Ephesians 1:19-23 | God's Great Power is Working Toward Us Who Believe

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Are we on there? That was me. That was me. What a great word, what a great thought that was funny. Not sure what to do with that. That's okay, so I want invite you to open your Bibles, they're your Bible out there so you can track along. It's always good to see God's word and its context. And see if we're not making things up here, went to take what we were preaching in and pull her out of the Texas scripture in and Proclaim that to you with confidence because it's God's word that changes Hearts. It's God's word that that through the power of the spirit Works, renewal in our lives transforming work in our hearts. And so we want to be hearing it and we want to be seeing it also says, he'll also helps us remember better but we are in the second. Start a section of Ephesians right now chapter one that's just say the second section of chapter one, but this is the second of Paul's long sentences and it's a prayer and it's the first of two prayers in Ephesians. It's a wonderful wonderful prayer. Now, you may remember that we said in the in the first couple weeks of Ephesians that the first if he's ours has often broken up into two sections or divided into two men. In sections, the first three chapters are what are called indicative. And indicative is a statement of Truth or even a statement presented as truth. So I can make a statement. Presented is true that actually might not be true, right? So I could say that this Bible is a, as a red cover, I'm making an addictive statement even though the Bible is it not actually read but it is a statement statement presented as truth in this case they are all true. So let's just clarify that Paul is making fantastic statement about God and who God is and things that we have in Christ that in chapters four. Five and six are flushed out into imperative which are commands for how we are to live. In other words, knowing that this is true about God and knowing that this is true about you because it's what God says, is true about how God works in us. Now, you are to live in this way. Chapters 4 5 and 6 but it would be wrong for us to make the mistake that when we see these indicative statement, it means there's not application. What we want to do is Christian is read all of scripture. See what it says about God. What it says about Mankind and personally how it applies to me. What aspects of these indicative statement that we are reading about that? We are striving to understand. Do I need to believe with my whole heart? Not because I feel it or don't feel it but because God says it's true. And so we use God's word to the power of His. Holy Spirit to renew our thinking, Romans 12 says, don't be transformed to the world. I'm sorry, don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. So that you might test and approve. What God's perfect will is, that's what we want to do. Is we look at the fusions this morning, just took some quick review from last week because this week is very much connected. The last week message we are to pray, verses 15 through the beginning of 19, Paul praise for the Ephesian church and he says he tells them, I pray I thank the Lord for you and he says we are to pray that God was God's people would help. Him I'm sorry that God would help his people know, him more fully. Pray that God would know him more fully, right? So some quick review here, parents

How do you pray for your children? I would encourage you rather than to pray for better Behavior. More obedience a desire to serve you by doing the dishes. I would encourage you to pray that your children would a know him. And be that they would know him fully.

Spouse is not sure how to pray for one another prey. That your spouse would know. God more fully Realize everything that he or she has in Christ.

Not married or thinking about other people in the church, I would implore you pray that our church family would know God. Fully.

And we do this by thanking God for one another right. We thank God that he has given us faith in order to thrive in this world. He he gives us faith that allows us to thrive in this world and that is worth thanking God for Because it's God who works salvation in us. And so we give thanks to the Lord for that. For those that we we don't know if they're Believers or not. We pray that God would work that in the heart that they would come to believe. We want a second. We asked for growth in wisdom. For one another God would you give give them wisdom to grow in the knowledge and understanding of who you are? And this is in three ways. Number one that we would understand the whole to, which God has called us. That we would understand the riches of his glorious inheritance in the Saints. And that we would understand which will will unpack this today and look at this more today. The immeasurable greatness of his power toward us, who believe those are his three kind of bullet points on what we would know about the power of God. So this is how we want to be praying for one. Another were going to unfold this third prayer, request, for the third detail of this prayer request and one of the things that's beautiful is Paul those to tell the church I'm praying for you. Here's what I'm praying for you. And then toward the end of this. He just sort of, it's like a gradient are like confetti phase into this doxology and I'll tell you that one of the things that will be a great strength to as Brothers and Sisters in Christ as if we grow and we become accustom. 22 speaking specifically not in generalities that's important. But specifically about the attributes of God in our conversations one another, with one another, you will find yourself praising, God more frequently, right. Rather than just saying, oh God is wonderful, isn't it? Yes, he is. Well, how is God, wonderful, right? It doesn't mean that every conversation is a sermon, but what I will tell you is, you will according to even Psalm 103, You Preach to yourself, right? Blessed, be the God and father of our Lord. Jesus come back to seasons one right there. But so, so Paul is praising the Lord. And then he prays for them and at the end of the prayer, he just sort of Fades into this doxology. This praise. So someone with three bless the Lord. Oh my soul, there it is. And all that is within me bless your holy name. And so as we speak about God to our own Hearts, to one another, we will find ourselves praising the Lord more because we get encouraged and excited as we're talkin about the Lord. So with that in mind, let's go to the Lord and ask the Lord to to broaden our vision and understanding who he is and how he works in our lives. Heavenly Father, we praise you because we are fearfully and wonderfully made and you've made us to desire to know you more. And in our sin, we have walked away from you. We we, as those who are both born in sin and readily choose our sin, we, we don't naturally follow after you. And, and so Lord, I pray that you would work in each of our hearts this morning and that you would draw a Hearts to you. A lot of things in this world that are distractions. To us a lot of significant important things going on in our lives and in our hearts, and our families and friends. And and maybe church family this morning and we want to be able to be focused on the things that you have for us. Because they this informs and helps us be encouraged and how to handle all of the many things that may be a distraction this morning. So, father, would you help us help us to focus? Would you help us to see?

The Glorious Riches of who you are and made that encourage us. In our living in Jesus name, we pray. Amen. And amen. God's great power is working in you so that we will bring him glory. God's great power is working in you so that we will bring him glory. God has engineered the body of Christ to function in such a way that there is an individual component. That is always intended to contribute to the collective thriving of a local body of church and the capital c corporate church around the world that this is that this is a a u or a me and we lifestyle for living. And so it would be wrong for us to hear about what we're hearing this morning in it and do anything. But think, how does God wants to direct my life? Personally through what I'm hearing and being convinced of according to God's word this morning, if we're to hear any German, and think what this is for someone else? I don't have to make application to this. You are hurting the body of Christ by your Omission, your sin of omission of failing to really apply, the things that we're learning. And this is important for us because the book of Ephesians is focused on the fact that God has unified everything in Christ. We Are One in Christ in the more. This book begins to unfold the more this letter to this church begins to unfold. There's some very direct statements at Paul makes about how we are to grow up every one of us into Christ and so that begins even now. So this morning, we're going to see that Paul prays that they would understand the greatness of God's power and that they and we would understand the greatness of God's person. Emerson 19 through 21. He prays that they would understand the greatness of God's person. And as I'm getting to read this now I'm wondering, I don't know if I actually maybe forgot to put those scriptures slides in or not. So if I verified are they up there the scriptures like we're good? Okay, great. All right, good seasons. 1 chapter 15 for this reason because I have heard of the faith, your faith, in the Lord, Jesus Christ and your love toward all the things I do. Not cease giving. Thanks for you remembering you in my prayers, that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ. The father of Glory, may give you the spirit of wisdom and a revelation in the knowledge of him. Having the eyes of your hearts enlightened that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you. What are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the Saints? And what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the working of his Great Mighty Mite, which he worked in us, when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the Heavenly places, far above all Rule and authority and power and dominion and above every name that is named not only in this age but also in the one that is to come and he put all things under his feet and he gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body. The fullness of him who fills all in all Paul is praying that we would understand that their the greatness of God's power. This word power in the Bible is, is a dunami which is the word from which we get Dynamite or dine at Dynamo, right? This is that where this powerful word explosive power of who God is he saying that God's power is immeasurably. Great. See this is the difference between speaking about generalities of God and explicit truthful statements about the attributes of God. God's power is immeasurably, great. The greatness of God's power goes beyond all we could ever want or need just just let that soak in for a moment because in our lives, we often think that we want or need something more or something other than what God has given us.

But God says, right here in his words of the Apostle, Paul that God's great power is a measure of all, which means, if he hasn't given you power toward something specific right now. That apparently you don't need it right now in this moment. That it's all available to us. As we live this Christian Life sometimes we have to take hold of the things that God has given for given us. Sometimes we have to wait as we wait to see how God will supply for us immeasurably. Great power of this winter. I took the boys to a winter retreat, a father and son Retreat. And we had a great time and and one one of the with the speakers that was there was a professional Archer and and in a cold dead of winter. He shot a 100-yard Bulls-Eye target and right. And so took three shots and on his third shot he hit it and he dialed it in differently a little bit after the first shot and then a second shot. Eddie was adjusting his height and how much you can all this other stuff which I don't know about some stop talking about it. But but it was pretty neat to see if I tell you what would happen if he were just to pull back with all the old is my which he did and then just raise his Direction just a little bit that Arrow would have shot far beyond that Target. We need to think about God's immeasurable or surpassing greatness as an Archer who would shoot a shot. But it in the omnipotence of God, the all-powerful attribute of God that it would keep on going forever and ever and ever, because God is all-powerful, his power is never exhausted. Its not stopped by Target even if he hits the target date on which you would every time by the way. But God's power is in measurable. It is surpassing according to every human, Measurement. It's extraordinary. It's an extraordinary league, right? It's exceedingly. Great. And there is no end to his greatness. That right there. Is reason for us to celebrate God, for all of eternity because of his power. Let alone anything else that we begin to understand about got that one, attribute God, you are exceedingly and abundantly great. He is omnipotent and all-powerful immeasurably. Great power is toward those who believe toward us, who believe that is important. Because as we talked to two friends that you talk to family members about about church or about the lord, it's important to understand that God is exceedingly, great. And measurably great power is toward those who believe God's power, for everything is not for everyone in the world. It's to those who it's directed toward those, who trust in the name of Jesus and so before telling everyone, I know God will give you power. You can do this. We say come. To Christ. And when you do, you will be able. To do everything that God has called you to do. Salvation is the starting point for those who would be recipient of all of God's power toward those who believe, right to a Biblical, understanding of this work with always needs to include application, right? Paul is praying that they would know these things about God. This is both a cognitive head knowledge as well as a knowledge that grows by application. When we apply God's word and we find it to be true, which we will, we know this more. So, there's two ways of thinking about knowing, and it means both in this sense, God uses his power to bring us into the Glorious inheritance inheritance in the saints that he speaks 18. You got doesn't just save us and then leave us to see how we'll do.

He doesn't sit back in and try to watch you struggle with life and say, all I've got all this power available to them. Let's see how they do know. God works in, you to open your eyes to bring it to an understanding of the gospel and in so doing, he gives you, he works toward you, he applies his great immeasurable power toward you to then be able to apply. Every spiritual discipline in the scriptures. That is a partnership in this and we'll get to that. There's a mutual working together in this

But God has supplied everything that you need everything that I need. We have a new litter of rabbits at the house and we got 10 babies at home. And as they are growing, they're getting a bit cuter and either. Really, super cute right now. We don't want to keep them. So don't get me wrong there, but so cute and then, we're going to find new homes for them. But when you have new animals not to mention new babies, right? There's a sense in which we are are all of the power that that work in US is applied to keeping them healthy, helping them grow, helping them, learn how to eat, helping them learn how to figure out what, you know, what to do with life, helping them figure out, supplying them food, supplying them, local water at times right off in that naturally. Comes from the mother but we Supply a a shelter for them to live and we Supply boundaries that would keep them safe as they're beginning to grow. And then we we replenish rightly change out there if they're sleeping areas and we just depends on what kind of animal you're talkin about. Nice things out and then you apply your power to giving them what they need. And then, as they begin to grow you adjust, what you're giving them, you had this power all along to put food for a six-week-old in there as opposed to a one-week-old in there, but you're adjusting what? You're giving them according to what their need is the tower, is there all along? How cruel would it be if as they're weaned, we would then begin to get them hooked on this food and then begin to pull that away. But isn't that how we often view the Lord? Oh Lord, You're all powerful. But why would I know you won't give it to me.

Oh Lord. I know you're all-powerful. I believe this truth about you. But why would you give that? To me, or we say, Lord, you have given this to me before. Why are you taking this away from me brother? And sister, God gives you, God has directed all of his immeasurable power toward those who believe. And when I reply with our power, is it going to go back to my illustration here when our power What are wisdom is applied to caring for these little animals. What will happen? They'll grow. Why, cuz it's their nature? It's their nature to eat the food place in front of them. It's their nature to drink the water, that surround them, or, to eat the grass. That's near them. It is their nature to grow, brothers and sisters. It is our spiritual Supernatural nature to grow in Christ. God, doesn't Shield us from his great power. It is the immeasurable greatness of God's power that is not simply available, but you just working toward those who believe. And as it works toward us as it has worked for us. We will grow because it's our new nature, courting 2nd Corinthians 5:17. Therefore, if anyone not the special Christians, If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone. Behold the new has come apart continues here in verse 19 that last part of 19, according to the great working of his might now Paul's goal and I hope you're hearing this, Paul's goal is to instill confidence in Christians. He's not propping them up and saying you can do it. As much as he's looking heavenward, in saying he has done it.

He has done it. And his power is working toward you. According to his great, might this idea of something work in the Greek word energy has the idea of energy energy. If you're in this conversation, much energy, works toward something, energy works toward us, who believe it's a working power. The energizing force of the spirit of God that empowers Believers to live for the Lord. You see, sometimes we, we believe that we become a Christian, and then we need to figure this out on our own. And that is the antithesis of the Gospel. The gospel is both for salvation, and the gospel is for everyday, living to follow, and worship in love the Lord, Jesus. Now, we can Sidetrack ourselves. But it's not because God is withholding. From us his power or that which we need listen to Hell. Martyn Lloyd, Jones. Comments on a point out. There's a logical flow here. He says, he speaks first of energy, a power in action. And then he says that it comes from a force, which is irresistible. Which in turn comes from the ocean of God's by The Eternity of God's illimitable power. Nothing no one or no space will limit the power of God and notice here. That Paul doesn't pray. That Believers would have this power. He prays that they would understand that they have this power according to God's greatness, the immeasurable greatness of God's power of God's kindness. This is where I was talking about earlier. I said it that, you know, there's that there's a mutual partnership in this Paul talks about in Philippians 2, 12 and 13. It says therefore my beloved As you have always obeyed. So now not only as in my presence but much more in my absence. Here's our part work out your salvation. With fear and trembling for it is God who works power and action in you. Both to Will and to work for his good pleasure.

Sometimes that's where the hiccup comes in life that we would prefer that you would be God's pleasure to do life according to our plans. Don't lie and we God doesn't do life according to our plans. We like to take Side Road. And then we discovered I'm not walking in accordance with God's Will. And therefore, I don't have the favorable active power. Working to move me in this direction. Now don't misunderstand in here. Me to say that. I don't have God's power, but God's loving power. God's working power acting in Love. Will at times prevent you from going too far down your own Road. Or we just keep driving to these dead-ends into these deserts.

Or will recognize that this is a purple purposeful direction that the Lord has for us to teach us more about who he is.

Your sickness. It's not a dead end Road. It's not without purpose. Your financial troubles or not without purpose. But God would want to teach you more who he is.

That is a friendship challenges that you might have in life. The struggles that we often experience at at church. Why? Because we're all humans. Struggling with sin struggling to understand each other better. All of these things are working. God is using. He's working them for a purpose that he knows and that he's working in our lives, but we're to cooperate with God in this process in and work it out with fear and trembling with honor and respect for the Lord and a desire to go after what the Lord would have us to end. This is manifested God's surpassing power that is working toward those who believe is manifested in the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the cross here. I think it's maybe because of the Cross speaks about how God has has, has while he's already spoken about it. But at this particular Point, Paul is talking about the power of God that is working toward helping us in our Godly living. He saying father I pray that they would know this in their minds and their hearts that they would believe it's true and then they would work it out in their lives. The resurrection speaks of the exaltation of Jesus at the right hand of God which is Christ Victory applied to us as we live this life application here for you. Men who profess to be Christians are living in accordance with God's might. Many or not living in accordance with God's like they think that they seem content to understand the world's way of describing our problems or difficulties. Enter the Lord wants to keep drawing us back to his word. Drawing us back to the word to say listen here's where the heart issues are. Nomi, let me reveal. What's going on in your heart to you and I'll give you the power that I already have to either kill you through something or or help you to endure something with joy. It's not always God's will to Deliver Us from something. It's often God's will to give us joy. Patience with joy as we endure something. Why so that the world sees the surpassing greatness of God as we live with joy in the midst of our trials,

But let me ask you a question as you seek to understand whether or not you see God's power at work in your life. Do I see, do I have new life in Jesus Christ? First question.

Do I have new life in Jesus Christ? And I would urge you not simply to look back to a date or time where you prayed a prayer or a date and a time where you got baptized because if you have to look to that to see whether or not you have new life in Christ,

It should raise some other questions in your mind where I once was dead in my sins and my trespasses where I once was a slave to sin, am I now alive to God, through his resurrection power? We're not saying, have you gone from being a sinner to being perfect. We're saying, do you recognize where the desires of your heart used to be for the world for the things of the world in the things that the world celebrates and now your desires are transformed to be the things that God loves that. God celebrate, that God calls us to If you still have all the same one to us, you may not be alive in Christ. In fact, I challenge you on it. But I don't know your heart and let the beauty of praying. This sum 139 /. We say Lord search me and know, my heart test me and see if there be any wicked way in me. Lead Me in the way Everlasting. But even a believer was praying that prayer. So say Lord. Yes. I see new Desires in my heart, nhu12s in my heart. And I want more, I want more of you at times, were all tempted to doubt. And so we need to be careful not to, not to give in to or become despondent because we have different expectations of the Lord, in our spiritual growth. And maybe even the Lord has for us in this season of our life.

I would encourage us all of us not to not to feel fake believe and act it out of insecurity or or forsaken or like we're powerless to overcome the things that God puts before us, right? It's the same unlimited. Divine power, that raised Jesus from the dead that will raise us from the dead and it is the same power that seed of Jesus Christ. In the heavenlies at the right hand of God, the father that will seat us in heaven to worship him for all of eternity. Paul breaks out into this praise and Ephesians 3:20. Now to him, who is able power, who is able power at work to do immeasurably, or abundantly more than all we ask or think, according to the power that is at work within us.

Secondly, would understand the greatness of God the person. The greatness of God's person, which is who God the father is God, the son is and God. The holy spirit is Jesus was exalted with all power and authority. He alludes to a couple of passages in in Psalms. Psalm 110:1 with says the Lord says to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool or Psalm 86 you have given him. Jesus dominion over all of the works of your of your hand and you have put all things under his feet that is to put. Put somebody in at the right hand is to afford them. All honor and all privilege, all authority in the Old Testament, it symbolizes Victory, it's a symbolizes the position of favor and it symbolizes power. And Jesus victoriously has all of these things. Why? Because the immeasurable power of God, works to raise Jesus from the dead and see him at his right hand. Paws point is that is the same power that is at work in you.

This all excited, this oughta be encouraging to a thesaurus help you. So, you know, there are sins that I have given up on focusing on, but now I'm going to take up the mantle of walking in faith. Again, I'm going to apply my faith to believe in on the power of God according to his word. And I'm going to strive to flush it out, to work it out with, with fear and with trembling Jesus was given all the minion and authority and power 2nd Corinthians. 1st Corinthians, 15:27 says for God, has placed all things in subjection under his feet, but when it says, all things are put in subjection. It's plain that he is accepted who put all things under. I'm sorry who put all things in subjection under him. In other words, We're still talking about the Trinity, God the Father God, the son and God, the Holy Spirit. Jesus had not been exalted to a position over someone else in the godhead with three persons that we believe in three persons. In one God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. So Jesus was made also head over all things to the church so that we will properly represent Christ on Earth. So when we, when I said at the beginning that That's God's Great Powers working in you, why? So that you will bring him glory. Jesus has made head over all things to the church so that as we pursue him, as we walk in him as we grow in him member, there's an individual and a corporate component to everything that Paul is talking about here. So when we say, as we, what I mean, is, if I had time to walk around the room and just name every person, right? As Matt applies, these truths. And as every believer in this room, applies these truths we ever me. And we Will properly represent Christ here on Earth. And what does that do with that? Glorifies the Lord that brings glory to him. So we ask you a couple questions and closing what are some evidences that you've experienced God's Mighty power in Salvation? When someone asks you, how are you are you a Christian or or do you believe that you're a Christian? What is it that you point to? Well certainly you could point to good works and good works can be done without faith as well.

Are you seeing evidence of the holy spirit's work in your heart helping you to number one, continually seek? And sometimes that involves got two steps forward one. Step back, winter. Stand that. But do you have new want to see you? Desire to glorify God? Are you continuing to live for yourself? We might, you might notice that is coming to church on a regular basis, feels like a burden. It. If it, if it is quite the same level of value of other things in your life, well, I probably should go a couple times a month rather than I've been called to come in and Consider how I might build up the body of Christ. How I might encourage one another toward love and Good Deeds. This is our calling. This is our joy. To be growing in Christ together.

Painting of the work of the ministry. Is it a burden to you? I would ask you to consider that in your heart.

Doesn't mean you're not a Christian. The question is just

Do you are you already are you experiencing increasing want to new desires that align with God and his word?

how to talk with a person who was living a worldly life and in conversation, with inside,

But, but you're not seeing. Evidence of visible fruit. I know some of you were thinking we're not supposed to judge.

Which is a whole nother series, not just determined another series. We are called. To evaluate one another's fruit. To help one another grow up in Christ. Doesn't call us to become a Christian and then stay babies would be weird if we just continued growing up and had diapers our entire life.

I can't wait to ask for a lot of different reasons right now.

God says come to me. All you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest for your souls. And then he says start drinking the milk of the war. And then he says, Everyone goes from drinking. Milk to eating. Meet eventually, that's what we're called to do to grow up into him. Who is the head that comes from Ephesians 4? Which we'll get to in a couple months?

when we think about God saving power at work in us, it is sometimes we think about special things acts of Miracles, Matthew 7, Jesus says what time you come to me, you say Lord Lord right? You done the axe, you done the behaviors. You even seen some crazy things going on in your life, but I don't know you.

and Paul's prayer is father.

Help them know.

The greatness of your immeasurable measurable power to excessively Christian. There is no way to know it. Only you are mine.

That. The word no in the word speaks of an intimate, relational knowledge.

My prayer is that this message would encourage you, it is right now, you're feeling up a weight of of guilt or shame that you're not doing something that, you know, you need to be doing. Well, allow that to be seen by your heart as loving conviction from the spirit of God. But not a conviction. It would just weigh down. How you feel about yourself? You see the more you try to deny it or excuse it, or shift, the blame you will continue to feel that way. I want you. As first John says, confess your sins. Confession is simply agreeing with God. God, you're right. I'm in sin and I'm sorry you've saved me. to live in a manner worthy of the calling to which I've been called And I want to return to you. There's not one sinner who will pray that, there's not one say to will pray that and be denied by the Lord. So if you're feeling that this morning, it's the spirit of God working in your heart. So accepted confess it to the Lord and say, father tomorrow, or impact in the next hour today, I want to walk in obedience, I want to know more of this power, that's mine in Christ. And I'll Trust you for it. One moment at a time.

It's made very visible to us. As we look at the body in the blood of Christ, which are given to us. Why? As a reminder, a very practical reminder that God in heaven gave didn't create gave his son to live a perfect righteous life. So that we can take hold of the things that Jesus had taken hold of for us. walking in righteousness, Christian, you're able You have all of God's power at your disposal.

Let's remember, well this morning and let's come it by God's grace, to use. The means that God has given us his word, the body of Christ, the spirit of God, to walk in faith. Deliver his glory and everything that we do is pray father. We all would maybe confess something. Similarly, that we struggle with differing beliefs of times about how well we're doing, or why we're not doing well or or or blaming someone else or Shifting the responsibility or minimizing the things that you called us to. But the reality is that you called us to wonderfully great things. And and the reason you called us to wonderfully great things is because it is your Engineering plan for the body of Christ to show the world. What a wonderful God. You are. You are God who saves a God, who redeems a God. Who empowers Believers for Christian Living. We're not intended ever to go It Alone.

Until father, we ask you to help us this morning. Identify how we need to apply this truth to our life. but after we believe you, after we, take you at your word worshipping, you and praising you specifically for who you are. Because that the fuel we need. That's what gives us joy. For those who have transformed Hearts, father, if there's someone in this room has been doing, religion a long time or short time. I pray that you would convince them that their religion is dead.

I pray father that you would rip their heart and bring them to New Life through repentance and faith. I work that you've worked in them according to your great power. Be glorified father, we pray. As we seek you together in Jesus name, amen.

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