The Audacity of Faith
The willingnes to step out in faith and take bold risks
Living By Faith
Do you say that you do not live by faith? But you do. It is simply a matter of in what or whom your faith rests. A husband eats food cooked by his wife without having it tested to see if it contains poison. Why? Because he has faith in his wife that she will not try to poison him. You accept paper money as legal tender because you have faith in your nation’s monetary system. These are but two of many examples of how you live by faith.
It is one thing to believe about God; it is another thing to believe in Him.
True faith not only abides in time of trouble but is strengthened by it.
Faith through the Storm
I first rode an airplane in 1945, flying from Mobile, Alabama, to Atlanta, Georgia. Going and coming the sun was shining, and we had a smooth flight. I trusted the plane, or else I would not have flown in it.
My third flight was to Miami, Florida. The flight down was so smooth. I was sold on air travel. But on the return trip, we had to travel through a terrific storm. Flying through the storm cloud was like flying through buttermilk. The plane bucked and reared. At times I could not even see the wings. Once when we hit a down draft, I did not know if we were five thousand or five feet off the ground. I thought the wings had broken off. I was sure we were falling.
When we landed safely in Mobile, Frances met me at the airport. After I told her what had happened, she said, “I knew something was wrong. You are green in the face.”
Well, that experience shook my faith in flying. Until one day I said to myself, “That experience should have strengthened my faith in flying. I now have seen what a plane can endure and still land safely.”
A parallel exists to having faith in God. When we see how He can bring us safely through life’s storms, our faith in Him is strengthened that He can do it over and over again.