in to stay with them. And now, you know, after this, that he broke bread and all of a sudden, their eyes were open and they understood who he was. But looking verse 33. So they rose up that very hour and returned to Jerusalem and found the 11 and those who were with them gathered together, say it the Lord is risen indeed and has appeared to Simon. And they told about the things that it happened on the road and how he was known to them in the breaking of bread. But you see the contacts here, that everything was just hopeless during that time. Well, things changed, when they realize that the resurrection was true and their hearts were changed as well. And some years later, the entire world began to change when people came to know Christ in their hearts. It changed their Live and it changed the world. Now, I know you probably heard about the in the Colosseum people used to go and watch the Gladiator fights and they did have two men fighting and they would fight to the death. And they would have thousands of people there who was watching that ensuring for one of the other. But when Christianity came in to be all of a sudden When people's heart started changing, they banned those fights. The Romans, did they ban them? And eventually, Constantine came into power over Rome and he he like Christianity. And all of a sudden, Christianity started growing again in people's lives were being changed in friends. That's the way it is. Today, lives are still being change date because of the Resurrection, but let me say this The resurrection will not change your life, if you do not recognize it, if you do not recognize the resurrection, if we just expect that Easter time, will make the world different because since all over the world, there's people who they don't think anything about Easter. It's just another day for them. The resurrection doesn't touch them. Easter is not just a day to dress up and go to church Easter. The resurrection, is the essence of our hope that's where our hope is, understood properly Easter or the resurrection is what brings freedom to the drug addict into the alcoholic, and to heal a broken marriage and to help a grieving individual. It's because of the Resurrection, because the resurrection in Jesus Christ, brings us hope, and just as he has changed the lives of those close to him. Mm, Years ago, he changed his life today. I know one thing because of Resurrection, he changed my life, he gave me a new Direction, he gave me a new purpose. I know my life has been changed and it's because of the resurrection and he has made me a different person. So you see that Christianity is not just some doctoring and it's wonderful to observe the birth of Christ at Christmas. But friends, if he didn't die and come out of the Grave, what are we celebrating at Christmas? It's just just like someone else's birthday if he didn't die and then walk out of that. The many times we observe Good Friday and say, thank you Lord, for dying for our sins. But if Christ did not walk out, three days later, all we're doing is just commemorating a martyr's death. He just a martyr, just like any other person who claimed to be the Messiah, if you go to any other person who claimed to be the Messiah and you look in their tomb, you going to find their bones. If Jesus was not God, if he did, not walk out of that to you can find Bones as well but his bones are not there. We know that you see, Christianity will crumble and fall without the Christian faith and without the resurrection. So the Christian faith is that a God man came to this earth. Walked among men, went to the Cross, paid the penalty for our sins. Three days later. He walked out of that tomb. No one had ever done that before, and no one has done that. Since Jesus Christ is God, that's why the resurrection is so important. So, here's what I want to do today, very quickly. I want to give you five benefits of the Resurrection. Five benefits for your life and we'll look at it scripture or two along with each one. So here's the first one here but cuz of the Resurrection I'm going to preface every one of these with that because of the Resurrection The Bible's claims are verified. The Bible's claims are verified. You see logic says. The Lesser is proven by the greater. In other words, if you find the greatest claim of any individual And in the process of that person's life, you discover that he has kept every part of it. It stands to reason. If he has kept the greatest claim he has, probably kept the Lesser claims what could be greater than you care this body down, you tear this Temple down and in three days, I'm going to raise it. What is greater than saying? I'm going to die and in three days, I'm walking out of that to nothing is any greater than that. And it was proven True by that. So when Jesus walked on the earth, he told his followers, he would die. He said I'm going to spend 3 days in the grave just like Jonah spent three days in the bell in the in the belly of a whale. He told his followers he would. He said I'm going to come out of that too. And one of the reasons why they didn't believe him, one of the reasons why they didn't understand it is because it just sounds. So Preposterous just think about it, you going to die and then you going to walk out the to buy your own power. Who in the world? That's unprecedented. That's never happened. That could never happen. That's what people would think. They would allow their rational Minds to believe that what he was saying was just on true. But friends, Jesus is someone who speaks the truth and because of the Resurrection, I listen this carefully, the Bible's claims are verified all the profits before him who talked about how there's a savior coming. Oh, his name is Emmanuel, he's going to be called the branch. He's coming, he's going to be born in Jerusalem and they're not going to have anywhere to lay their heads and he's going to be born in a stable. Exactly. Like they said, 789 a thousand years before it happened they said Isaiah said he's going to be a suffering servant. They're going to slap it. They're going to be in for his clothes. The song that said hundreds and hundreds of years before it ever happened. It happened exactly the way. The prophet said, why am I saying all this to let you know that the Bible is true and you can trust the Bible. You see the Bible is under attack today. You go to any higher education, you'll see the Bible that's just an old Antiquated book, it doesn't mean anything. I was just written by men thousands of years ago, who listens to the Bible anymore, friends. You better listen to it because it is true. And the resurrection verifies that is true. If anything else, it is the resurrection and those critics who have tried to attack scripture, Jesus has kept every single promise that he made in the scriptures and friends. Let me say this if he promised he would walk out of that tomb in three days, and he did it You better believe he's coming back again and going to judge this Earth. You better believe that as well, because that's exactly what he said. He has proven himself to be true if he can pull off. Conquering death. He can do all the other things. That the Bible said that he did by the rent because of the Resurrection, The Bible's claims are verified, and that's exactly what he said in, Luke, 24, 27, and we'll put it on the screen. Look at what he says, beginning of Moses and all the prophets expanded in them. And all the scriptures, the things concerning himself friends is true. It is absolutely true. You can Bank on it because of the river Resurrection, the Bible's claims are verified number two. Because of the Resurrection. The father's wrath is satisfied. Now, you think about that when Jesus rose from the grave? He walked this Earth for about 40 more days and then ascended to Heaven. He presented himself to God. As the sacrifice that paid the penalty for all the sins in the world, past present and future. Now, if God had not accepted that he would have not allowed Jesus back in heaven, he would have started around 7. No, this is not enough. We've got to find another way here. His own son hanging on the cross dying for the sins of the world and the father turned his back on his son. Why? Because Jesus was the perfect God, man. He was one who lived the perfect life, who died for the sins of the world and friends. I'm here to tell you this morning, God, Wrath against sin was satisfied because the perfect died for the imperfect. That's exactly why I see. Now God is not interested in condemning you to listen carefully.

There's somebody here today that thinks of God as a tyrant. You think of God in heaven, just waiting for you to mess up so that he can zap you or so that he can do something to you because you're not living the way that he wants you to live. That's what Grace is all about. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive God is not in heaven. Waiting to zap you. He wants the best for you. He wants you to live your best life and he wants you to serve him and the serve other people. And he wants to bless your life. He's not in heaven thinking of how he can do something to you, or how he can punish you. You see when you live like that, you're living under the law. If I do this, do this guy's going to be pleased with me. If I don't do this. Don't got it. He's not going to believe. He's going to do something. He's going to call something horrible in my life. You. You would be surprised at how many Christians live like that they're living under the law and not under grace. You see? There's nothing that you can do that. God cannot forgive and will not. His grace is far more sufficient than any send that you can commit. There's always available Grace and we are to comprehend knows that we're made of dust the song that says, he knows what we are. And he proved that, his sacrifice was acceptable to God. And he's in heaven today, seated beside the father and the scars of redemption. Still present on his body, he is a living testimony throughout eternity. That what he did on the cross was in a was the Eternal Redemption for those who put their trust in him, he died for you, he died for me and his resurrection is solid proof that his sacrifice work and God accepted. We just have to know that. So what are we said? So far, Because of the Resurrection, The Bible claims are verified the Bible true. You can trust it because of the Resurrection God's not in, not in heaven, waiting to do something to you. He loves you. And when he looks at you, he sees you clothed in the righteousness of his son. He sees you as perfect. Even though we know we're not, but we can go to him and we can confess our sins, he will forgive us because we are clothed in the righteousness of Christ, because of that, The father's wrath is satisfied.

And what does Romans 8:1 say? I think we have it up here. There is therefore because we are saved there is therefore now, No condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Friend. You in Christ Jesus this morning God doesn't condemn you. You have a place in heaven, you've been saved, your name has been sealed in the Lamb's Book of Life and he had given you the Holy Spirit to live on inside of you. And you have a place in heaven when you die, that's exact there is. Therefore now no the father's rap has been satisfied number 3 because of the Resurrection.

The Believers power is magnified. Now, I'm getting ready to say something here. That I totally can explain and we're going to read a verse and it's just not going to make a lick of sense, but I'm going to try to explain it a little bit if I can. I wrestle with this more than any other spiritual truth but the Bible says that I have the same power within me that Christ had when he was on this earth. Now, that's what the Bible teaches. And as a Christian, the power that caused Jesus to come out of that grave. Resides in me. think about think about the type of life we should live because the power. That took him out of that. Grave resides in me. I want you to look at John Chapter 14 verse 12. This is Jesus speaking. Most assuredly, I say to you. He who believes in me. Those of us who are Christian. The Works that I do. He will do also and Greater Works than these. He will do. Because I go to my father, this is Jesus speaking. He says, you're going to do the same works. I did. First thing I do is I think of Miracles, healing raising the dead, look inside, people's heart and tell me what they're thinking. Without them saying what they're thinking Turn water into wine. Heal the blind. And I can do that. I've never healed anyone. I've never turned water into wine. Can't turn Wine Into Water, no matter, I can't do it. What is he talking about? What what can I do that? He did and even greater than what he did was think about it. As a Christian we have a greater message than Jesus had. You said you say, how is that, what did Jesus have to preach from? And teach from the Old Testament. What do we have the entire new that I think about it for a moment. All the gospels we can read that. And no, the life of Jesus, we can know Jesus because the light, the gospels tell us his story. We go to axe and it tells us how the church first began and spread throughout the world. We go to 1st and 2nd Corinthians and it tells us how unhealthy Church to be healthy and have a healthy church. Can be healthier, we go to all the Epistles when Galatians and Philippians in a fission and all of them and it tells us how to live a Godly life and then we go to 1st and 2nd Thessalonians. It tells us about the Rapture in the second coming of the Lord. And not, I'm not going to talk about what book of Revelation tells tells us all. We have all of that. But yet he only had the Old Testament. So our message is actually greater than his because we have the New Testament about his ministry. You say certainly we couldn't have the ministry, he did what we do Where, What Where Did He Minister Judea Jerusalem? Just a small little geographical reason when he a region when he was on the earth. He just walked, you know, a hundred miles here in 50 miles over here, that's what he have. But think about today, when a preacher preaches, the gospel and put his message on Soundcloud or put this message on Facebook. I've had people contact me from Guam, from Crimea from the Russian Federation. Ever were telling me that they've heard my preaching, and that they like it. And they said, and they follow me on Soundcloud and all like that in the world. Can I reach people in Russia and off simply because of technology that we have. My Ministry is least, he can go further than Jesus is dead because he was just confined to a small geographical area, but just think through tapes and through podcast and through blogs, and through preaching, and putting it on the internet, people around the world. Can hear it, a greater Ministry, a greater message. And a greater Miracles he say was no way. Can we do greater Miracles all the Miracles? He did walking on water and turning fish five fish in feed and 570 we could never do that friends. Just think of all the Miracles that Jesus did when he said those people in the fish's about 8 hours later, they got hungry again. When he healed those people of broken bone. When he resurrected Lazarus, guess what? Lazarus did sometime later on. He died again. You see all of his miracles were temporary. The people died. Again, they got old, they started hurting again. But the miracle of the Gospel, when we share the gospel with people and they get saved, it is not a temporary change. It is an eternal changed because their soul is affected. We can share the gospel, we can do greater Miracles because the miracle, there's nothing greater than the miracle of Salvation, and that is eternal. So because of the Resurrection, The Bible's claims are verified, the father's wrath is satisfied. And the Believers power is magnified number for Because of the Resurrection.

The Believers Fellowship is personified. Now, many years ago, the media went through this, what they called. The God is dead. Craze, everybody said that, God is dead because of everything. Going on in the world befriend, God isn't dead. He's a, how do you know that? Well, I talked to him this morning before I got here. I talked to him this morning and I know that he heard me and we all have lost friends and family members to death. And we know that a dead friend in a dead family member can't help us. But friend, Jesus Christ is alive. He was dead. But he now lives and he walks with me each day. When we put our trust in him for eternal life, he comes to live within us. He is a personal present. Friend assignment said, God is a very present help in times of trouble. He'll be a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. He will never leave you nor forsake you. That's what the Bible says, he is a close personal intimate friend. Look at John 14 verses 16 through 17. This is what Jesus said to disciples and I will pray. The father, he will give you another helper. That he may abide with you forever, let me stop right there. Before we go to verse 17, he said he's going to give you another helper. Now, this is why you can trust the Bible. I'm going to tell you why right now. You can trust the Bible. In the Greek language. There's two words for another Alice and heterotrophs A loss means another of the same kind. Petroff means another of a different kind in verse 16. He says he will give you another When John, the Baptist was in prison and he sent a messenger to Jesus, he says, you asked Jesus, are you the Messiah or should we look for another? The word another he used was Hatteras another of a different kind. In other words, ask Jesus if he's the Messiah really because he's teaching us to turn our cheek and he teaches us that we're not going to win by fighting but we going to win by sci-fi that doesn't sound right. Ask him if he is really Messiah or should we look for another who is different than him? When Jesus says here, I'm going to give you another helper. He uses allies another of the same time. Why would he do that? Because the holy spirit is God to that's who he's talking about, he said just like me God inside of you another helper. You see if if if some some of you bake some chocolate chip cookies and I ate one and I said okay give me another. What am I saying? Give me another of the same kind you make some oatmeal raisin cookies and I'm and I I have I don't like raisins or something that makes me break out and I take a bite and give me another another, what another of a different kind, Jesus said, I will give you another helper. Another of the saint just like me God, inside of you, and I look at verse 17. The spirit of truth from the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but, you know, him for he dwells with you and will be in you just like God himself. Just like, God, the Father just like God, the son. God, the spirit is going to dwell in you, and he is a very present help in times of trouble and because of the Resurrection to Believers. Fellowship is personified in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, not a person, not a force. He's a person God himself living on the inside about number five, little close. Because of the Resurrection. The Believers body will be glorified.

You see the Bible says, makes this strange comment about Jesus's resurrection in 1st Corinthians, 15:20 and I want us to look at it first Corinthians 15:20. But now Christ is risen from the dead. And has become the first fruits of those. Who have fallen asleep? Meantime, we read that we don't, we think about what it means that burst teaches that just as a farmer. Examines his early crop. He's looking for tangible evidence that his crop is going to come up. You ever so grass in the yard and then it would rain about four, five, six days later you go out there. You just looking for the first sprigs of grass that you can see where you plan to guard your looking for that first plant to come up by you looking for that because if you see that, you know what, wow, I'm free for 5 months, I'm going to have a harvest. You see the farmer recognizes the first fruits as a future blessing? It says here. Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and he is the first fruit. That means o. That means a future blessing for us. What do you mean? Because we're in Christ and because he died and he walked out of that to friend the tombs not going to hold us either one day, we're going to have a glorified body, we going to spend eternity with him in heaven. We will resurrect just like he did. He's the first fruits and we are to follow you. See that Assurance comes from the knowledge that Jesus overcame death promises that those who trust in him will also overcome the grave. So you see, Jesus is the promise of a future, resurrection of his children, all of us who know Jesus Friend, death is not the end. It's just the beginning of a glorious time that we'll spend with him in heaven. So it's possible for us to face death. And although Will shed tears. Of course we know that there's a day coming and we have this glorious. Hope of the Resurrection just like Jesus did friends. Think about this man will close? Think about the five benefits that we have. Because of the Resurrection, The Bible claims are verified because of resurrect, we can trust the Bible. The father's wrath is satisfied. God's not out to get us. He's on our side, he's giving us the Holy Spirit. His wrath is satisfied. We can come boldly to the throne of grace, for help in time of me because he loves us. The Believers Powers magnified. I have the same power that Jesus had when he walked this Earth, the same resurrection power that was in him, is it? But then me, our fellowship has been Persona. We have the God himself in the person of the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us in his present each and every day and he will help us through the difficulties of life. And then finally, the Believers body will be ghorfa. We're looking for that glorified day. We're looking for the consummation of our Salvation. We were saved in the past, from the penalty of sin. We are being saved right now from the power of seeing through the work of the holy spirit. In one day, we going to be safe from the present of seeing and we're going to spend eternity with God in heaven. Amen. That's something to be excited about this morning. That those are the benefits of the Resurrection. Let's pray. Father, we thank and praise you and love you today. Lord, for your word Lord, we thank you for all these promises. And we claim them today. Largest. Thank you so much that we can trust the Bible. We know that is true because of the Resurrection it has been verified Lord help especially the young people, not to listen to all the godlessness today here in college and on the campuses and how the Bible is dead. And God is dead. The secular humanism Lord. Give us the confidence that we need in your word. That is true though. We know that your RAF has been satisfied. That you're not no longer running after us. Looking to punish us know you are a god of Grace. Thank you for that, we can come to you. We can confess our sins and you'll put it right back in fellowship with you again. Thank you, Lord. That we can't lose our Salvation. That once we're saved, we're always safe sealed with the Holy Spirit named sign of the Lamb's Book of Life. Thank you for that. Thank you, Lord, that you giving us the power that we need to live a Godly life that you live on the inside of us in the person of the holy spirit. In one day, you coming back to get us and we will spend eternity with you and having thank you for all these promises. We claim them today in Christ's name I pray, amen.

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