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God’s Desire for you is to fulfill your purpose.
God’s Desire for you is to fulfill your purpose.
Today i want to talk about how to discover your destiny.
What does God have in store for me as i walk this walk?
Let’s go to Luke chapter 22, and talk about your purpose.
And i want to talk about it, because a lot of people really don’t think that God has a purpose for their life.
But, i just want to assure you, that everybody has an assignment form God.
So, it is very important that you realize that there is a reason that God put you here on this earth.
He did not place you on this planet just to have a job.
Your assignment is much greater than just a job.
If you where placed here just to have a job, and the only thing you had to look forward to was a job, your life would be most miserable, i can guarantee you this.
Your purpose for living is much greater than that.
So, Jesus talked to the disciples about this very thing, and i want to talk to you about this today.
Here in Luke 22, the disciples were bickering to each other about who was the greatest.
But they were really talking about, who was going to take over the ministry when Jesus was gone.
Because Jesus had told them that he was leaving, that he was going away, that he would be departing.
And they were bickering between themselves as to who was the greatest.
But Jesus said, if you want to be great in my kingdom, my kingdom is not like the worlds kingdom.
In the worlds kingdom, you push everybody else to the back, and elevate yourself to the front.
Jesus said, that’s not how his kingdom works.
His kingdom works, that when you go to the back of the line, when you fall on your knees and serve, serving to others, that’s how you get elevated in God’s kingdom.
Some preachers haven’t learned that yet.
Some Pastors haven’t learned that yet.
Some Deacons haven’t learned that yet.
Some Evangelist haven't learned that yet.
So he told them, y'all don’t have to bicker fight, beat each other down.
He said, i have bestowed upon you a Kingdom.
Everybody has something that God has given them to add to the Kingdom.
I don’t have to be jealous about what you got, as a matter a fact, i don’t want your house.
I don’t your wife.
I don’t want your car.
I want what God has for me.
God has bestowed on us, our own assignment,m and the tools we need to complete our assignment.
We need to do what God has anointed us to do.
But for just a moment, i would like to preach out of verses 31, and 32, if it’s OK.
And i’m sure i already gave you my subject, but if you didn't get it, it is, (God’s Desire for you is to fulfill your purpose).
Saint’s, we need to understand, that if God wants that, he will give you everything you need to fulfill it.
Turn your bible to Luke 22:31-32.
King James Version Chapter 22
31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: 32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
There’s some thing here we need to know, and the first thing we need to know is:
1. God has specifically called you.
It’s not a general calling, God has a specific calling on your life.
as a matter a fact, if you look at it, out of all the disciples sitting around, he looks at Simon Peter, and says, Simon, Simon.
Out of all the people there, he specifically calls out, and talks to Simon.
So why would he pick out Simon?
He said Simon, Simon Satan hath desired to have you.
This sounds like Simon is being called out by name.
(Fight Story)
But i just want to let you know, that if Satan is calling you out by name, you must be a bad somebody.
But what we need to understand is, that God has already called you out by name.
He call you out of darkness, and into the marvelous.
And a lot of people don’t understand that there is a reason God called you out like that.
There is a reason, God called you by name.
It’s because you are special.
In basketball i use to watch the bulls back in the day, during this time Jordan was so good, the other team didn't worry much about the Bulls, there whole game plan was, how do we shut down Jordan?
So here’s what you need to know.
When Jesus points out Simon, he’s saying there’s something special about him.
So saints, you need to know today that you are someone special, you are a game changer, Satan wants to shut you down, Satan wants you out of the game.
Satan knows that if you get in your flow, if you walk in your purpose, and stand firm in your anointing, you will represent a major threat to his kingdom.
Some folk just don’t understand what we are talking about here.
They won’t participate in church, won’t pray, won’t read and study the Word of God.
You need to understand today, you are the star player on this team when you are walking in your anointing.
And Satan wants to shut you down.
Satan wants to sift you like wheat.
2. The enemy has has targeted you.
This is what you are going to need so you can help someone.
When you have a calling on your life, and you are walking in your calling, you will become a target of the enemy.
This is what you need to know when you talk to other people, that are discouraged and frustrated.
The enemy is going to alway put challenges in your life, if you are walking with God.
When everything in your life is going wrong, and it seems like your whole world is turned upside down.
and you still wake up the next morning, you know that God’s got you.
This is an indication that you are doing something right.
It might be the fact that the enemy is trying to slow you down, so he can get a foot hole in.
I’m a firm believer that the enemy will put more obstacles in your way the closer you get to your purpose.
If the enemy is taking the time to through up all these obstacles in my way, i just know something big and good is getting ready to happen in my life.
I just know that God has a big blessing coming my way.
I just know that God is getting ready to take me to the next level.
Satan wants to sift you like wheat.
JOB was sifted like wheat, Satan thought Job would not make it through the sifting process, but he stood firm in his purpose.
Saints, what ever the enemy sends you through, you need to know that you are the real deal.
Remember, you can stand strong, like a tree, planted by the river.
Remember what your ultimate purpose it.
Your ultimate purpose, is to worship God in all his glory.
Here’s my next point, and i think i’m going to close with this.
3. Jesus has prayed for you.
Verse number 32, says, in red letters, (But, i have prayed for you).
We can stick a pin right here.
He has Prayed.
He interceded.
He has talked to the Father, for you.
I know you can ask people to pray for you, and they will forget to pray for you.
If i can be transparent here, there has been times someone has asked me to pray for them and i forgot all about it.
then i see them again and i fell really bad.
But that ok, because if people forget, Jesus has prayed for you.
He has interceded, He has talked to the Father on your behave.
look here at verse 32, he said i prayed that your faith fail not.
Satan goal is to get you to just question your faith, just enough for him to get in.
But Jesus.
But Jesus.
But Jesus.
Jesus said, I pray that thy faith fail not.
Not only did Jesus pray for you, but He says here next, AND WHEN THOU ART CONVERTED.
I’m going to close, but can i spend just a few minutes here?
After all the Lord had been through with Peter, he knew that in just a short time, Peter would deny him.
Jesus already knows about the seasons in your life that you have backslid and will backslide.
When you walked away from God, when you haven’t prayed, or haven’t been in your word like you should.
All this is backsliding tendency's, believe it or not.
He knew that Peter was going to deny him, he knew that Peter was going to turn away from him.
It’s somebody here today that’s in a bad condition.
Somebody that’s a little short of the mark.
Haven’t done everything the way God wants them to do.
Haven’t fulfilled your purpose.
This is the time to listen to Jesus, and be converted, so you can strengthen your brother.
Jesus fulfilled his purpose at the cross.
His assignment was to die, to be buried and to rise on the third day.
God’s Desire is for you to fulfill your purpose.
Church, i stand here today, asking you, what is your assignment?