The Discomfort of Displacement
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· 9 viewsLearning to keep our faith in uncomfortable times.
Ever-changing times - uncomfortable times
Comparable time in the scriptures - exile - displaced - relate to us
Daniel 1
Daniel 1
Taken from his home - has everything going for him - even has his name changed - breaking down his identity
The possibility of mutilation - Eunuch?
Starts testimony of his life in a deep way - “The Lord put me here.” - verse 2 and 3
The Lord is the most active person in the chapter - does 3 things
God’s Sovereignty
God’s Sovereignty
“The Lord put me here” - one of the hardest statements a Christian can make - shows how much we trust him
“Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?”
Easy to dance around saying it - have to reconcile God being good with me struggling - would rather blame the Devil or my own sin - can’t avoid his sovereignty
The Importance of Acceptance
The Importance of Acceptance
Daniel’s acceptance of God’s will allowed him to focus on the present - focuses on keeping his faith in his displacement
For Daniel, this meant policing his diet in order to keep the law - a challenging thing to do - a risky thing to do - took faith
For us - taking time to pray - living at peace with everyone around you - coming back, even if you’re nervous
God enabled faith - verse 9 - hard to obey in tough times - God makes a way for obedience - 1 Corinthians 10:13
Faith Responses Yield Powerful Results
Faith Responses Yield Powerful Results
Verse 17 - God gave them something - when we have faith in our struggles, God builds us up - made them stand out
Obedience in hard times makes you stand out - Philippians 2: 12-14
People should notice Christians in times of crisis - not for their grumbling, for their sound mind
Verse 21 - Though God called Daniel into discomfort, he knew the end at the beginning - if you’re going through a hard time - God knows when it will end
Doesn’t mean everything will go back to the way it used to be - Israel is never the same and we don’t even know if Daniel goes back - He is not the God who makes all thing old
Don’t wait to be obedient - it is always the right time to put your faith in him