Christ's Continued Work
Jesus Christ is STILL alive and active as much as ever before!!
His Presence Within Us (vs. 1-3)
Stuart Briscoe, a great preacher, said, “When I first got saved, gave my heart to Jesus, I went out to live for Him.” He said, “This is wonderful.” But then, he said, “After I stumbled and fell several times, boy, this is difficult.” He said, “I rededicated my life and started again,” but then, he said, “I stumbled and fell again. And I stopped saying this is wonderful, or this is difficult. I began to say this is impossible.” Then he said, “I discovered that it was Jesus Christ in me who was going to do it through me.” And then, he said, “This is wonderful—this is wonderful.” We need to stop trying, and start trusting, and let Jesus Christ live His life in us.
Now, with that, the Bible says—look if you will in this passage of Scripture, look in verse three: “To whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking to them of things pertaining to the kingdom of God.” Back up to verse two. He gave commandments unto the apostles.
Now, why did He give them this mission impossible? Well, He gave them this mission impossible because He knew that in Him they could do it. But He also knew, without Him they could not do it. What were the commandments that He gave? We don’t have to guess; we know.