Marriage Sermon Series
Marriage Sermon Series
Heb 13:4
Three Kinds of Love:
1 Redeemed Love: The love of Jesus Christ Jn 3:16
2. Realistic Love: AAsIs@ love (I am going to love you even as I get to know you)
3. Romantic Love: Turns black and white love (realistic love) into panoramic color
Seven Points of the Little Foxes:
Song of Solomon 2:15 A Catch the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vineyard, for our vineyard is in blossom.@
Foxes are nocturnal
Foxes are the only ones that burrow holes into the ground. In tunneling they destroy the roots from underground.
Foxes are very cunning AHerod is a fox.@
Foxes are carnivorous and eat flesh Athe blossoms of the vine that should have been fruit.@
Seven Foxes
1. Skewed love. Distorted love. Love that is bent and misunderstood.
2. Sin. Anything that is outside the will of God. Isa 59:2
3. Selfishness: AMe First!@
4. Secular Attitudes and Values (These are Lions not Foxes, kill & destroy)(Slithering snakes)
5. Sexual Projection
6. Self-Image (My view of me that distorts my gift to you)
7. Secret Feelings and Fears (Not expressed and resolved)
Fears of Pregnancy, Privacy, Pain.