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Papa's Heart  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  32:15
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Who remembers last Sunday with the Sunday before that what we talked about who is here who remembers it? Yes, what do we do? What did we do? Activations. Yes, we did. What kind of activities were they what what did we do exactly?

Yeah. Do you know the biggest thing and as being a Believer Christian, we're called to yield to God like you want to sum up Christianity in a nutshell. You look to God those who use it to God simply. That's really what it is. It's not that complex is very simple. You'll t'god it's the biggest thing that we struggle to do these how many people struggle with that at times?

Being honest it is so simple yet we struggle and we have our Bibles weary constant stories of people men and women even children that yielded to God and God calls us to follow that example in YouTube.

Bring worship. Did you guys like hear of him going to different songs like that? Just want to share this and we're like what's going on here when you yield to the spirit of God spontaneous things happen in your life.

I don't know. Did you guys plan to sing all those songs? No, I didn't think so. Don't reason why I know is because before he was singing I was humming some of them. And then he started singing without his homie cuz I was being led by the spirit and I was like wow God look at that. In your life when you begin to yield to God, there's a spontaneous thing that will take place where you're no longer just living you're on an adventure.

You're no longer just going about your daily activities. Somehow the mod. Dang has became miraculous.

How do you change what your routine is? You know, I know we have our routines to get up and go to work. We we take your children. But how do you make that routine become something so radical?

It only becomes radical when you invite God to lead you in that day.

Like when you allow God to lead your day get ready for excitement. Get ready for something exciting to happen.

A lot of time does Believers, you know, we need me to jump start.

You know, I love the energy that story of the car, but do you ever get your car home if you ever had a dead battery? horrible It is horrible mad yesterday. You were driving your car you wake up in the morning. You got to go somewhere you put the key into the ignition and you turned on.

I don't know about you, but you know what I do right now.

It sounds funny. But I want a true story. I was at a church in Cleveland. The car died. It was not starting the battery was dead. We got to the front of the hood lay hands on the on the hood of the car. He said in the name of Jesus you start they got in there. Nothing took off real story.

I understand pretty over dead at 6 cuz he's got to raise a dead man if he's truly raise a dead cell in a battery.

A lot of time does Believers we feel like a vehicle that the engine? It just isn't turning over the battery is dead and we need a jump start. Says if you yield to him. He's going to jumpstart you.

Like if we begin to you our vessels the whole goal of Christianity are those where you lie to God that we may heal to him that his Spirit can influence direct and flow through us.

But sometimes we're doing really well how it is to get into a Groove With God like, you know him read his word that morning values to you and God. And every is it so good life is going great.

Maybe you're like sometimes Heather person who they wake up and it woke up way too early cuz they ain't fussing kids. Or maybe you just woke up early. You kind of Grouchy you didn't get your cup of coffee or tea.

And it's not really that great and you like God, I need a jumpstart.

I'm going to teach you today. how to jump start

I thought you activations last time I was here. Ramon teach you how to jump start your engine. Is it easy? No, please it worth it. Yes.

Do you know what happens when you jump?

What happens?

That's right. Just just some of the simple fact of right now when you jump you're using something called Energy if I was a literally jump and my physical therapist told me not to do that right now. But you didn't say nothing about skipping.

when you job you start getting your blood flowing right there being a little kid and having to jump rope. I remember doing the jump rope thing and I was never a good jumper, you know soon basketball know so, you know, the guy you get a jump rope and you don't really jump but you do this little skip thing. That was what I did. And I think you're full of girly. That's what I did.

And it got you moving and excited and you started moving in the more your blood starts flowing somewhere active. You can become. The more the spirit of God starts flowing in you the more active in the Kingdom. You will become

Do you know there's a scripture in your Bible that says leap 4?

Just know that scripture.

simple refrigerator

Silly, why would that even be in there? You know, we'd always question. Why would that even be there?

Do you know there's only two scriptures that tell you that that way your body can react and have a different response.

Next time you wake up cranky. I'm going to tell you to get out of the bed after you're cranky and suffering.

Jumping just a little bit and every time you jump that I can leave by. Thank you for your goodness in my life. I just start moving and see how your continents changes. Were you were cranky and like I didn't get my coffee like how I don't know what happened. I kind of suck that off. That is one way of jump starting your day.

It's very simple. I know I'm done being very childlike because Jesus said unless we become like children and you can't enter the kingdom of God. We like to go really complex mistake instead of bringing it simple so that we can live in it.

Bible scripture for us today

It is simply this.

She goes there first Thessalonians 5:19.

Do not quench the spirit.

But don't quench the Holy Ghost. You're going to yield to God, don't quit.

When she can be if I don't know if the holy spirit is telling me those are ways of quenching the spirit of God.

There's another way.

The Holy Ghost loves the word. the Holy Spirit the word of God Did you know that the spirit of God is waiting to energize the word of God?

I'm going to give you three examples now example one. We got was creating.

Doc McStuffin where Who was hovering?

The spirit of God was hovering. And he was waiting for the word of God to be spoken so he can energize it and make it a reality. So then God spoke let there be light

and when the word was spoken the spirit energized it and brought light into the world. Are you like tap? I don't know about that. Want me to tell you this day forward to day-trade the Sun? So it was not the sunlight in in daylight. The spirit was waiting for the word of God to make the essence of who got is the presents the Manifest light of him go to the world and light of the world.

Deadpool number 2

Jesus who is the Living Word of God? Did not do any Miracles until the spirit of God connected with the word of God.

And then he was led into the Wilderness and then he came out with power and then he did his miracles.

number three the early church could not do anything until they received the baptism of the spirit. Jesus didn't tell them going preach. He says go waiting to Jerusalem to you receive something how many people know they had the gospel. They had the life death and resurrection of Jesus. They saw him dude one guy put his hand through Jesus's holy this risk, but that's weird man. I just did mine.

I know what you said, Yeah, that's real, dude.

That's what Thomas did in Jesus let him so they had the living gospel, but he said don't do anything until you receive the spirit because the spirit of God is here to energize the word of God in your life.

So it's highly important for us to get into the word so that we can understand the more Wars. We didn't the more the word gets into us in the more the spirit has to use and move through us. And then your day doesn't look so mundane.

That we think how do we get the word analysis? Is it by me constantly reading over and over and over? I can't read the same story in the Bible over and over again and you got something new but you keep reading the same story over and over again for me. I love the Gospel of John. full of gospel I love how it starts in. The beginning was the word the word was with God and the Word was God. Oh God, so awesome.

But it's more important for you not to reread but the take time and allow him to speak to you and what you're reading. You know God wants to speak to you to open your understanding to bring inspiration that you can live in it.

That's the reason why he gives his word. This is so much so that people can get up here and quote different scriptures and tell you what this means in the Greek and Hebrew it's more so that the spirit of God energize the word in your life, but it only comes by you yielding to him.

If I told you your there's a way to jumpstart your day in prayer life.

Your captor Pastor you should always want to pray. Oh my God, you don't know me that well.

I don't mind for are actually first one. Can you really get into the groove? It's fun. It's really fun. But do I always feel like praying? No.

I don't. So what do you do when you don't feel like doing what God called you to do?

Timothy just do it.

Let's just see how it works, you know. If I'm honest, I don't feel like doing it all the time. So till I just want to veg out. on Lord of the Rings

Thank you.

So what are you do? You have to connect with the spirit.

There's a way to jump-start each one of us we exercised and we always had the coolest word that was said that Sunday was

I don't like that you guys aren't you stuff? This is awesome. Another word is called. Filled.

How do you get Juice Stop?

You still yourself up in your face?

the Bible scripture says impulse talking to Timothy. This is Timothy. I want you to stir yourself up. That just that you received from laying on my hands. I want you to stir that gift up in you. And the only way that you stir up the spirit inside you is by moving your heart to a place of said, okay, Holy Ghost. I'm building to you now.

Unless you yield to God. All the sudden you start becoming aware of him here and you threw you and upon you.

Hi, David.

How you going to be my samplitude?

Hi David. Are you sensing the spirit right now?

little bit cool Close your eyes.

Don't be nervous.

fake perfect

and I want you to just think on God's goodness.

Justin God's goodness

Unless you do that starts. Thanking God in your heart for who he is and how he loves you.

And as you start sensing the spirit yield and yield means relax. You could you know when you're relaxed you can receive stuff.

True story, you know I go to the dentist and you know, you ever had a tooth pulled I have any clothes out with this needle is like this big. Sorry little kids. figure

Dude, relax relax that you're going to stick me with the needle. What do you mean relax? Are you relaxed and when you relax you're able to receive in your muscles are tensed what the truth is when we start relaxing in God we become less tense. We become less constricting. We become less resistant.

As you relax and you start receiving from him.

You're learning to you now. Relax more.

And now I want you to vocalize your thankfulness to God.

Just relax, but we think about just relax.

the vocalize

Get why we aren't you I can see that. Is it your nerves or is it?

Deeper than that when the Holy Ghost, right? This is the fun part.

as you begin to allow yourself to relax and have start vocalizing thankfulness to God that you start release team in the atmosphere praise in the Bible says he inhabits the what of his people

God will fill you to fill the room with his presence. Who said I would again God will fill you to fill the room with his presence.

Not just so that you can hold it in. and start singing songs Like This Little Light of Mine

Is it down?

He does it so that you can become active that the atmosphere around you becomes charged with Heaven that we get to shift.

Yeah, we're going to it like a really dark room and get the Willies about hear the sound that scared you when you're younger for me. It was before. Absolutely, ET freak me out. I don't know. It just freaked me out. It's a walking turd right freak me out.

Any team would like freaking out and it would give me this, you know, that's the Willies.

What are you do when you feel that and you want to walk through it anyway? Take a deep breath. It doesn't work. I'm like if I take a deep breath. I'm not doing this.

Would you say? Since I pick boys their pull ups by the way, just in case accidents.

So what you do is you take yes, you take a deep breath, but you begin to connect whenever you feel nervous shaking connect with the spirit. But I want you to quote quote the scripture like it's so good for you guys are quote. He didn't give me a spirit of fear, but of power love and a sound mind, but the problem comes in that you both dad, but then you don't do it.

Never do that you didn't give me a spirit of fear, but of power love and a sound mind. Yeah, let's go this way.

There's this place where we have to take the word and believe it and say he didn't give me that he gave me a spirit of power love and a sound mind and I have a sound mind you at there's a time where you can't quote it. You have to receive what you're saying and say I have a sound mind. I have boldness and I have power because the Holy Ghost lives inside of me because the word of God said, so and when you start doing that all of a sudden, there's energy that starts flowing through you. Let's give it a shout. Shall we?

I can use the children put out yet.

Who did not pick on yacht Andrew? Come on, bud.

Biggest indicator that the spirit is in your life is by your measure of freedom.

Let me say that again. The biggest indicator that the spirit is in your life is by your measure of freedom in your life. The Bible says where the spirit of the Lord is. There is Liberty means there is Freedom High Andrew.

When you take scripture, so we're going to do it at 8 activation year.

Big is What description says you're fearfully and wonderfully made. You know that do not do that. I'm fearfully wonderfully made, okay. Do it. But do you think that right good God is with all the green me that's in there to modernize that scripture. I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. It's really sad. I am beautiful.

Because God made me beautiful.

so is it weird to give a guy this one to do right?

So you got to see I'm beautiful because God made me beautiful.

Do you believe that? real estate again That's awesome. Let's do it again. I'm beautiful because God made me beautiful.

how to beat your little Jolly inside little bit not too much. All right. Do you want to see me today? Probably think this song is about you.

Me neither. I don't believe in taking it to you make it here cuz that's weird. But I do believe I believe it's 100% if God says it it's true. So God says you're beautiful then it's that's what you have to believe in your heart.

And I make you nervous. But you got used to me over the years, huh?

I'm so nervous.

Where you struggle at in your life? Don't just speak the word personalized the word. Did you see that?

Don't just speak the word personalize it.

Like don't just say if you have anxiety really bad. Don't you sit there and say will God you didn't give me a spirit of fear start proclaiming. I do not have a spirit of fear.

proclaim the word over yourself proclaiming in your life because the spirit inside of you wants to energize that words and make it a reality by the grace of God.

in your mind Are you free?

Are you struggling with constant thoughts of rejection and self-worth, but are you free in your mind?

In your mind. Are you free or are you struggling with constant thoughts of rejection and self-worth?

cuz remember with the spirit of the Lord is there's what Freedom are you free here yet?


Come on, man.





You ride? It says who has made us to be a royal priest. To God made us to be royal priest according to his word. Do you consider yourself a royal priest? Oh, no. Have you considered it yet? Have you said that over yourself like dude, seriously? Just wanting to say I'm a Child of God, you know that I am a friend of God. You know, what have you considered yourself a royal priesthood?

Have you sent that to yourself in the mirror?

You know one thing I'm wanting my wife day with my son and I'll close up with this one. Teach my wife to my son KY. This is no lie. She looked at him one day she held them. She said do you know you're a king? His eyes lilybug out of his head. Got this big. He's like

me I suggest you your king. and he's like

does God know that?

So yes got me to a King. His face lit up like a Christmas tree Knoll. I started smiling like

For that moment. He's like now I'm more than just wow. I made me a king and a smile gave my wife a big hug, and there was his belief that was in the room when she told him that

That same way that my wife told my son. He was a king is the same thing. Wants to do for each one of us here. He wants you to know who you are to believe it because you're called to set the world free. He's not looking for another plan. He's looking for you guys.

next week...

next week we are going to

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