Let It Be Healed-Marriage Seminar T

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From: Barbara Worley [mailto:barbara@worleyid.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 12:23 PM
To: 'Angela'; 'Tomas.Shaw@umassmed.edu'
Subject: BUT JESUS....I have spent the morning..trying to get my e mails fixed. So...keep sending to Barbaraann@charter.net until My hosting web site is fixed. Barbara@worleyid.com is down Angela..  Let me know if this is not Tommy's correct e mail address.. Angela and Tommy,I wrote and sent this in response to someone I am working with regarding     " LET IT BE HEALED"Thought you would appreciate this writing..                                             Loving you,                                               Your Momma/Momwritten by unanimous writer....and what manner of evil has come upon me that I have been unable to do with my heart that which I have known in my head to be necessary.....written by Barbara....You are remembering that I have a Ph.D. in this right?Ok now follow these steps like you are baking a cake1.  You were hurt2.  You became angry3.  You did not forgive because you were repeatedly offendedhurt, and abused.4. You hardened your heart instead5. You have :AngerandUnforgivenessin your heartwhich becomes:BitternessandThe Root of BitternessThis root grows down and down and deeper Now Jesus must heal you.. Otherwise it chokes out your1 Peace2 Love3 Joy4 Forgiveness for your own sins. Jesus said.."If you don't forgive others of their sinsNeither do I forgive you of your sins To Be Healed: Make a decision to Let it be healedNot for Him or the other person ButBecauseOf You... For You So you can get rid of the things above and below:HurtAngerUnforgivenessBitternessRoot of BitternessYour Sins that Have Not Been Forgiven and Receive PeaceLoveJoy Doing Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You. If you have sinned and offended others, you want them to forgive you. Now:Step one:Ask God to do the work in your heart.God I need Your Power and Help to Do This WorkIn Jesus NameStep two:Make a decision to be made willing if you are not willingto LET IT BE HEALED> Doing this DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU WILL open yourself back up to being hurt again. You can put up a nice fence for this .  It is called a Healthy Boundary. You do not have to Harden Your Heart to set up this boundary.  Just don't be Open to the same treatment. Don't receive it. Step Three: By your will LIST every thing you are holding against the person or persons involved... Step Four By your will Release everything that they have committed against you. Step Five MEAN IT. If you don't really MEAN IT then God will not release you or them... If you have trouble meaning it...then YOU NEED TO ASK  GOD TO HELP YOU. Wherever you get "stuck" in the steps above.. Ask God to help you and as you do..He will and then you will get free.. Free from:HurtAngerUnforgiveness I really recommend this GREAT MOVIE THAT IS OUT by Kevin Costner entitled The Upside of Anger. Please, please go and see it...especially those who are hurting from a broken home..All husbands, wives, children should go see this movie... Let's get down to where we really live. Then every time   EVERY TIME you start to reliveor bring up an offense of others... Say instead," I have forgiv en that person of:.............................""I released them of............."I have forgiven them of their sins the same as I want others to forgive me of my sins... I have healthy boundaries up... Nice fences to protect me from future assaults in those areas As a watchman on the wall I now have a Ph.D. in forgiveness and the spirit of forgivenessrather than a Ph. D in unforgiveness. Anger, hatred,  guilt, and shame go with all of these things. When you are done..you will be able to forgive yourself in the same way.. You must forgive yourself of your sins in the same way.If God has forgiven you of your sins then you must forgive yourself of your own sins.. Just one drop of the Blood of Jesus..will break or release the powers of sin that hold and bind people if applied to this root. This will be part of my chapter entitled, "Ph. D in Anger and Unforgiveness to Ph.D in Forgiveness,Unconditional Love" Please feel free to send this section to anyone you feel can use this to get free and save it for  basic spiritual principals to use to :Set the Captives Free  ... The Spirit of the Lord is Upon MeBecause the Lord Hath Anointed MeTo Preach Good TidingsUnto the MeekHe Hath Sent MeTo Bind Up The BrokenheartedTo Proclaim LibertyTo the CaptivesAnd the Opening OfThe Prison to ThoseThat Are Bound This is The Scripture the Lord Called Me With.         With Love,           Barbara Ann Smith Worley Written by unanimous writer......the very same anger and bitterness that I pleaded with my Mother to let go of concerning my Daddy  ...and who am I to appeal to her concerning her "speck" when I, in fact, a carry a plank in my own eye......   when the occasions came forth for her bitter hurt and anger to manifest in my presence....it was like having my own heart crushed for I could identify with pain...yet all I could do was be strong and tell her  what I "knew" to be right.....just like I do with my daughter  when she displays anger toward her Dad........ the last thing I want to do is to engage in self pity or encourage any one else to do so either.... but now I question if I could have afforded in the twilight of her life to have only consoled her and not encouraged her to be so "tough".... ...yet  ....."do you will to be well?......Sir, I have no one to lift me into the pool....and every one gets there before me.....and Jesus said...Rise take up your mat and walk..."...... ....to be "tough".... in this life can be an asset for it allows one to withstand great adversity and be strong when strength is required.......but can also be proven  a liability......when self pride, stubbornness & vainglory will not allow us to admit that the arrows of the adversary ...even if only a few ....advanced further than bouncing off the callused exterior that has been exemplified..........and a concealed & unattended wound vexes and  plagues to the deepest depths of  the soul...... ..."you shall not eat of it...for when you do...you will surely die"....this sin that plagues us.....the thorns in our flesh....in these we are called to boast....for God's grace is sufficient......and when we are weak He is strong..... ....to Know in our hearts....the dimensions of God's love....we walk here in this the valley of the shadow of death....  and we can experience the depths of His love..... ..I do wish to be healed...... ----unanimous writer    Barbara Writes:Jesus said:, "I came that they might have LIFE and have it MORE ABUNDANTLY. Jesus restores what the locusts ate away.. Now do a Word study on: Restoration Blessings of God will come upon you and overtake you, Blessings..of God.. Blood of Jesus.. Forgive all that he has done to you and ask God to take care of him and  The Lord will fill those places where the anger, resentment, and unforgiveness is with Himself....and His love and His Spirit in the Name of Jesus.. Sit and yield to the Spirit of God that He might go down into the deep roots of bitterness where the anger, hurt, and unforgiveness is and saturate it with the blood of Jesus.. AND Release him and yourself to the healing power of God. LET.................LET it be healed........... LET.......................................LET..................................LET and forgive.. Once you have done that Don't bring it up anymore.. Say instead...whenever you start to tell it............ Say............... I have forgiven him of: etc,etc,and I have released it to God. and.. etc......................................................................................... Every Spring is a new beginning............Loving you, |


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